Good Life The Concept Of Essay


Another component to the good life is the amount of time one can actually spend at home. In that respect, the contemporary trend in many elements of my industry (and many others) is for business professionals to spend more time working remotely from their home offices and less time working in traditional office environments. I am particularly looking forward to that aspect of my chosen profession because so many of the transactions within the modern hospitality industry are now conducted electronically rather than in the traditional face-to-face business environment.

Contribution to the Community and to the Greater Good

On one hand, I recognize that my chosen profession is not one that necessarily contributes directly to the most important needs of society, such as is the case in fields such as medicine, or scientific research, or social work, or government service. On the other hand, my chosen industry does provide the services that most people regard as the most meaningful pleasures in their lives. Most people, even those whose work involves the most important things in society value their leisure time and the quality time they spend with their families, and...


In that respect, the hospitality industry does provide an extremely valuable service to society. Besides wedding and graduation photographs, the average family remembers their lives more through photographs of family vacations than of anything else; and even weddings and honeymoons also rely on the hospitality industry in very large part.
Quality Time with Family

Just like everybody else, I hope to maximize the times of leisure and enjoyment in the life of my family. Before I become a parent, I hope to travel extensively with my spouse; and working in the hospitality industry provides tremendous benefits and privileges that will greatly enhance our experiences in that regard. Similarly, after I become a parent, I hope that my working in the hospitality industry will allow me to provide the greatest amount of pleasure to my children and to my entire family by maximizing the leisure and travel opportunities available to us. I realize that at the end of my life, the most important aspect of the good life will be the quality time and the quality of my relationship within my family.

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