Failure Of The Advert Team Essay


A different form of communication and concept formulation such as brainstorming and game planning would have greatly contributed to originality in the formulation of the advertising ideas. Brainstorming and game planning are more interactive and depends upon the sharing and comparison much more that the process that was used in the case study by Conner's group.

Conner's leadership style was very authoritarian. He really could not handle criticism well and actively sought out approval where a truly great leader can deal with and incorporate the ideas of an opposition. His inability to listen to other ideas (even to those who truly knew better than he did) sealed the project's doom.

Conner might function better in situations where a client has specifically defined parameters. Where he does not function so well are situations that require...


While he thought he was being original and provocative, he was truly only being racy and engaging in the project from a male point-of-view. Derek's position was not only closer to the way that the client was thinking. His approach was also a woman's approach. It was romantic and captured the woman's side of the divide as well while Conner's only captured the side of male fantasy. Derek's viewpoint was much better rounded and if combined with the ideas of the women members of the team would have likely meshed better with the client's wishes who were taking a more romantic approach that appealed as much to women consumers as to male consumers. In this way the advertising development would have paralleled the development of the television. Certainly technical projects require much broader input due to the large amount of capital investment required.

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