Meditation Essays (Examples)

739+ documents containing “meditation”.

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According to Power, in order to achieve successful meditation, I must first enter to "newness" and let go of all of my reservations and generalizations (Power 50). Because each interfaith group will have strong beliefs of faith, I am aware that it would require effort to establish the deep connection that Clinebell and Power teach of.
ith this in mind, it is likely that most members of these groups may not have other wise been exposed to Buddhist meditation and I kept this in mind while developing my approach. The first step I would take is to first research their religion and become familiar with its doctrine before sharing with them the principles of Buddhism. Since each of the different faith that I currently work with maintain their own set of beliefs and doctrines, it is important for me to remain flexible in my teaching and communication. This will help….

Physicians need to see, in person, the positive effects of these techniques in patients. To do this, hospitals and universities need to conduct larger and broader studies. Secondly, more work is required to demonstrate the triple link between stress-disease-meditation such that the effects are reduced by mediation. hat we have demonstrated is that stress deteriorates disease, that if stress is not part of the equation, healing is faster, that a positive attitude can improve overall mental health, and that meditation can improve not only attitude but can reduce stress. Therefore, meditation has a positive effect upon stress and is therefore beneficial in an overall treatment plan.
orks Cited

Anderson, R.A. (2006). Immune responsiveness and meditation. Townsend Letter: The Examiner of Alternative Medicine, 143.

Bormann, J.E., Gifford, a.L., Shively, M., Smith, T.L., Redwine, L., Kelly, a., et al. (2006). Effects of spiritual mantram repetition on HIV outcomes: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of….

Similarly, the passage from the Pali Canon makes reference to mindfulness, which is concretely obtained through watching the breath and observing feelings, thoughts, and sensations come and go: "So he abides contemplating feelings as feelings...He abides contemplating arising phenomena in the feelings, vanishing phenomena, and both arising and vanishing phenomena in the feelings." Nyanaponika Thera's writing based on the Pali excerpt demonstrates how conscious awareness of present in the body and stopping the mind from wandering: "This practice of mindful walking is, particularly for certain types of meditators, highly recommendable both as a method of concentration and as a source of Insight." Finally, the passage describing zazen meditation shows how simlar that practice is to Vipassana meditation, and how both Vipassana and Zen meditation represent the embodiment of core Buddhist teachings. The "beginner's mind" is the attainment of mindfulness, the ability to be fully present in the moment, simply….

Recently, I had a little accident that I trapped my finger between wall strips in a door as I passed by. I experienced a huge burning pain, and the nail came off from the skin. Simultaneously as I screamed, "ouch!" because it hurt badly, I slapped the strips, which shouldn't have been separated. When people get angry in social event, there is a similar reaction but with certain variations. For instance attacking a stimulus instantaneously though response varies from vocally, mentally, to physically. I analyzed the steps backward. The last stage is attempting to prove one's strength, then being unable to forgive the stimulus or person, and feeling a pain or being hurt. Because we don't want to accept our weakness and try to defend our vulnerability, we often show an opposite stance by hiding and faking our 'self'.
One by one, I started recalling the moments when I experienced….

This love is everlasting, though, and it will not fade or stop over time. When I look up at the stars and all of creation, I feel how small and insignificant I seem to be, but then I remember that Jesus took special note of me, as he has all of his disciples. When I called out to Him in my need, He answered wit his sacrifice and, as in these verses, his own please to the Father to remember the believers. How can we be afraid when Jesus himself is imploring that we all be remembered and protected and loved, that we have a special place in the world and in His heart.
My thoughts were led mostly outside of myself, and I prayed for all of those whom I know who have not accepted Jesus as their savior, including close family, to learn to know the joy, love,….

(Schure, Christopher, and Christopher)
hile many may feel that they do not have the time to mediate, there are moments throughout the day when the practice could easily arise naturally. aiting in line, often a undesirable experience, can be a time to focus inward as well. Listen to your breathing, watch your thoughts pass and see how, weird, sad, interesting, profound or just plain ridiculous they are. Meditation, in plain English, is in actuality the art of doing nothing. Both waiting and meditation have this in common. Of course this can be difficult depending on one's frustration level and anxiety, but all the more reason to find alternatives since we know the poor health benefit to these conditions. After all if so much time is spent in waiting, and this detracts from living life, why not make it a part of life that can be of benefit, it is after….

Meditation Benefit ADHD

These have been collected in six volumes of research papers, of which over 150 are reprinted from scientific journals" (Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers)

This section will describe how the research will actually take place. The description will include justification for the selected methods with reference to literature and will be grounded in primary health care principles. Discussion will also include practical issues such as: how the methods are to be implemented, any limitations of the chosen methodology, potential barriers to implementation and how I can maximize response rates, how the data will be analyzed (i.e. what data analysis technique you will use) and how results/findings will be disseminated (i.e. appropriate audiences and formats).

Research Approach

In research studies, the use of theories can be divided into two main categories; (1) inductive approach and (2) deductive approach. In induction, at first data is collected and then….

Ground-Breaking Meditation esearch: A Comparison of Presentations
Holzel and colleagues performed the study "Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density" as a result of the fact that little is known about the neural mechanisms that are impacted by specific forms of mindfulness meditation and comparable interventions. While some interventions are known to be more effective than others, there aren't a lot of details available about the precisely positive changes which can occur in the gray matter of one's brain as a result of effective and critically acclaimed techniques like Mindfulness-Based Stress eduction (MBS). Holzel and colleagues were able to confirm that the changes occurred were ones which specifically were connected to the gray matter in areas of the brain where the bulk of the learning process, memory processes, emotional regulation and perspective taking manifested. For example, one area of the brain that the study examined was the….

Meditation and Wellness

Mediation and Wellness
Wellness is a modern concept that is used to describe a holistic view of health and growth in terms of mental, physical and spiritual aspects. "Wellness is a dynamic process of change and growth encompassing your physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal, social and environmental well-being. "("WHAT IS WELLNESS?) The purpose of wellness is to achieve the best possible human potential and to lead a more vital life. This includes the physical as well as spiritual, emotional and environmental aspects of human life.

The art and practice of meditation forms part of the concept of wellness, as it can help to facilitate the holistic goals on all levels of human health. Meditation is defined in a broad sense as the " ... experience of relaxing the body, quieting the mind, and awakening the spirit. " (Massage Therapy)

There are numerous types and styles of mediation. However, all meditation has as its….

Meditation Healing Process
The Validity of Meditation as a Healing Process according to Jovanov

Jovanov's (1995) study seeks to legitimize the role of meditation in the healing process by focusing on the activity of brain processes during meditation using special methodology and software. "Subtle EEG changes" are monitored and characterized according to behavioral patterns based on static and dynamic analysis (Jovanov, 1995). By using EEG as a window into "consciousness," the study opens up the door to the possibility of meditation acting as a healing process.

The history of EEG as a window onto altered states "is well established" according to Jovanov (1995), although subtle changes are less easy to detect. Nonetheless, subtleties do themselves register in EEG monitoring. Yet, while the relationship between altered states and physiological brain activity appears affirmative, understanding how the relationship works is still relatively unclear, as the exact process used by the brain to intercept information fragments….

Meditation for the Soul
Meditation Plan

The human spirit can be compared to a powerful motor having its own vibration. It is not a power I could "turn on" but a loving power that I could awaken and utilize. Also, it is not a power over which I have control; instead it is a loving presence to which I could safely submit. It never abandons me (Naylor, 2009). In the past, meditation practices were deemed as important only by those who were actively on the spiritual path. Currently, however, with the non-stop activity of sensory stimulation from high tech devices, meditation is now supported by majority in the area of psychology as a necessity for all. Studies reveal that individuals surrounded by an overflow of data and choices of data venues are now displaying signs of what is referred to as 'brain freeze.' Taking some time to refresh the mind of excess….

Personal Meditation

The other main reason for continuing with meditation in the future is that the practice has liberated me from the old consideration of myself as a failure and an individual who cannot deal with some major challenges in life. This practice has also enabled me to experience real happiness, become more loving, and demonstrate calm when facing a problem. It has become easier for me to face challenges and develop appropriate solutions that help in dealing with the problem effectively. I have also learnt how to accept delays or negative feedback with more ease while remaining positive. Through meditation, I will be able to experience increased happiness, calm, and have a positive mental attitude towards everything.
In conclusion, meditation is an important practice that helps people to experience calm and real happiness in the midst of complex situations and issues. From my personal experience, meditation has transformed my old view….

One should be aware that meditation is able to bridge the gap between humanity and divinity and the first step is to believe in the possibility and desire such a state. In order to attain the state of meditation, Evelyn Underhill (1930) states that an act of perfect concentration, of passionate focus of the self on a certain point, when the self dedicates itself guided by a pure intention to real or transcendental things is required to be performed. On this condition mystic consciousness is based on and as well is the main requirement that favors pure contemplation.
Concentration and contemplation are two distinct phases in the process of meditation. The characteristics and issues addressed in these phases are given below (obbins, J, 2003):

Calming the unconscious or automatic movements of the mind

Increased focus and cognitive structuring

Better understanding of one's personality and unconscious defenses

Increased empathy and compassion refined awareness of physical….

Singer (2006) asserts in "A mindful recovery: mindfulness meditation practices can help clients, even in the earliest detox stages." According to Singer, "Mindfulness meditation is a process of purposefully paying attention to what is happening in the present moment without being distracted by what has already happened or what might happen" (¶ 1). Studies confirm, Singer contends that mindfulness meditation proves effective to help a person manage his/her pain, as well as reduce stress. Even children can reportedly learn to use mindfulness meditation.
Jon Kabat-Zinn, director of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center's relaxation program, describes mindfulness meditation:

Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment. We feel more alive. We also gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation, and healing.

Many forms of meditation exist, but they all share the intentional training of a person's….

Healthcare Application Meditation
Aside from a willingness to place one's faith in the unproven, those who adhere to the ancient spiritual beliefs of Buddhism and Hinduism share one fundamental practice with patients who have adopted the increasingly prevalent practice of holistic healing: the use of meditation to improve clarity, concentration, and quality of life. Meditation is based on intense personal introspection, wherein an individual typically sits in solitude and silence, focusing their mind completely on a particular reflective topic, or simply concentrating deeply on the vexing concepts of being and nothingness. The process of meditation occurs in many forms throughout the world's major philosophical models, with Christians and Muslims joining their fellow worshippers in the Eastern religions by using the meditative act of prayer to delve within their mind's inner sanctum. Today, even secular individuals with no connection to a recognized religious following employ meditation as part of their fitness routine,….

Descartes is often stuck in his internal "bubble" because of the nature of his meditations. Being meditative is an inward practice, and does not allow for getting out of one's bubble very easily. A person's search for certainty can certainly backfire, especially if he or she spends too much time in that internal world. It is important to understand and see the world for what it really is, instead of what one wants it to be or hopes it will become. It is vital to step outside that bubble and see what is real in the world, so a person....

Yoga is said to have a number of benefits.  Whether a person is approaching it as a form of exercise, a type of meditation, or a combination of the two, yoga has documented health benefits in a wide range of applications from cancer to mental health.  We have compiled some sample topic sentences for your thesis:

  1. Yoga can contribute to better heart health by helping reduce stress, reducing inflammation, providing exercise, and leading to potential weight loss.
  2. One of the surprising uses for yoga is in substance abuse recovery, but it combines the exercise needed for stress....

1. The link between childhood trauma and the development of anxiety and depression in adulthood
2. The role of genetics in predisposing individuals to anxiety and depression
3. How cultural factors influence the expression and treatment of anxiety and depression
4. The impact of social media on mental health and its contribution to feelings of anxiety and depression
5. The relationship between sleep disorders and the development of anxiety and depression
6. The efficacy of alternative therapies such as mindfulness, acupuncture, and yoga in treating anxiety and depression
7. The correlation between gut health and mental health, specifically the role of the gut-brain axis in anxiety....

10 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Meditation for Interfaith Groups as

Words: 3643
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

According to Power, in order to achieve successful meditation, I must first enter to "newness" and let go of all of my reservations and generalizations (Power 50). Because…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Meditation in Healthcare the Nonreligious

Words: 1813
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Physicians need to see, in person, the positive effects of these techniques in patients. To do this, hospitals and universities need to conduct larger and broader studies. Secondly,…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Meditation These Three Buddhist Texts

Words: 422
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Similarly, the passage from the Pali Canon makes reference to mindfulness, which is concretely obtained through watching the breath and observing feelings, thoughts, and sensations come and go:…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Meditation Theory & Practice Reflections

Words: 1837
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Recently, I had a little accident that I trapped my finger between wall strips in a door as I passed by. I experienced a huge burning pain, and…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Meditation on John 17 13-26 it

Words: 814
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This love is everlasting, though, and it will not fade or stop over time. When I look up at the stars and all of creation, I feel how…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Meditation Consciousness and Perception Meditation's

Words: 1605
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

(Schure, Christopher, and Christopher) hile many may feel that they do not have the time to mediate, there are moments throughout the day when the practice could easily arise…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Meditation Benefit ADHD

Words: 3644
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These have been collected in six volumes of research papers, of which over 150 are reprinted from scientific journals" (Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme:…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Meditation Study Examination

Words: 2744
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ground-Breaking Meditation esearch: A Comparison of Presentations Holzel and colleagues performed the study "Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density" as a result of the fact…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Meditation and Wellness

Words: 889
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mediation and Wellness Wellness is a modern concept that is used to describe a holistic view of health and growth in terms of mental, physical and spiritual aspects. "Wellness is…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


How Meditation Leads to Healing Process

Words: 563
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Meditation Healing Process The Validity of Meditation as a Healing Process according to Jovanov Jovanov's (1995) study seeks to legitimize the role of meditation in the healing process by focusing on…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - College

Analyzing Meditation for the Soul

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Meditation for the Soul Meditation Plan The human spirit can be compared to a powerful motor having its own vibration. It is not a power I could "turn on" but a…

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5 Pages


Personal Meditation

Words: 1639
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The other main reason for continuing with meditation in the future is that the practice has liberated me from the old consideration of myself as a failure and…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Concentration Contemplation Forms of Meditation

Words: 6294
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One should be aware that meditation is able to bridge the gap between humanity and divinity and the first step is to believe in the possibility and desire…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Mindful Meditation the Researcher Completing

Words: 2343
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Singer (2006) asserts in "A mindful recovery: mindfulness meditation practices can help clients, even in the earliest detox stages." According to Singer, "Mindfulness meditation is a process of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Healthcare Application Meditation Aside From a Willingness

Words: 779
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Healthcare Application Meditation Aside from a willingness to place one's faith in the unproven, those who adhere to the ancient spiritual beliefs of Buddhism and Hinduism share one fundamental practice…

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