Career Goals Essays (Examples)

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My goal is to continuously work as hard and honest as I can to achieve my additional long-term goal, which is to climb the corporate ladder. Opportunities will arise where I have to prove myself and push to the next level, and I am prepared to do this. I have selected this goal because it fits my personality, my ambition, my interests, and is the career that I want in the business world. I am applying these goals to a career in the home-health field. To improve my skills and experiences I will make a conscious effort to learn the most about every job in the company in addition to my own. I will draw from my personal experiences, and will hopefully learn from the experiences of others. It is not enough for me to learn my job alone, and work as hard as I can by myself, but….

In my senior year I will have the opportunity to conduct independent research on a topic of my choice. My senior project will focus on a specific area within my chosen discipline and to carry out the project I will learn about the protocols of academic research. Moreover, my project will involve creativity and collaboration with classmates and will demand academic diligence. The skills I develop throughout my senior year will carry over into graduate school and into my career, as I will undoubtedly write and read countless reports related to the state of international markets and the market climate relative to the energy industries.
Second, immediately upon graduation I would like to embark on a challenging internship post with a multinational corporation or finance firm. Because I relish the opportunity to work abroad and in different business and cultural environments, I would investigate opportunities on multiple continents. Part of….

Career Goals

competitive society it is increasingly difficult to get ahead without a proper education. An education is necessary for providing the foundation for success in life and in one's career. Without an education students lack the breadth of knowledge, experiences and insight necessary to excel in a competitive workforce. At the right University a student has the opportunity to interact with diverse populations, express their ideas and learn from others. I believe that opportunity exists at NYIT, and it is here that I hope to pursue my education and expand my personal and career oriented horizons.
An education in architecture, such as that provided at NYIT, will provide me with the focus, skills training, dedication and breadth of knowledge I need to succeed in my career and life. My hope is to graduate with a bachelor of architecture at NYIT. I have selected the field of architecture based on my love….

Career Goals and the Role

Like any person with interest in the financial services sector, I am interested in maximizing my value, in terms of the quality of my education and the value I hope to bring to my future clients upon graduation as a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). As an institution, Marquette possesses strong academic and ethical values, and I hope that I will be able to infuse this sense of obligation and commitment to excellence into all of my work. Accounting requires individuals who are detail-oriented regarding numbers and the unique needs of individuals and organizations, and who will uphold the ethical standards of the profession. Marquette will take my current skills, ethics, and commitment to my future vocation and hone these qualities to the point where I can feel confident of my professional expertise.
orks Cited

The supply of accounting graduates and the demand for public accounting recruits-2005 for academic year 2003-2004." (2005).….

Career Coaching Activity
This activity involved holding a career discussion with a solid citizen, Angie. This activity presents the results of the application of two career coaching discussion skills including discussion background. My career coaching discussion was with my MSR.

First, I wanted to know more about Angie and her career background. For this purpose, I asked Angie questions concerning her short- and long-term career interests In response, the client advised that following graduation from college as an anthropology major, she decided to work in a part0time job while pursuing her master's degree. She really enjoys working as a part-time teller and decided to purse different career path. She moved from part time to full time and then after working 2 years as a teller, and was promoted to MSR.

Angie stated that her next career goal would be becoming assistant branch manager.

Therefore, we discussion her planning stage as follows.

We identified areas that….

The authors also are careful to point out how critical it is for someone to find what areas of their work they are the most passionate about, and seek to align their jobs with those areas of the greatest interest. At the intersection of innate interest on the one hand and talent on the other, the authors have seen exceptional career growth in a very short period of time (Wrzesniewski, Berg, Dutton, 2010). This strategy is shown in the article and also underscored by how critical it is to stay focused not on just a career but on a personal development agenda as well.

When an employee has been able to align their personal interests with those of their roles in an organization, quantum jumps in performance are commonplace

(Wrzesniewski, Berg, Dutton, 2010). The authors also found that employees who were reaching this level of expertise were getting industry recognition as well,….

long-term career goals. How will your academic background and prior work history, coupled with a Smith MBA degree aid you in achieving those goals? -- 2 pages
As an international student seeking to complete my education in the United States, I am a firm believer in the American dream. One might think that Coming to the United States for my undergraduate education was the first step in my pursuit of the American dream; however, my pursuit of the American dream actually began when I was still in Taiwan and began working at the same time as I attended high school. It was through that work experience that I began to understand that hard work, done in the proper manner, really can help a person achieve their goals and dreams. In fact, my ultimate long-term career goal is to be able to be my own boss and open my own business,….

Personal Career Goals

Personal Career Goals
Banking and finance are lucrative fields that will see increasing amounts of growth in the coming decades. This is from the rapid development of emerging economies. That is creating the need for more products and services. At the same time, businesses require the advice of large financial institutions to determine how to address a host of issues. The long-term effects are that more knowledge individuals are required to meet these demands. (Simpson) (Sanderson)

After completing the degree program, I plan on perusing a career inside the industry. This is based upon the fact that I have the personal characteristics which will help me to be successful. A few of the most notable include: I am an overachiever, focused, consistent, have strong communication skills, outstanding organization and a motivation to succeed. Moreover, I am from China and can speak different dialects of Chinese fluently. These factors provide me with a….

Educational Goals Are:
To attain a bachelor's in accounting and later a master's degree in business.

Summer or part-time internship to gather experience in accounting and auditing.

To gain a practical knowledge in computing and accounting applications.

Certification and licensure for Uniform CPA Examination for American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

Once CPA is acquired, get Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP), and Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) designations.

Career Goals:

I intend to begin by working for a firm that will allow me to work with various clients so as to build the necessary skills to eventually advance my position in one to two years to one that holds more responsibility. By more responsibility, my objective is to excel so as to become either a supervisor, manager, or partner and eventually open my own public accounting firm or to transfer to a more corporate executive position in managerial accounting or internal….

Online available at
Ciabattari, Teresa (2007) Single Mothers, Social Capital, and Work-Family Conflict. Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 28 No. 1, 2007 Sage Publications.

Mason, Mary Ann and Goulden, Marc (nd) Do abies Matter? The Effect of Family Formation on the Lifelong Careers of Academic Men and Women. Academe Questions and Answers. Online available at

Fassinger, Ruth E.; Scantlebury, Kathryn; and Richmond, Geraldine (2004) Career, Family, and Institutional Variables in the Work Lives of Academic Women in the Chemical Sciences. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. Vol. 10, 2004. Online available at

Juthani, Natlini V. (2004) Challenges Faced by International Women Professionals. Academic Psychiatry 28:358-51 December 2004. Online available at

Kilmartin, MR; Newell, CJ; and Line, MA (2002) the alancing Act: Key Issues in the Lives of Women general Practitioners in Australia. Med J. Aust 2002 Jul 15;177(2):87-9.

Work and Family: Is Peaceful Coexistent Possible? (2000) Human Resources.….

Introduction I am currently enrolled in a Trident University Masters of Education course, which is what I have always dreamt of pursuing. This program has introduced me to several professional components of education. Firstly, course faculty comprises of prominent specialists in the field of education, who realize the need for perfecting professionalism within the academic realm. Further, this university focuses on making its pupils learn from prior policy experiences and local innovation, followed by comparing their learning with other nations’ educational institutions. Thus, this Masters of Education course will help in the development of all-round professionalism in me.
The mission of Trident University is to offer outstanding internet-based education to pupils. The university practice guarantees every program complies with top academic excellence benchmarks. Additionally, the institution boasts teaching faculty and other staff members who contribute to building a learning community in which pupils acquire problem resolution and critical thinking ability for improving….

Intended Degree Program
Educational and Career Goals

I am most interested in pursuing a Masters Degree in Engineering. I am interested in a program such as this for a variety of reasons, including the challenge that comes with studying Engineering at the graduate level. Whether or not most people know it, it is true: engineers have altered the course of world history.

There are people who train as engineers that stay within the field becoming professionals in engineering. There are also a number of influential people throughout world history who have trained as engineers that then go onto become lawyers, physicians, teachers, and even university professors. Engineering is an extremely practical and useful academic pursuit. Studying as an engineer will provide intellectual stimulation, as well as lay solid groundwork for nearly any professional pursuit I endeavor upon in the near and distant future.

Engineering is a field that fulfills me personally. Frankly, studying and….

Economic: INFLATION RATESConcept: Inflation ratesMacro Trends: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities CBPP (2022) indicates that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic worsened the economic problems of most nations from across the world. It is important to note that to a large extent, the rising crude oil cost and supply chain disruptions resulted in the sustained increase in the cost of goods and services. Many industries, including the airline industry, were negatively impacted by consumers reduced purchasing power.Trend/Issue: Consumers reduced purchasing power depressed certain segments of the industry, such as leisure travel. The problem was compounded further by high jet fuel prices which resulted in higher operational costs for most airlines. It is for this reason that Holzhauer (2022) indicates that ticket prices are near all-time highs at the moment.Impact for Corporation: An increase in operating costs has resulted in reduced profitability for the corporation (Singh and Shivdas,….

Paralegal Studies
I have chosen to apply to the paralegal studies program because that field of study will provide a thorough introduction to the entire legal profession. Naturally, the paralegal program will prepare me to pursue a professional career as a paralegal, a field that I expect will be both intellectually challenging as well as professionally rewarding. Moreover, I understand that the training required of paralegals promotes a comprehensive understanding of the full range or procedures and processes within the legal profession more generally. That training would, understandably, prove invaluable to anybody with future aspirations within the legal profession in virtually any other capacity. In fact, it is my understanding that much of the paralegal preparation in those areas is even more thorough than that received by law school students and a law school graduate with prior training or experience as a paralegal typically is better prepared to enter the real-world….

Career Goal

Career Goals
Please discuss how you plan to achieve your short-term and long-term career goals. What challenges will you face and how will you leverage your professional and academic experiences to achieve these goals?

My very first short-term goal is to secure an admission into graduate school for a master in finance program, where I intend to enhance my current knowledge and build professional networks that will steer me to a supervisory position in the Structured Finance Group of an established financial institution such as Latham & Watkins or Sandler & O'Neill. I look forth to supervising a group of between 5 and 8 by the end of my degree program. This will not only give me an opportunity to market my skills within the company and beyond, but will also be a door-opener for the realization of my middle-term goal, which is to be the leader of the structured finance group….

One of the interests that I have is in helping victims of childhood sexual abuse.  I became interested in this area by accident.  As a middle-school child, I had a friend express suicidal ideations to me and relayed them to my parent.  The friend’s parents got them into a treatment program, but also removed them from our school.  Feeling as if I had betrayed their confidence, the friend ended communication with me.  It was years later, in an unrelated way, that I learned that there were several warning signs of childhood sexual abuse in their home.  When....

Onboarding and employee retention management are two of the primary concerns of HR professionals because retaining qualified and competent employees should be HR’s main objective.  In fact, the ability to find competent employees, welcome them to the company in a way that encourages them to continue to pursue their career goals with the company, and provide incentives and opportunities for them in a way that increases employee loyalty actually helps reduce the potential problems that you could have from other HR issues that develop from people being unhappy in the workplace and high turnover rates.


When writing a career plan, it is important to take into account all of the factors that could impact your career in the projected period.  You want to look at where you want to be in ten years, but, more importantly, you want to look at the steps that you are going to need to take to get there.  If you know that you will have significant personal events occurring in that time period or that you want to have occur in that time period, you want your plan to accommodate those....

1. The Power of Perseverance: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

2. Never Give Up: The Importance of Perseverance in Reaching Goals

3. Perseverance: A Key Trait for Personal Growth and Development

4. The Role of Perseverance in Resilience and Mental Toughness

5. Perseverance: The Secret to Overcoming Obstacles and Adversity

6. Perseverance in the Face of Failure: Learning from Setbacks and Moving Forward

7. The Connection Between Perseverance and Achieving Long-Term Success

8. Cultivating Perseverance: Strategies for Building Resilience and Persistence

9. Perseverance as a Driving Force for Motivation and Determination

10. The Benefits of Perseverance: How Persistence Leads to Accomplishment and Fulfillment
11. The Role of Perseverance in Overcoming....

3 Pages


Career Goals Setting Clear Career

Words: 1111
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

My goal is to continuously work as hard and honest as I can to achieve my additional long-term goal, which is to climb the corporate ladder. Opportunities will…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Career Goals When My Academic

Words: 947
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In my senior year I will have the opportunity to conduct independent research on a topic of my choice. My senior project will focus on a specific area…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Career Goals

Words: 503
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

competitive society it is increasingly difficult to get ahead without a proper education. An education is necessary for providing the foundation for success in life and in one's…

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1 Pages
Application Essay


Career Goals and the Role

Words: 356
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Application Essay

Like any person with interest in the financial services sector, I am interested in maximizing my value, in terms of the quality of my education and the value…

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2 Pages

Sports - College

Helping People Achieve the Career Goals

Words: 675
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Career Coaching Activity This activity involved holding a career discussion with a solid citizen, Angie. This activity presents the results of the application of two career coaching discussion skills including…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Setting and Achieving Career Goals

Words: 589
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The authors also are careful to point out how critical it is for someone to find what areas of their work they are the most passionate about, and seek…

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8 Pages
Admission Essay


Long-Term Career Goals How Will Your Academic

Words: 3252
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

long-term career goals. How will your academic background and prior work history, coupled with a Smith MBA degree aid you in achieving those goals? -- 2 pages As an…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


Personal Career Goals

Words: 653
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Personal Career Goals Banking and finance are lucrative fields that will see increasing amounts of growth in the coming decades. This is from the rapid development of emerging economies. That…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Proper Planning Education and Career Goals

Words: 491
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Educational Goals Are: To attain a bachelor's in accounting and later a master's degree in business. Summer or part-time internship to gather experience in accounting and auditing. To gain a practical…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Work-Family Conflict Impacting Career Goals

Words: 1960
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Online available at Ciabattari, Teresa (2007) Single Mothers, Social Capital, and Work-Family Conflict. Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 28 No. 1, 2007 Sage Publications. Mason, Mary Ann and Goulden,…

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4 Pages
Capstone Project


My Career Goals Preparation Experience and Accomplishments in the field of Education

Words: 1333
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Introduction I am currently enrolled in a Trident University Masters of Education course, which is what I have always dreamt of pursuing. This program has introduced me to several professional…

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2 Pages


Educational and Career Goals

Words: 467
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Intended Degree Program Educational and Career Goals I am most interested in pursuing a Masters Degree in Engineering. I am interested in a program such as this for a variety of…

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4 Pages


Vision and Mission Career Goals

Words: 1150
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Economic: INFLATION RATESConcept: Inflation ratesMacro Trends: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities CBPP (2022) indicates that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic worsened the economic problems of…

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1 Pages
Application Essay

Business - Law

Why I Have Applied to the Paralegal Studies Program and My Career Goals

Words: 379
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Application Essay

Paralegal Studies I have chosen to apply to the paralegal studies program because that field of study will provide a thorough introduction to the entire legal profession. Naturally, the paralegal…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


Career Goal

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Career Goals Please discuss how you plan to achieve your short-term and long-term career goals. What challenges will you face and how will you leverage your professional and academic experiences…

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