Ethics And Integrity In The Thesis

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The social system of the organization, along with the ethical climate and organizational culture are all factors that affect the ethical principles and behaviors of the organization. Therefore, effective communication of the organization's ethical principles is critical in the creation of an ethical organization and an environment characterized by integrity within the organization as a whole.. Bibliography

Jones, E., Watson, B., Gardner, J.G. And Gallois, C. (2004) Organizational Communication: Challenges for a New Century. International Communication Association. Online available at

Saner, Marc and von Baeyer, Cornelius (2005) Workplace and Policy Ethics: A Call...


Policy Brief No. 24 Institute on Governance, Ottawa, Canada October 2005.
Johannesen, R.L. (2001). Communication ethics: Centrality, trends, and controversies. Communication Yearbook, 25, 201-236.

Iedema, R., & Wodak, R. (1999). Introduction: Organizational discourses and practices. Discourse and Society, 10, 5-19.

Ferrell, O.C. (nd) a Framework for Understanding Organizational Ethics. Online available at

Organizational Ethics: Business School and Corporate Leadership (2004) Robert Peterson and O.C. Ferrell (Editors), M.E. Sharpe, 2004.

Ethics and Integrity in the Workplace

Sources Used in Documents:


Jones, E., Watson, B., Gardner, J.G. And Gallois, C. (2004) Organizational Communication: Challenges for a New Century. International Communication Association. Online available at

Saner, Marc and von Baeyer, Cornelius (2005) Workplace and Policy Ethics: A Call to End the Solitudes. Policy Brief No. 24 Institute on Governance, Ottawa, Canada October 2005.

Johannesen, R.L. (2001). Communication ethics: Centrality, trends, and controversies. Communication Yearbook, 25, 201-236.

Iedema, R., & Wodak, R. (1999). Introduction: Organizational discourses and practices. Discourse and Society, 10, 5-19.
Ferrell, O.C. (nd) a Framework for Understanding Organizational Ethics. Online available at

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