How This Article Enhances Professional And Education Decisions Essay


Mindfulness and Self-Regulation: A Comparison of Long-Term to Short-Term Meditators How the Article Can Enhance Your Professional and Education Decisions in the Future

The following can be enhanced by the article on mindfulness and self-regulation founded on research;

Working Memory: Enhancements to working memory seems to be an advantage of mindfulness. Researchers recorded some advantages of mindfulness meditation amidst a military group that took part in an eight-week mindfulness training, a group of non-meditating civilians, and a group of non-meditating military personnel. Prior to deployment, both military groups were experiencing an extremely stressful period. According to the researchers, the non-meditating military group had reduced working memory competence with time, while working memory amidst non-meditating civilians was actually steady across time. Additionally, meditation practice was inversely associated with self-reported negative effect and directly associated with self-reported positive effect.

Focus: Another research evaluated how mindfulness meditation impacted the capacity of the participants to focus attention and repress distracting data. A comparison between a group of skilled mindfulness meditators and a control group, which had meditation skills, was made by the researchers. They discovered that the meditation group had considerably better performance on all attention measures, in addition to a higher self-reported mindfulness. Self-reported mindfulness and...


A research conducted on individuals that had anywhere from one month up to 29 years of mindfulness mediation practice, revealed that mindfulness meditation practice assisted individuals in disengaging from emotionally provoking images and allowed them to concentrate better on cognitive tasks as compared with individuals that saw images, but did not meditate.
More Cognitive Flexibility: In accordance to another field of research, apart from assisting individuals become less reactive, mindfulness meditation might also offer them better cognitive flexibility. The research discovered that individuals who perform mindfulness meditation seem to develop the skill of self-observation that neurologically disengages the natural conduits that were developed by initial learning and permits current-moment input to be incorporated in a new manner. Moreover, meditation activates the region of the brain related to more adaptive responses and adverse or stressful circumstances. This region's activation corresponds with faster recovery to baseline after getting negatively aggravated (Davis & Hayes, 2012).

How You Will Apply the Information in the Article to Your Everyday Lifestyle

According to these findings, MBIs could actually be effective when it comes to the…

Sources Used in Documents:


Davis, D. M., & Hayes, J. A. (2012). What are the benefits of mindfulness. Monitor on Psychology, 43(7), 64.

Taylor, D. G., & Mireault, G. C. (2008). Mindfulness And Self-Regulation: A Comparison of Long-Term to Short-Term Meditators. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 40(1), 88-99.

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"How This Article Enhances Professional And Education Decisions" (2016, February 22) Retrieved May 15, 2024, from

"How This Article Enhances Professional And Education Decisions" 22 February 2016. Web.15 May. 2024. <>

"How This Article Enhances Professional And Education Decisions", 22 February 2016, Accessed.15 May. 2024,

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