Process Essays (Examples)

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A process essay is fundamentally different from other types of academic writing assignments.  In fact, it is closer to technical writing than to other types of academic writing. That is because a process essay describes a process that leads t...

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Improvement Organizational Posters
McDonalds is an organization that provides fast food items to the society in numerous parts of the globe. The organization aims at improving the quality of services within its interactions with the consumers and other relevant partners in the industry.

Identify 2 or 3 examples of process improvement opportunities in your chosen organization's industry.

Identification of the process improvement opportunities in the industry would depend on what the entity or entities want to achieve. One of the examples of process improvement opportunities in the fast food industry is the development of standards to guide the delivery of goods and services to consumers. This would enable organizations working under this industry to uphold high standards hence economic growth and development. Consumers would associate with these organizations because of the treatment and services they obtain from the entities. It is necessary to improve the quality of services and products to enable….

Process Improvements

Process improvements

Toyota: Case study

What exactly needs to be improved?

The Toyota Corporation built its reputation upon safety and quality. Based upon its perceived superiority to its competitors, particularly its American competitors, the Japanese carmaker had established itself as 'benchmark' of excellence in the international marketplace. All of this began to change in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Toyota's safety was questioned after a series of highly-publicized recalls. In particular, the revelation that its accelerators could get 'stuck' and cause vehicles to go dangerously fast was profoundly damaging to Toyota's reputation.

Toyota's fall from grace was so disturbing because Toyota's managerial philosophy had been so influential. Pillars of the Toyota Way included the need for long-term planning; lean manufacturing; keeping inventories low; and cultivating strong relationships with suppliers. Toyota had long been considered the paradigm of what to do 'right,' but its response to the recalls seemed the epitome of what a….

Appellate process is integral to the American judicial system and is a constitutionally protected right. Individual, or corporations for that matter, have the right to appeal a trial on the grounds that the decision was made erroneously or without proper attention paid to evidence or judicial procedure. Basically, the appellate process refers to the specific procedures and practices by which the appellate system in particular works. The appellate courts are generally referred to as "higher" courts, and the trial courts as "lower" courts primarily because of the directional process by which cases are brought to trial, heard, and then re-heard in an appellate case. State Appeals Courts, State Supreme Judicial Courts, and the Supreme Court of the United States are examples of appellate courts.
The appellate system works differently from the trial law system. Appellate courts never hear new evidence or new cases. Only trial courts accomplish the initial role of….

Strategic Management Process
Describe the primary components of a strategic management process, and indicate why a strategic management process is needed for a company.

The process of strategic management, according to Alkhafaji (2013), is made up of four key components: environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and evaluation and control.

Environmental scanning, in the words of the author, "consists of analyzing internal and external factors that may affect the organization and its ability to pursue a given course of action" (Alkhafaji, 2013, p. 33). Of key importance here, therefore, is the collection, scrutiny, as well as provision of information for strategic reasons. Next is strategic formulation, which has got to do with the development of strategic decisions that concern not only an entity's policies, objectives, and mission, but also the approaches to be used in achieving the said objectives and policies (Alkhafaji, 2013). Strategy implementation, on the other hand, "is concerned with making….

Location Strategy
Flow of Maternity Patients at Arnold Palmer Hospital (APH)

Born w / complications

Taken to an operating room and/or intensive care unit for necessary care; o nce stabilized transferred to care unit and discharged when ready. If additional care needed child transferred to neo-natal and released at a later time.

Mother and baby discharged

Born w/o complications transferred to mother and baby care unit

eady to deliver taken to the

nd floor until the baby is born

Not ready to deliver sent home, asked to return later.

#2 If baby is born in route or imminent goes to #6. Otherwise go to #3

#3 Patient is asked about pre- registration

#4 pregnant woman is taken to Labor & delivery Triage on the

th floor for assessment


born #1 Enter APH's Labor & Delivery check in desk entrance

#1.Through analysis of the flow chart there really doesn't seem to be many ways that the process could be improved. However one thing that….

Process automation has revolutionized the way that organizations do business and has led to the downsizing of many companies. There are a variety of technology products that are available through process automation which make business operations simpler and less expensive. The purpose of this paper is to discuss process automation and the impact that it has on downsizing. We will discuss the technologies that are available and why these technologies are important to the overall business strategies of corporations. Let's begin our discussion by defining process automation.

Process Automation

According to a whitepaper entitled Requirements and Characteristics of Process Automation, process automation is defined as "Automatic control of an organization's processes, policies, and communications using computer technology which brings about improved productivity and quality." (Matthews) The whitepaper, published by Cypress technologies, states that effective process automation is designed to improve manual processes within an organization. (Matthews) The whitepaper also explains that there….

modernization in early China and Japan
Two Asian countries, China and Japan, have tried to postpone the process of modernization in the occidental sense of the word as long as possible. By definition, modernization comes along with openness. Governments become aware of the technological and scientific revolutions that happen in the rest of the world. China's continuity in culture and civilization was not necessarily a result of its refuse to let different cultures interfere with its one. On the countrary, China's history is closely linked with waves of migration, foreign Asiatic governments and by the time China became "the largest unified empire in the world," towards the end of the eighteenth century, the western world, especially Great Britain was attempting to expand its trading relations with China as well as the cultural exchanges that were by the time almost non-existent. Lord George Macartney, the emissary of king George III, on….

Reliablism & Bonjour's Objections
The central belief of process reliabilism is the belief in the reliability of the causal process. Its central tenant is what is observed regularly or reliably as a chain of events in a process can be relied up. However, the philosopher Louis Bonjour objects firstly that such a presumption will always be tenuous because one does not know if the senses in question that observe the causal connections are reliable. Thus, one cannot verify the senses accurately or reliably, because although one may see, one does not have to know how the eye works to apprehend in vision. The process occurs before the apprehension of the reliability of the apparatus of the eye, nose, ear, etc.

Probabilistic inferences are even more problematic when they do not depend upon immediate sensory data, such as clairvoyance. Although it may sound, the author acknowledges, absurd to make a comparison between….

top-down and bottom-up programming, testing in these two specific situations is obviously adapted to the specifics of each type of programming.
In this sense, because top-down programming implies that the initial program's functionality is divided into a series of subroutines and each further divided into sub-functions until the smallest remaining unit, testing in this case will be applied to each component in part and will address the functionalities of each unit. The tester, in many cases assimilated to the programmer here, will check that the graph he has designed actually reflects the mathematical requirements or that the Save button actually does what it is supposed to.

On the other hand, because of the particularities of bottom-up programming, bottom-up testing will comprise the entire system's functionality, being referred to, in this case, as integration testing

. In my opinion, such testing may prove more difficult because of the encompassing view it needs to….

Attaining Knowledge: hy throwing a baseball would not be possible for a neural network.
Learning how to throw a baseball occurs in stages. First, someone, usually a parent instructs a young child on the basic process of throwing the ball, before the child is scheduled to participate in a game. The child is first shown the basic motion as to how to curve his or her body when tossing the baseball, to get the ball across the field with some measure of force. Then, when the child gains a sense of physical confidence in the simple act of throwing, the parent shows the child how to hold the ball in such a fashion that the ball travels farther, with a sharper degree of accuracy.

The physical motion is only the most rudimentary aspect of throwing a baseball. Gradually, over time, the child enters into a real game with similarly skilled players, usually….

Process of Moving

Moving households is among the stressful household tasks especially if it is because of relocation to another place. Moving households does not only entail the need for energy and strength to endure the tiresome process mostly because of the heavy weight of furniture, but also entails time and money to accomplish the process. Most people who needs to move or relocate to another place gets the service of mover companies to free themselves from stress that moving causes. However, for those who cannot afford to pay much for the task, there are many techniques to make moving easy and less tiresome.
Following is a step-by-step process of moving households, particularly during relocation to another house.

Before Moving

Be 100% certain that the place you are moving to is worth staying for a long time.

Planning to move is important, but before anything else, it is more important to be certain that you like the….

Negotiating Union Contracts
Jonathan Zaun

The relationship between a city or municipality and its various employee groups is often defined by the collective bargaining process which is used to formulate and finalize contracts between the two parties. From police and other law enforcement officials to firefighters and courthouse workers, city employees are often bound by the terms of contracts which are negotiated by their respective union representatives. The negotiation process between municipalities and unions, which seemingly present a simple and pragmatic exercise in economic policy, can often devolve into a public display of political maneuvering based on the brokering of backroom deals. Ostensibly, city worker contract negotiations are the designated forum through which issues such as salary increases or decreases, pension planning and the allotment of benefits are discussed and agreed upon. Unions fight to expand the scope of their influence, securing gains for their members in the form of guaranteed pay….

FedEx Quality Management Issue
Process Improvement Tools and Applications in Quality Management

FED-EX Case Study

For the purpose of the present study, the company chosen is that of Fed-Ex. This writer will take on the role of a quality management consultant and submit a recommended direction to implement a quality management initiative to address the quality management related problems identified. An examination of the Fed-Ex company informs this study that Fed-Ex has issues with its software in that other companies are not able to integrate with Fed-Ex software. This presents challenges and some of these challenges are affecting the quality of service delivery of Fed-Ex. An online search via Google's search engine reveals that there are software issues affecting the quality and perceived quality of Fed-Ex delivery services. A February 28, 2011 report states that FedEx had suffered a "major computer glitch…" and the result was system wide computer problems for the company.….

Strategy Mapping and the Learning and Growth Perspective
Strategy mapping has recently emerged as an important component in strategic planning, especially in relation to the learning and growth perspective. In most cases, the strategic planning process involves developing a strategy map that is in line with balanced scorecard as the outline for strategy development. Generally, strategy mapping is part of the process that is geared towards exceeding customer expectations and eventually creating value for an organization's financial stakeholders. The significance of strategy mapping as a foundation towards organizational success is mainly attributed to its link to performance management and the establishment of value propositions. This article explains the process of strategy mapping and demonstrates how it relates to performance management and establishing value propositions.

Strategy Mapping and Balanced Scorecard:

The modern business world is characterized with crisis in strategy despite the ability of managers to develop good strategies. Therefore, the crisis is attributed….

Capital Budgeting and Cost of Capital
Capital budgeting is a multifaceted process that is crucial to good investment decisions by a business or company. This complicated process is defined as a procedure of determining whether an investment is beneficial or not. In essence, capital budgeting helps an organization or company to examine the attractiveness and profitability of an investment opportunity. During this process, companies have several opportunities, which are weighed depending on their potential for the purpose of making a comparison and choosing the most appropriate opportunity. Despite its complexity, capital budgeting is always used by companies as they seek to become more profitable through good investment decisions.

An example of a capital budgeting decision a company might need to make is the consideration of purchasing new equipment. A company may need to consider buying new equipment as part of its measures to enhance its production capacity. The expansion of production capacity….

While the concept of a bathing culture may be most strongly associated with the Romans at the time of the Roman Empire, many cultures have placed social, economic, and personal emphasis on bathing in a way that makes the practice as much about culture as it is about hygiene.  Historically, cultures had very different approaches to bathing, with some ancient cultures considering baths dangerous, while others considered them almost sacred.  Even in modern times, cultures take different approaches to the concept of bathing.

You can see the influence of nature on Japanese bathing tradition, which sets it apart....

3 Pages


Process Improvement Organizational Posters

Words: 943
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Improvement Organizational Posters McDonalds is an organization that provides fast food items to the society in numerous parts of the globe. The organization aims at improving the quality of…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Process Improvements

Words: 1100
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

TOYOTA Process improvements Toyota: Case study What exactly needs to be improved? The Toyota Corporation built its reputation upon safety and quality. Based upon its perceived superiority to its competitors, particularly its American…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Process of Appellate System

Words: 1627
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Appellate process is integral to the American judicial system and is a constitutionally protected right. Individual, or corporations for that matter, have the right to appeal a trial on…

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2 Pages


Process of Strategic Management

Words: 583
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Strategic Management Process Describe the primary components of a strategic management process, and indicate why a strategic management process is needed for a company. The process of strategic management, according to…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Process and Location Strategy

Words: 891
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Location Strategy Flow of Maternity Patients at Arnold Palmer Hospital (APH) Born w / complications Taken to an operating room and/or intensive care unit for necessary care; o nce stabilized transferred…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Process Automation and Workforce Downsizing

Words: 2725
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Automation Process automation has revolutionized the way that organizations do business and has led to the downsizing of many companies. There are a variety of technology products that are available…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Process of Modernization in Early China and Japan

Words: 1761
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

modernization in early China and Japan Two Asian countries, China and Japan, have tried to postpone the process of modernization in the occidental sense of the word as long…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Computers/Internet - Connections

Process Reliabilism Laurence Bonjour

Words: 426
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Reliablism & Bonjour's Objections The central belief of process reliabilism is the belief in the reliability of the causal process. Its central tenant is what is observed regularly or…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Process of Testing Software Developed

Words: 886
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

top-down and bottom-up programming, testing in these two specific situations is obviously adapted to the specifics of each type of programming. In this sense, because top-down programming implies that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Process of Attaining Knowledge

Words: 906
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Attaining Knowledge: hy throwing a baseball would not be possible for a neural network. Learning how to throw a baseball occurs in stages. First, someone, usually a parent instructs a…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Process of Moving

Words: 1268
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Moving households is among the stressful household tasks especially if it is because of relocation to another place. Moving households does not only entail the need for energy and…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Process of Negotiating Union Contracts

Words: 1543
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Negotiating Union Contracts Jonathan Zaun The relationship between a city or municipality and its various employee groups is often defined by the collective bargaining process which is used to formulate and…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Process Improvement Tools and Applications in Quality Management

Words: 2616
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

FedEx Quality Management Issue Process Improvement Tools and Applications in Quality Management FED-EX Case Study For the purpose of the present study, the company chosen is that of Fed-Ex. This writer will…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Process of Strategy Mapping

Words: 1273
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Strategy Mapping and the Learning and Growth Perspective Strategy mapping has recently emerged as an important component in strategic planning, especially in relation to the learning and growth perspective. In…

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2 Pages


Process of Capital Budgeting

Words: 680
Length: 2 Pages

Capital Budgeting and Cost of Capital Capital budgeting is a multifaceted process that is crucial to good investment decisions by a business or company. This complicated process is defined as…

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