Goddesses -- Journal Entry One Term Paper

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Goddesses -- Journal Entry

One of the most negative aspects of the development of monotheism is that because most of history has been written by men, the 'one true god' is usually conceived of as male, rather than possessing the qualities of both genders. This leaves female spirituality, at best, as a marginal part of institutionalized religions in the West. Before the development of a male-focused theology, women's ability to give birth, to nurture, and to function physically and psychologically was seen as integral to the health of society and to the myths and rituals of the community. The feminine principle of fertility was part of the harvest cycle of rebirth and death. Viewing femininity in a positive light was necessary for all human beings, because the feminine principle's generative and life-sustaining, cyclical rhythms were part of the world and the community's rhythms, not just part of an individual woman's life.

Honoring the feminine in religion was a net gain for both men and women. Men were forced to acknowledge their dependence upon the earth mother, and thus were more inclined to treat the earth with honor and reverence. Men were also more inclined to treat their female partner's roles in providing for their family and children with respect, because women's childbearing function was not only linked to the death and rebirth of the next generation, but also to the conditions necessary for growing food, and to nature in general.

The interjection of the male spiritual essence into religiosity did not need to mean that males, even in the cosmological firmament, were dominant over females. However, that is how it came to be in institutionalized practice, mirroring the patriarchal dominance of males in governance. This ultimately resulted in the devaluing of the female body and the female contribution to society. It also resulted in a sense, a false sense, that human beings can perfectly 'control' nature, as males have long controlled females through superior strength and the institutions of government. This is why so many feminists have returned to goddess-worship was a way of reconnecting with an older and more positive form of woman-centered and body-centered spirituality, as opposed to current institutionalized religions. Goddess-worship also holds the potential of giving women a way of reconnecting with the environment in a less destructive manner.

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