Identify Some Of The Attributes Needed By Professionals Working In The Health Industry Essay


Health Industry Understanding the correct path is extremely important in any occupation, however those of us who wish to serve others within the health industry require a certain self-reflection with a complete understanding of what it takes as necessary to become successful with in this specific area. Health professionals are expected to adhere to high standards of behavior and demonstrate these principles as they care for others in their time of need. The health industry is large in size and scope, requiring many individual, throughout the entire system to effectively demonstrate these traits to ensure its success. Those working in the health insurance industry, nurses of all sorts, hospital staffs, medical and non-medical doctors all contribute to this demanding, yet rewarding profession. The purpose of this paper is to examine my own specific behavioral traits, talents and attributes and align them with those ideals I think are necessary and present within the health industry.

It is my humble opinion that there are three main characteristics that are necessary for success in the health industry. The ability to listen, the ability to communicate, and the ability to think critically far the three main skills I feel encompasses the totality of work anyone in the health profession may encounter. In a summary of medical ethics, The Lahey clinic, a teaching hospital at Tufts university provided a useful mission statement I would like to build upon: as they "seek to improve the philosophic understanding of the problematic issues of modern medicine and biology." I'll examine each one of these important skills and demonstrate how I believe my behavior and personal attitudes relate to these attributes and how they align with those skills that seem present today in this field.

People often come to health professionals when they have problems they cannot solve on their own. Anywhere throughout the entire system of the health industry where this...


Listening to the patient or the customer is extremely important, and so future decisions can be made effectively and efficiently and directed in the right path. How does one improve their listening skills? In my experiences, demonstrating a calm and pleasant outlook towards life while peacefully noticing the things that are sometimes overlooked contribute to a more receptive stance helpful in developing these skills.
Understanding the emotional complexities of situations that occur in health related problems, also contributes greatly to improving and developing listening skills that will serve to create a more empathetic and productive environment. Medical jargon and confusing terminology sometimes seems like its own language and to interpret this information and deliver useful results requires good listening skills and the ability to translate what the patient may be saying into a coherent medical document or chart. Receptive behavior and the ability to open your mind to others' interpretation of how they may be feeling are all indications of when a health professional is demonstrating appropriate listening skills and contributing to his overall potential.

The next skill or ability that I feel is important when working with people in the health industry builds upon good listening skills. Bilikopf (2006) stated that "the role of the listener is to help empty the large reservoirs of emotion, anger, stress and frustration and other negative feelings until the individual can see more clearly." When communication skills are effectively used, growth and potential are the ultimate results of such practices. Tone of language, type of language, self-awareness of emotional attitudes, and several other variables contribute to how one must communicate to another. I feel that choosing the correct words is imperative in becoming successful with in this…

Sources Used in Documents:


Billikopf, G.(2006). Empathic Approach: Listening First Aid. University of California Webpage, Retrieved from

Eva, K. & Regehr, G. (2005). Self-assessment in the health professions: a reformulation and research agenda. Academic Medicine, 80, 10 pp 546-555.

Indiana University Bloomington Health Professions and Prelaw Center. Why should I care about professional development? Retrieved from

Mensah, K. & Mackintosh, M. (2005). The skills drain of health professionals from the developing world: a framework for policy formulation. Medact Research Paper.
Tufts University Lahey Clinic Education and Research. Webpage: viewed on April 2,2011, Retrieved from

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"Identify Some Of The Attributes Needed By Professionals Working In The Health Industry" (2011, April 04) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Identify Some Of The Attributes Needed By Professionals Working In The Health Industry", 04 April 2011, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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