His Needs, Her Needs: Building An Affair-Proof Marriage Book Report

¶ … Harley's book "His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage." In his book, Harley provides recommendations on how to prevent or recover from marital infidelity. However, this paper will reveal that the book is aloof on various related themes including the need to follow God's word, sin and Jesus' unique display of sacrificial, true love as depicted in the Bible. The concept for the book occurred to Willard Harley after conducting a 13-week course about marriage at his church. The sound recordings of these classes became useful resources for Harley as he coached couples in his counseling exercise. Eventually, a transcript of the footage reached a publisher who was thrilled to print the book, which was first released in 1986.

Harley starts by posing the question how affair-proof the reader's marriage is. His assumption very early on is that affairs are begun because deep-seated needs are unmet. To help his readers comprehend how unmet needs can encourage partners becoming unfaithful to each other, he provides a chapter on an idea he calls "Love Bank." To him, each partner has an inner bank that remains or withdraws units of love in accordance with the psychological reaction provided or withheld by the spouse in a relationship. Typically, in Harley's phrase that "Love Banks" is functional when the relationship is advancing towards marriage, but sinks, often significantly after the reality of life strikes.

The larger part of the book addresses five physical and emotional needs, which Harley has recognized as being relevant to spouses. He has separated them into the needs of women and men, changing between the sexes in the book. The areas of emotional need for women in the marriage are recognized as an intimate conversation, affection, financial assistance, openness, and family dedication. For a man, crucial emotional needs are described as sexual satisfaction, physical attractiveness, recreational companionship, admiration, and domestic support. Harley explains in each of the chapters through a sequence of stories why the need is so crucial to women or men in the marriage and how not fulfilling the need can cause the partner in question down a direction that might unwillingly -- and without explanation, lead to infidelity.

The author has concluded this...


In the final chapter, he summarizes his previous concepts whilst showing the position directions of finding a compatible. When this is achieved, both partners change in a way that makes them seem amazing. In an appendix, the author includes a variety of questionnaires and tools further to allow a couple to work on subjects such as their perceived strength, inventory of emotional needs, a device to create needs-and-wants budget, and recreational entertainment discovery device enabling partners to find mutually entertaining activities.

Harley's book serves useful information for any individual looking to save, restore, or enhance their marriage. Furthermore, the real-life illustrations and time-tested resources provide realistic assistance for those in the business of marriage counseling to use. Many of the concepts that Harley shares in his work are useful innovations. The author's discussion of conversational sustainment is another useful device. Here, the guide features the often-overlooked need for husbands to take part in an exciting conversation with their spouses. To help people, the author provides a valuable evaluation of conversation murderers a list is a great, quick-reference source for therapists and even lay readers.

Harley offers simple concepts for readers and therapists to follow when working to enhance marriages. As demonstrated by the title of the book, Harley's equation for improving marriage is based upon fulfilling the important "needs" of each partner. However, Harley's guide lacks a key element: spiritual, Christ-centered guidance. While providing various outstanding facts applicable and acceptable to religiously ordained marriages, the guide does not talk about the needs of every partner reconciled with God through faith in Christ before solemnizing any marriage. After all, nobody can truly comprehend love matters until they comprehend the love that God shown through His Son

Harley's equation for enhancing marriage concentrates, completely, on the "needs" of each person. Indeed, couples should endeavor to serve each other. However, God ordained…

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