Career Path Career Of Interest: Research Paper


A contract specialist usually develops his or her skills for the job while working for a large organization that engages suppliers in major contractual agreements. Devotion to an organization may precede the decision to become a contract specialist. or, a business student might decide that the communication-oriented nature of contract specialization suits his or her personality. Another person might find that while standard legal careers were disappointing, a career in contract specialization helps bridge the gap between the law, business, and the public sector in ways other occupations cannot possibly do. Where I Am Now

In relation to the goal of becoming a contract specialist, I am well on my way towards achieving this core career objective. Currently, I am an Army Service member who is becoming familiar with various government-related contractual agreements. The government -- and the military especially -- depends on the private sector. Private sector suppliers of goods and services help the Army and other military organizations to achieve their immediate goals. A contract specialist helps to foster and nurture the symbiotic relationship between the military and its private sector partners. Even if my eventual placement as a contract specialist is not with the United States Army, contract specialists are required in other governmental organizations. I am pursuing a degree in Contracts and Acquisitions. The degree will provide the necessary formal background required to be a contract specialist.

Alternative Avenues

Alternative routes by which an individual may pursue a lucrative career as a contract specialist include becoming a paralegal or specializing in law. A contract specialist does not need formal legal training but such legal training is certainly an asset when working in the position. Much of the job entails reading through contracts line by line, deciphering legaleze, and interpreting the contract so that clients and all parties understand their obligations. As Damewood...


Being a contract specialist does require familiarity with organizational goals and organizational culture. Therefore, it is understandable why an organization might hire a contract specialist from within the organizational ranks. Even those who have no formal background in law or even in contract analysis may be qualified for the position so long as familiarity with contracts is proven.

A contract specialist plays an integral role within large organizations and especially in government. The public sector relies on the private sector for the effective delivery of goods and services. A contract specialist ensures that all agreements are beneficial to all parties and that organizational goals are being fulfilled. The paths by which a person becomes a contract specialist are varied; there is no one sure track. Obtaining a specialized degree as I am doing, and acquiring hands-on experience in the American military, provide the best means by which to pursue this career.


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA 2010). Contract specialist -- Entry level. Retrieved online:

"Contract Specialist," (n.d.). Career Planner. Retrieved online:

Damewood, C.L. (n.d.). What does a contract specialist do? Retrieved online:

National Institutes of Health (NIH 2010). Contract specialist. Retrieved online:

Sources Used in Documents:


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA 2010). Contract specialist -- Entry level. Retrieved online:

"Contract Specialist," (n.d.). Career Planner. Retrieved online:

Damewood, C.L. (n.d.). What does a contract specialist do? Retrieved online:

National Institutes of Health (NIH 2010). Contract specialist. Retrieved online:

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"Career Path Career Of Interest " (2011, February 19) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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