Emic Vs. Etic Perspectives In Essay


This way one gets the information easily, and they will not be withholding any information. As an insider one is also comfortably able to observe and interact with the informants in their natural environment, and this gives another deep insight to the research. There may be some challenges that one would face as an insider e.g. The informants may presume some questions that are asked to be simple and the researcher ought to know the answers so they may not be willing to answer this questions, one may be intimated, or fear asking certain questions that might go unanswered, and this would affect the research output. To overcome these challenges one needs to come out as been overly curious and try to maintain a neutral point at all times, this way the informants would engage the researcher more willingly and more willing to answer all the questions asked though they would expect the researcher, automatically to have the answers.

Etic perspectives easily overcome the above challenges as they do not have to associate themselves with the informants and adapt to their environment so they perceived not to be in the know. For the above challenges, it is better if one is an outsider, but they still will...


It is always recommended that researchers immerse themselves in their informants' environment, they live with them, and learn their language, and one will be able to analyze their findings with the informants' culture in mind.

Emic perspectives give the researcher a realistic understanding of the culture they are researching about because the researcher would be living in the natural environment interacting on a daily basis with them, doing the things they do and also trying to learn their language. There is no other way that the researcher can be able to get this information apart from experiencing it. Books or speaking to other people who come from the cultural background will only give the researcher the overview of the whole culture, but experiencing and living with the people who practice the culture give another perspective to the research which is the inside one. With this perspective, the researcher is able to analyze well their findings, and when the findings are presented they will show the whole picture, and this makes the research valid than that of an etic perspective.

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"Emic Vs Etic Perspectives In" (2012, June 05) Retrieved May 5, 2024, from

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"Emic Vs Etic Perspectives In", 05 June 2012, Accessed.5 May. 2024,

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