Cosmetology Code Of Ethics Cosmetology Essay


In these instances the provider still must hold a valid cosmetology license from any state. Are the Moral Principles Adequate for Cosmetology?

When considering the importance that people place on how they look, one would think that the moral implications of cosmetology would be vast. However, it appears that most moral conundrums center on legally providing services and keeping the clients safe. These moral issues are addressed adequately with Florida's chapter 477, regulating cosmetology. The regulations clearly dictate the need for licensing before providing services, and even specify exactly the very limited situations where a cosmetologist can perform services outside of a licensed salon. Health concerns for the clients are addressed thoroughly too, with mandatory training in sanitation, sterilization, and diseases and disorders for cosmetologists, even those performing very basic services, like hair braiding and hair wrapping.

Interestingly, there are no regulations concerning the subjective nature of performing services to the best of the cosmetologist's ability. A possible ehtical concern not covered would be the possible negative bias a cosmetologist may have towards a particular client and how this may negatively affect their performance. In addition, refusing service to clients is not covered by the code, if the client needs service the cosmetologist is not comfortable providing. One only has to recall the incident last fall when a JC Penney salon refused service to an African-American woman because they didn't have anyone on staff that had experience with African-American hair and the uprising that caused (Mohammed, 2008). This issue is not addressed at all, in the Florida statute.

Level the Florida Code Represents:

The Florida code regarding cosmetology represents the practical level of ethical principles, standards, and rules. The code clearly covers all of the objective moral concerns for this profession. However,...


In particular, it was interesting to see how the Florida code made very specific exceptions to ensure services could be provided to those who need it, but could not come to a licensed salon. Furthermore, the code sought specifically not to restrict economic growth for salons, which is a difficult balancing act -- protecting both business and the consumer. Whatever business or profession I ultimately select, finding this balance between the needs of my organization and the needs of our customers will ultimately result in success.

477.012 -- Purpose. (2009). Retrieved April 16, 2009, from

477.0132 Hair braiding, hair wrapping, and body wrapping registration. (2009). Retrieved April 16, 2009, from

477.0263 Cosmetology services to be performed in licensed salon; exception. (2009). Retrieved April 17, 2009, from

Mohammed, H. (21 Nov 2008). Hair apparent. Black Voices. Retrieved April 16, 2009, from

You have a beautiful career ahead of you. (No date). Retrieved April 16, 2009, from

Sources Used in Documents:


477.012 -- Purpose. (2009). Retrieved April 16, 2009, from

477.0132 Hair braiding, hair wrapping, and body wrapping registration. (2009). Retrieved April 16, 2009, from

477.0263 Cosmetology services to be performed in licensed salon; exception. (2009). Retrieved April 17, 2009, from

Mohammed, H. (21 Nov 2008). Hair apparent. Black Voices. Retrieved April 16, 2009, from
You have a beautiful career ahead of you. (No date). Retrieved April 16, 2009, from

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"Cosmetology Code Of Ethics Cosmetology" (2009, April 16) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Cosmetology Code Of Ethics Cosmetology" 16 April 2009. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Cosmetology Code Of Ethics Cosmetology", 16 April 2009, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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