Folktales As Early Humankind Became Term Paper

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The men would be on top, would be superior. The women would also live in the men's houses. The two different sexes, however, ended up living happily with this gender distinction. The second theme in this story was the relationship between people and between nature and humans. As noted, most men and women followed the cultural norms, and the society was peaceful. However, the story also accounted for society's deviants; those individuals who do not fit into the norm.

In the Greek and Roman story, the world was begun by a higher being or god. The earth was made in such a way that it had balanced zones, a variety of animals of lower intelligence that were equal in power, and a nature that limits and purpose. Humans, however, were supposedly made with some divine ingredient that made them better...


Everyone was equal and lived in peace until they became more technically sophisticated. Each time they discovered a higher form of industry, they increased their negative cultural traits.
Unlike the North Africans, who lived peacefully together (but only went as far as eating plants), these early Greek and Roman men and women needed to reminded of their inferiority and what comes about when people begin to lose their values. It was not just a couple of individuals who did not follow society's dictates as with the North African story; in this case, it was much of society's members who were not following the tenets. Thus, the gods sent a great flood and left only one couple alive on earth. They were told to scatter the bones of their mother, and the world was repopulated. Humans

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"Folktales As Early Humankind Became" (2007, November 25) Retrieved May 8, 2024, from

"Folktales As Early Humankind Became" 25 November 2007. Web.8 May. 2024. <>

"Folktales As Early Humankind Became", 25 November 2007, Accessed.8 May. 2024,

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