Decision Support System In Developing Research Proposal


In summary, the decision support system must provide insights into order rates by CD by month, factoring in the relative popularity of artists and its effect on pricing strategies over time. Factoring in seasonality and the specific times of the year where new albums are introduced will further assist in the forecasting process. What the decision support system must also do is provide an upper and lower level forecast by CD to ensure profits are made or at least the store breaks even on each CD. After taking all of these factors into account, the decision support system can be used to create...


(2008). A decision-support framework for exploring supply chain tradeoffs. International Journal of Production Economics, 115(1), 28.
Daniel A Kiely. (1999). Synchronizing supply chain operations with consumer demand using customer data. The Journal of Business Forecasting Methods & Systems,…

Sources Used in Documents:


Crnkovic, J., Tayi, G., & Ballou, D.. (2008). A decision-support framework for exploring supply chain tradeoffs. International Journal of Production Economics, 115(1), 28.

Daniel A Kiely. (1999). Synchronizing supply chain operations with consumer demand using customer data. The Journal of Business Forecasting Methods & Systems, 17(4), 3-9.

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"Decision Support System In Developing" (2009, July 08) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Decision Support System In Developing", 08 July 2009, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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