Contemporary Linguistics Essay

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Linguistics The phones b and b have overlapping environments, this means that they cannot be complimentary in distribution and thus are separate phonemes

pisan, pupukta, puko, kisa, supwo

In Mokilese, high vowels become voiceless between consonants. The phones [u] occurs elsewhere.

Evidence that pairs are allophones can be seen in their position or their phonetic similarities

the phones are found in similar, non-overlapping environments

g voiced velar stop - ? voiced velar fricative b voiced bilabial stop - ? voiced bilabial fricative voiced alveolar stop - o voiced interdental fricative

The Gascon voice stope (b, d, g) all have fricative allophones, and the voice stops become fricatives between vowels.

/ pugo / / dedat / / Sibaw / / kr"ambo/

Th p and b are allophones from a single phoneme. This is where b occurs between vowels and p occurs elsewhere

t, d d occurs between vowels. t occurs elsewhere.

k, g k occurs between vowels. g occurs elsewhere.

t?, d? t? occurs between vowels. d? occurs elsewhere.

iii) Swampy Cree stops and affricates all have voiced allophones. The voiced allophones occur between vowels. The voiceless allophones occur elsewhere.



i) a. Diam b. idi c. idim d. idid e. idand f. na g. mi
ii) a. mixaridand b. naxaridi c. maxaridi


help cane present ra past co future ca you (sg) lo he/she/they eni we noo

6. i) Yes, it has more than one allomorph

ii) The allomorphs are da and ta

8. i) -- uma-, -umu-

ii) it is "infixed"

15. i.) The inflections in column one change in the middle of the word, colum two sees a different word altogether, column three adds a suffix.

Column 1. sit/sat 2. bad/worse 3. play/played

16. i) Affixes such as prefixes and suffixes are used

ii) instead of changing the whole word, a prefix or a suffix is added to the world to modify it and make it plural

iii) mamalosi

17. i) the morphological process which manifests in the list is infliction in the form…

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