Decision Support System Essays (Examples)

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Decision Support System DSS
Pages: 10 Words: 3582

Decision Support System (DSS)
Assuring a safe and secure it (IT) atmosphere for that exchange of business has been a significant problem. The degree related to the task has been increasing annually, as assailants become a little more well-informed, more driven, and more vivid within their endeavours. Based on a lead security professional at International Data Corporation, a worldwide supplier of marketplace data and advisory services to the IT network, "ising brand new assault vectors, more specific activities, conformity, and also the adding of recent technologies around the corporate facilities have been all elements creating a huge effect on the general risk for an organization" (IDC, 2006). Considering that corporate costs have been often a good sign related to the degree of worry about a problem, security has been clearly on top of numerous IT executives' listings. Based on IDC, the worldwide marketplace for companies of information security solutions has been…...



Alberts, C.J. And Dorofee, A.J. (2002). Managing Information Security Risks: The OCTAVE Approach, Addison Wesley Professional.

Appelbaum, S., Berke, J., Taylor, J., Vazquez, J.A., 2008. The role of leadership during large scale organizational transitions: lessons from six empirical studies. The Journal of American Academy of Business 13 (1), 16 -- 24.

Baker, W.H., Rees, L.P. And Tippett, P.S. (2007). Necessary measures: metric-driven information security risk assessment and decision making, Communications of the ACM 50 (10): 101 -- 106.

Bartels, J and Reinders, M.J. (2010). Consumer innovativeness and its correlates: A propositional inventory for future research. Journal of Business Research.

Decision Support System Executive Presentation Paper for
Pages: 9 Words: 2856

Decision Support System
Executive Presentation Paper for Decision Support System (DSS)

Communication remains a crucial element for the success of any organization, relationship or industry. The factor that makes it so crucial is the aspect of decision making in the practice. Communication and decision-making are simply inseparable. It is impossible to make a conclusive and quality design that concerns and affects more than one person. This is especially so for the business and corporate organizations in the world those operate in the lines of consultations and collective decision-making. A conclusive and active model and methodology of making a decision in such organization is the use of effective decision-making system. A decision-making system should facilitate proper and intensive analysis of the information available to make a decision for the future.

Executive summery

The decision support systems are a class of the computerized systems of information that support the business and organizational process of decision-making (Burstein…...



Burstein, F., & Holsapple, C.W. (2008). Handbook on decision support systems. Berlin:


Berner, E.S. (2007). Clinical decision support systems: Theory and practice. New York:


Decision Support Systems DSS Are
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Useful DSS will challenge and eventually change decision makers. By contrast, management information systems (MIS) provide output but no real impetus for change in the person receiving it. Interacting with DSS will provide to be new and challenging for most decision makers and will provide new perspective on the decision making process that are attractive and understandable yet innovative. By furnishing a new way to see problems and opportunities DSS eventually change the users decision-making process and, along with it, the user.
Decision Support systems are designed to help support decisions involving complex problems that are formulated as semi-structured. Because such problems remain resistant to complete computerization, a solution per se is not the goal of DSS; instead they support the decision process that leads to a solution.

Decision support systems may be constructed to support one time decisions, those that are frequent or those that occur routinely. The type of…...

Decision Support System in Developing
Pages: 1 Words: 422

In summary, the decision support system must provide insights into order rates by CD by month, factoring in the relative popularity of artists and its effect on pricing strategies over time. Factoring in seasonality and the specific times of the year where new albums are introduced will further assist in the forecasting process. What the decision support system must also do is provide an upper and lower level forecast by CD to ensure profits are made or at least the store breaks even on each CD. After taking all of these factors into account, the decision support system can be used to create a model that will predict, within a range of values, what the specific inventory carrying positions should be by artist, by actual CD, and also by month given the genre and pricing of the music as well.


Crnkovic, J., Tayi, G., & Ballou, D.. (2008). A decision-support framework…...



Crnkovic, J., Tayi, G., & Ballou, D.. (2008). A decision-support framework for exploring supply chain tradeoffs. International Journal of Production Economics, 115(1), 28.

Daniel A Kiely. (1999). Synchronizing supply chain operations with consumer demand using customer data. The Journal of Business Forecasting Methods & Systems, 17(4), 3-9.

Decision Support Systems Describe Your
Pages: 5 Words: 1843

ONCOCIN has been used successfully in some contexts, but mainly as a support system and as a source of additional data. No system, especially if analyzed by someone who is less-than-expert (as were the usual users of the first incarnation of the system) can replace human intelligence. Today, clinicians are increasingly are using computerized structured data entry systems to reduce errors in the process of clinical documentation. Guided systems such as ONCOCIN can reduce errors and oversights through a template-guided formula (Fielstein 2006, p.249). But this, once again, is no substitute for professional intelligence reviewing the process and making informed and individualized assessments. ONCOCIN is an aide, not a replacement for trained expertise.


Campbell K.E., D.E. Oliver, & E.H. Shortliffe. (1998, January-February). The Unified Medical

Language System: toward a collaborative approach for solving terminologic problems.

J Am Med Inform Assoc, 5(1):12-6. etrieved June 25, 2010 at

CDSS. (2010). Glossary of EM/EH technology. etrieved…...



Campbell K.E., D.E. Oliver, & E.H. Shortliffe. (1998, January-February). The Unified Medical

Language System: toward a collaborative approach for solving terminologic problems.

J Am Med Inform Assoc, 5(1):12-6. Retrieved June 25, 2010 at 

CDSS. (2010). Glossary of EMR/EHR technology. Retrieved June 25, 2010 at

Decision Support System Review
Pages: 3 Words: 815

sketch out a threefold process that includes work performed by the stakeholders involved in DSS. I make the case that each stage is crucial and for one stage to succeed it must be preceded and succeeded by the competent completion of the other two stages. In short, the end user must be presented with a list of options that are complete, adequately capturing the essence of the technological construct that the end user wishes to procure. The second stage, which involves the sales agent who interfaces with the customer, does not always involve personal with an expertise allowing him or her to fully anticipate the needs of the end user. Therefore, it is crucial that the third stage -- involving the Excel programmer -- includes as much specificity as possible in the template that the programmer constructs in order to assist the sales agent in the process of obtaining…...

Clinical Decision Support Systems Decision Support Systems
Pages: 3 Words: 967

Clinical Decision Support Systems:
Decision support systems were first developed and implemented in the corporate world in order to support business management. In the past few years, these support systems have been integrated into health care organizations to provide a sharpened evaluation capacity to data warehousing and data mining. The refined data analysis ability can result in enhanced patient care and diagnoses through assessment of several symptoms, forecasting of some drug interaction results, and other factors. As decision support systems are increasingly integrated into health care organizations and facilities, they have become important elements of health care systems. Actually, clinical decision support systems have been crucial in helping advanced practice nurses to make informed decisions and provide quality health care.

Definition of these Systems:

Clinical decision support systems can be described as interactive decision support systems computer software that are designed to help physicians and other practitioners in the health care system with…...



"Clinical Decision Support System." (n.d.). Search HealthIT. Retrieved January 30, 2014, from 

"Clinical Decision Support." (n.d.). Policymaking, Regulation, & Strategy. Retrieved from Health IT - U.S. Government website: 

DeNisco, S.M. & Barker, A.M. (2012). Advanced practice nursing: evolving roles for the transformation of the profession. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Weber, S. (2007). A Qualitative Analysis of How Advanced Practice Nurses Use Clinical

Business Decision Support System a
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Yet only 5 to 10% of these documents are readily available to managers for them to use in decision making. There is also the problem of documents not being standardized in a uniform pattern or structure. Managers and IT staff need a way to transform these documents into formats that can be compared and processed in order to support decision making. Document-driven DSS is making this concept a real possibility (Document -- Driven DSS Resources, 2009).
Document-driven DSS are support systems designed to convert documents into valuable business data that can be used to make decisions. "hile data-driven DSS rely on data that is already in a standardized format that lends it to database storage and analysis, document-driven DSS makes use of data that cannot easily be standardized and stored" (Decision Support Systems, 2009). There are three primary forms in which data can be used in document driven DSS. These…...


Works Cited

What is a Decision Support System? (2009). Retrieved May 3, 2009, from Techfaq Web site: 

Decision Support Systems. (n.d.). Retrieved May 3, 2009, from BPC Web site:

Decision Analysis System Computers Have Brought a
Pages: 7 Words: 2275

Decision Analysis System
Computers have brought a great change in our lives. A software program called spreadsheet turns the computer screen into a paper sheet one is working on. This program saves time by reducing the errors and repetitions of calculations. It is commonly used in physics labs in order to save time by getting accurate results and accumulating proper data in labs. Spreadsheets have traditionally been used by accountants for the purpose of bookkeeping and budgeting, when actually they can prove to be amazing tools for engineers and scientists as well. Using a spreadsheet, entered raw data could be manipulated and plotted through few easy commands. Furthermore, due to their built-in capability to easily plot data, spreadsheets prove to be especially useful (Karmakar et al., 2007).

Initially introduced in the corporate world in late 1970s and the early 1980s, it proved to be an immediate success. The usefulness, power of…...



Karmakar, S., C. Lagu, J. Agnew and H. Landry (2007) Integrated decision support system (DSS) for manure management: a review and perspective. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 57, 190 -- 201.

Kong, G., D.L. Xu, X. Liu and J.B. Yang. (2009) Applying a belief rule-base inference methodology to a guideline-based clinical decision support system. Expert Systems, 26, 391 -- 408.

Ragsdale, C.T., K.P. Scheibe and M.A. Trick (2008) Fashioning fair foursomes for the fairway (using a spreadsheet-based DSS as the driver). Decision Support Systems, 45, 997 -- 1006.

eref, Michelle M.H.; Ahuja, Ravindra K.; and Winston, Wayne L. (2007). Developing spreadsheet-based decision support systems: using Excel and VBA. Dynamic Ideas.

Decision Analysis System Modeling Using Spreadsheets Data
Pages: 7 Words: 1774

Decision Analysis System Modeling
Using Spreadsheets"


"Data Decision Analysis System Modeling Using Spreadsheets."

Spreadsheet is one of the most popular software packages on the planet. Daily, million of business people, students and individuals use spreadsheet program to build models to assist in solving decision problems they face on their work activities. Thus, employers generally look for individuals having experience and skills with spreadsheets. Typically, spreadsheets assist in developing varieties of management techniques in modeling environment. More importantly, spreadsheets assist in developing models and make decision within a business environment.

Within the present contemporary business environment, many business managers face daunting tasks to make effective decisions. With the fast-paced and dynamic changes within a competitive business environment, business people are often faced with extremely complex business alternatives. Evaluation of the alternatives and choosing the best option from these alternatives has become a daunting task for business people. Thus,…...



Evans, M.H. (2010). Course 3: Capital Budgeting Analysis. Continuing Professional Education

Lin, G.C.I. & Nagalingam, S.V. (2000). CIM justification and optimization. London: Taylor & Francis.

Ragsdale, C.T.(2010). Decision Analysis and Spreadsheet Modeling. A Practical Introduction to Management Science (4th edition). Cengage Learning.

Information Technology and Decision Support
Pages: 2 Words: 505

Semi-structured decision-making processes involving IT systems allow the decision maker to exercise substantial autonomy but constrain that autonomy within the boundaries of specified outcomes of automatic information and situational synthesis. In principle, semi-structured decision making involving IT systems may simply limit the available choices of the decision maker based on objective data or other situation-dependent information that must be incorporated into the decision in a manner determined by IT processes outside of the ability of the decision maker to control.
The Role of Technology Systems in Structured Decision Making

In structured decision making, the decision maker cannot exercise independent decision-making but must rely exclusively on outcomes determined by IT systems based on the data inputs into the system. Within that process, the human decision maker is merely one component within an automated process that provides no autonomy over decisions or any opportunity to make independent decisions. Typically, the worker simply enters…...

The Pros and Cons of Electronic Health Records and Clinical Decision Support Technologies
Pages: 5 Words: 1388

Technology in Healthcare: Electronic Health ecords and Clinical Decision SupportToday, health information technologies are serving a critical role in promoting optimal clinical outcomes and advancing healthcare in a rapidly changing world (van Velzen et al., 2023). Indeed, these technologies are instrumental in facilitating seamless transdisciplinary communication among healthcare providers, streamlining patient data management, and fostering data-driven decision-making. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief description of the process used for selecting an information system solution and why is it important for nurses to be a part of the process. In addition, an evaluation concerning the types of health information technology that are currently used in my current organization and a discussion about the respective pros and cons of the software are followed by a summary of the research and key findings in the conclusion.eview and DiscussionProcess used for selecting an information system solutionAlthough the process used by…...


ReferencesElectronic health records. (2023). Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Retrieved from   C. S., Adams, S. A., Davis, J. E., Gephart, S. M., & Donevant, S. B. (2023). Unintended consequences of the electronic health record and cognitive load in emergency department nurses. Applied Nursing Research, 73, 151724.Jimenez-Zambrano, A., Ritger, C., Rebull, M., Wiens, M. O., Kabajaasi, O., Jaramillo-Bustamante, J. C., Argent, A. C., Kissoon, N., Schlapbach, L. J., Sorce, L. R., Watson, R. S., Dorsey Holliman, B., Sanchez-Pinto, L. N., & Bennett, T. D. (2023). Clinical decision support tools for pediatric sepsis in resource-poor settings: an international qualitative study. BMJ Open, 13(10), e074458.Khan, A. R., Rosenthal, C. D., Ternes, K., Sing, R. F., & Sachdev, G. (2022). Time Spent by Intensive Care Unit Nurses on the Electronic Health Record. Critical Care Nurse, 42(5), 44–50.Stephen, R. J., Lucey, K., Carroll, M. S., Hoge, J., Maciorowski, K., Jones, R. C., O’Connell, M., Schwab, C., Rojas, J., & Sanchez Pinto, L. N. (2023). Sepsis Prediction in Hospitalized Children: Clinical Decision Support Design and Deployment. Hospital Pediatrics, 13(9), 751–759. Susanto, A. P., Lyell, D., Widyantoro, B., Berkovsky, S., & Magrabi, F. (2023). Effects of machine learning-based clinical decision support systems on decision-making, care delivery, and patient outcomes: a scoping review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 30(12), 2050–2063.van Velzen, M., de Graaf-Waar, H. I., Ubert, T., van der Willigen, R. F., Muilwijk, L., Schmitt, M. A., Scheper, M. C., & van Meeteren, N. L. U. (2023). 21st century (clinical) decision support in nursing and allied healthcare. Developing a learning health system: a reasoned design of a theoretical framework. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 23(1), 1–11. .Harmon,

Systems Media Table Comparison System Uses Word
Pages: 7 Words: 2095

Systems Media Table: Comparison


Word processor

The main purpose of this program is to construct sentences of the perceived information and manipulate paragraphs to form a word document. The program uses a display format 'what-you-see-is-what-you-get' to enhance the quality of the expected hardcopy.

WordPerfect and Microsoft Word are mostly superseded by both organization and personal computers to perform functions such as word formatting, letter processing and some simple designing. Accordingly, it is the most frequently used program in day-to-day operation.

It is used to type the text, save, and format and print the text.

It is used to insert pictures into the text page.

It is used to spell check the text document.

It is used to prepare letters and other word documents.

Hierarchical database

This kind of database system is to display a structure that would relieve the presentation of information using parent to child relationship. The system is anticipated to store groups of parent/child relationships similar to…...



AJ, W., & al, e. (2007). The role of decision aids in promoting evidence-based patient choice in Edwards A and Elwyn E (eds) Evidence-based patient choice:. O'Connor A and Edwards A.

European Commission DG Health and Consumer. (2012). Guidlines on the Qualification and Classification of Stand-alone Software used in Healthcare withing the Regulatory Framework of Medical Devices. Articles of Directive 93/42/EEC .

Eysenbach, G., Powell, J., Gunter, T.D., & Terry, N.P. (2005). The Emergence of National Electronic Health Record Architectures in the United States and Australia: Models, Costs, and Questions. Journal of Medical Internet Research: The Leading Peer-reviewed Internet Journal.

Fesenko, N. (2007). Compression Technologyes of Graphic Information. International Journal "Information Theories & Applications."

Decisions in Paradise Given the
Pages: 5 Words: 1305

Best of all, any initiative in these areas, priced fairly for the island natives, delivers significant social value, or economic good for the nation and abodes by Mr. Morale's belief that in the long run, economics drives everything needs to be added to that by doing these core processes well, his company is doing good. The social conscience of Mr. Morales is also clear, and the ability to take the company's respected process-centric approach to problem-solving and apply it to the needs of Kava while at the same time earning a profit is a win/win for both the company and the nation. The concentration on healthcare especially and the development of a pediatrics clinic, potentially even underwritten by the local government for the citizens would also be significant in its contribution and revenue potential.
What Alex and Nik need to do is find broken processes in key areas and set…...



Alstyne, Marshall van, Erik Brynjolfsson, and Stuart Madnick (1997). "The Matrix of Change: A Tool for Business Process Reengineering." MIT Sloan School Working Papers available on the Internet, accessed on February 5, 2007: 

Alstyne, Marshall van, Erik Brynjolfsson, and Stuart Madnick (1995). "Why Not One Big Database? Principles for Data Ownership." Decision Support Systems 15.4 (1995): 267-284.

The Agenda (2003) - Chapter 4: Put Processes First. The Agenda: What Every Business Must Do to Dominate the Decade. Accessed from Michael Hammer and Company website on February 5, 2007:

Support System and Family
Pages: 4 Words: 1330

Chase is an interesting one. Indeed, her symptoms are not overt or over the top but they are impossible to miss when a trained eye is affixed on her. It is clear from those symptoms as well as the backstory of Ms. Chase that she has a lot of skeletons in her closet and they are related to things like family, her lack of a social network or support system and so forth. It is clear that she is isolated and struggling and thus any therapy or other methodologies to get her to a better place need to be focused on that. Lynn Chase needs to take control of her emotions and her life and she cannot allow herself to be held hostage by things that she cannot control.
Therapy Solutions

As noted in the abstract, it is clear that Ms. Chase is struggling very hard. She is obviously facing many…...




BREEDS OPPORTUNITY. Journal Of Systemic Therapies, 26(1), 63-80.

Jaaskelainen, M., Holmila, M., Notkola, I., & Raitasalo, K. (2016). A typology of families with parental alcohol or drug abuse. Addiction Research & Theory, 24(4), 288-299.

Kumar, A., & Rani, A. (2015). Marital discord causes and impact of counseling on married couples. Indian Journal Of Health & Wellbeing, 6(10), 1013-1015.

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?
Words: 466

I. Introduction:
A. Define Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its relevance in healthcare.
B. Provide a brief overview of the history of AI in healthcare.
C. Thesis statement: The impact of AI on healthcare and its potential to revolutionize the industry.

II. AI in Healthcare Today:
A. Diagnosis and Medical Imaging:
1. Explain AI's role in analyzing medical images and assisting healthcare professionals in diagnosing various diseases and conditions.
2. Discuss specific examples of AI systems used in medical imaging, such as deep learning algorithms for cancer detection and image-based diagnosis tools.

B. Clinical Decision Support Systems:
1. Describe how AI-powered clinical....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Health Informatics?
Words: 573

Topic Idea 1: The Role of Health Informatics in Patient-Centered Care

Introduction: Discuss the concept of patient-centered care and its importance in healthcare.
Body Paragraph 1: Explore how health informatics technologies, such as electronic health records (EHRs) and patient portals, enable patient access to their own health information, empowering them to participate in decision-making.
Body Paragraph 2: Examine the role of health informatics in fostering communication between patients and healthcare providers, promoting continuity of care and improved patient experiences.
Body Paragraph 3: Evaluate the ethical implications of using health informatics in patient-centered care, including privacy concerns and the potential for....

what is health information system?
Words: 294

A Health Information System (HIS) is a system that captures, stores, manages, and transmits health-related data. It includes a combination of people, processes, and technology that collects, processes, and presents information to support healthcare provider decision-making and improve patient outcomes.

Health Information Systems typically include electronic health records (EHRs), computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems, and clinical decision support systems (CDSS), among other components. These systems help healthcare providers to efficiently manage patient care, track patient progress, and ensure accurate and timely communication among healthcare professionals.

Overall, a Health Information System plays a crucial role in improving the quality, safety, and efficiency....

How can nursing informatics improve the efficiency and accuracy of the anesthesia to PACU handoff process?
Words: 428

1. Electronic Health Records (EHR) integration: Nursing informatics can facilitate the seamless transfer of patient information from the anesthesia team to the PACU team through electronic health records. This ensures that all relevant data, such as medications administered, vital signs, and allergies, are accurately and efficiently communicated.

2. Automated documentation: By using electronic documentation tools, nursing informatics can automate the process of documenting the anesthesia to PACU handoff, reducing the likelihood of errors or omissions. This also allows for real-time updates and access to patient information, improving communication between teams.

3. Decision support systems: Nursing informatics can provide decision support tools that....

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