Ethics A Discussion Of Two Essay


A Discussion of Two Stories

Rector of Justin

The theme of morality is greatly influenced in this short work, as readers are asked to consider whether morality has some practical value, or it is simply ironclad and untouchable. While the moral motivations of several characters in this tale can be questioned, what motivates both David and Max is a question for much discussion. Although David knows that Max was not the one cheating in school, he is taken aback by Max's seemingly conniving character and the practicality of his deal with Shelly. Because of this, and because Max convinces him that it is the moral path, David decides to hide Max's secret. At the end of the story, Justin receives the money to be expanded, and Max is happy. Still, the reader is left wondering about Shelly jr. Was his behavior at Harvard and early death a result of the fact no one had held him accountable for his cheating? When Max told David that Shelly did not love his son as much as Max, should David have become the boy's advocate? These questions leave the question of morality hazy in the reader's mind.

Powers in Trust

The story "Power in Trust" brings together professional and personal worlds. Tilney is embittered with Hyde, not just because he is a bad lawyer -- in fact it is suggested that he is a very good lawyer -- but because he dislikes his personal life choices. In addition, the case that the firm takes on invades Tilney's personal life, as he knows both parties. In choosing to get involved, he chances his professional career, ruins Tilney's, and also manages to seriously harm both Hyde's personal life, as well as that of his client. Both lawyer and client end up loosing a great deal of money. At the end of the story, when Hyde is drunk at the bar and Tilney has just discussed the issue with his wife, the reader sees how closely professional and personal are related in this story.

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