Bertalanffy / Rogers Google Scholar Articles: Haines, Essay


Bertalanffy / Rogers Google Scholar Articles:

Haines, S.G. (2010). "Systems thinking research rediscovered: Ludwig von Bertalanffy

and the society for general systems research's relevance in the 21st century."

Haines Centre for Strategic Management. Accessed on February 22, 2011:

Lee, T.T. & Shih, Y.S. (2009). "Using innovation diffusion theory to improve implementation of nursing information systems." The journal of nursing,56(3),

CINAHL Articles:

Pouvreau, D. & Drack, M. (2007). "On the history of Ludwig von Bertalanffy's 'General

Systemology', and on its relationship to cybernetics." International journal of General Systems,36(3), pp. 281-337.

Mosley, S.F. "Everett Rogers' diffusion of innovations theory: its utility and value in public health." Journal of health communication,1(9), pp. 149-151.

Discuss the relationship between Bertalanffys systems theory and healthcare delivery in the U.S.

The "General Systems Theory" created by Bertalanffy is used to understand and categorize the environment of the healthcare body and the community at large. It has also been referred to as "general systemology" (Pouvreau & Drack 2007, 281). Nurses can use it to look at the world and assess how they can make a difference in that world, where their efforts will be best utilized (Klainberg & Dirschel 2009, 55). To achieve a successful healthcare delivery system, there must always be an awareness of the energy...


Healthcare organizations actually rely on nursing leaders' ability to use energy as well as the energy of the employees. Solutions can be created if the demands of the customer are not being met. These solutions can then be implemented, but if they are not as good as some of the competition's solutions, then the overall healthcare delivery system will decrease in strength (2009, 55). The major elements of the system for healthcare delivery are the healthcare organization and the community (2009, 55).
3. Discuss the relationship between Roger's diffusion of innovation theory and the change process within healthcare delivery in the U.S.

Diffusion of innovation is basically a social process that occurs when people talk to each other and come up with new ideas about how to be more innovative. Since Rogers' initial idea of the diffusion of innovation, the framework has changed quite significantly. The relationship between diffusion of innovation and healthcare delivery is an important one because it allows people to share ideas and then come to new ideas and ways to implement those ideas in the healthcare setting. This global framework conceptualizes several different types of social progress, which includes the progress of public dialogue and community participation, change within organizations, and change through public agenda settings (Mosley 2004).

4. Discuss the relationship between Bertalanffy's systems theory and current nursing practice.

Bertalanffy's systems theory is a theoretical framework that says that all…

Sources Used in Documents:


Dearing, J.W. (2009). "Applying diffusion of innovation theory to intervention development." Research on social work practice. Sage Journals Online. Accessed on February 22, 2011:

Haines, S.G. (2010). "Systems thinking research rediscovered: Ludwig von Bertalanffy

and the society for general systems research's relevance in the 21st century."

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"Bertalanffy Rogers Google Scholar Articles Haines ", 23 February 2011, Accessed.5 May. 2024,