Bea Bank Of East Asia Professional Writing


In the case of ICBC's venture with the bank, "The transaction would mark the first purchase of a majority stake in a U.S. depository institution by a Chinese bank. If completed, it may give financial firms in both countries greater access to each others' markets" (Campbell 2011). It may also stimulate BEA's desire to engage in similar partnerships with other institutions Thus, if a large corporation wished to purchase BEA outright, it should be aware of the roots that BEA has created internationally and its particular strengths in establishing connections with expanding enterprises in Mainland China. This would likely make BEA unwilling and able to resist a takeover or purchase. Its soaring stock prices make 'buying out' the company financially unfeasible. However, BEA's openness to advantageous partnerships, particularly outside of its core, regional base of the Pacific Rim might make it hospitable to working with other institutions. Purchasing specific branches in desirable components of BEA's empire could open up access to new markets and also generate new relationships with consumers who are drawn to BEA's Asian orientation and its diversity of financial services combined with its strong connections with China. But the agreement must be mutual,...


(2011). Banks Rating. Retrieved September 26, 2011 at
Bradsher, Keith & Heather Timmons. (2008). Anxious depositors withdraw cash from Asia banks. The New York Times. Retrieved September 26, 2011 at

Campbell, Dakin. (2011). ICBC to acquire stake in BEA. Business Week. Retrieved September

26, 2011 at

HK's Bank of East Asia posts record after-tax profit for 2010. (2011). Lonely Planet.

Retrieved September 26, 2011 at

McDonald, Joe. (2011). World Bank: East Asia growth strong, faces risks. AP

Retrieved September 26, 2011 at

Wei, Lingling. (2011). China bank moves to buy U.S. branches. Forbes. Retrieved September 26, 2011 at

Sources Used in Documents:


Bank of East Asia. (2011). Banks Rating. Retrieved September 26, 2011 at

Bradsher, Keith & Heather Timmons. (2008). Anxious depositors withdraw cash from Asia banks. The New York Times. Retrieved September 26, 2011 at

Campbell, Dakin. (2011). ICBC to acquire stake in BEA. Business Week. Retrieved September

26, 2011 at
Retrieved September 26, 2011 at
Retrieved September 26, 2011 at
Wei, Lingling. (2011). China bank moves to buy U.S. branches. Forbes. Retrieved September 26, 2011 at

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"Bea Bank Of East Asia" (2011, September 27) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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