Business Process Analysis And Technology Solution Proposal Case Study


¶ … Business Process and Technology Solution Proposal Business Process Analysis

Currently, Myra's system of keeping inventory control is a mess. She relies solely on her employees to tell her when she is out of stock or low on something, which may cause the salon to have issues in regards to having all the equipment and products they need to satisfy the customer. She is sometimes left with no stock or is rushing to fill inventory demand. The following flow chart shows the process as is. In addition, Myra has trouble reaching out to customers because she has no system of keeping track of them. As such, she has a hard time remembering customers' likes and products used which would ultimately increase the ease of seeing regulars.



According to the research, spa owners must "purchase salon management software to keep track of accounting, employee time sheets, customer and appointments and to help manage your supplies and inventory" (Brookins, 2011). There are current software applications, like Insight, which cover multiple processes that Myra is having trouble with, including inventory management. Ultimately, such software will allow her "real-time access to current inventory levels" (Manage My Spa, 2013). If used correctly, she can then "compare projected usage with actual usage (and monitor that difference is within 10%), order products only when you need them (so you…

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