Immigration On Minimum Wage The Term Paper

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Many of these jobs are therefore filled with illegal immigrants, who are more than willing to work for the low wage of the current minimum wage because it is still better than what they would be paid in their home country. Now, if the reason for the need for minimum wage workers is because these jobs do not pay enough, it would be reasonable to argue that by increasing the pay of these positions there will be more of an incentive for legal citizens and/or residents to take the jobs. Although most people are not willing to work for the current minimum wage, many will be willing to work for the $7.25 proposed rate. This will fill the...


If these jobs are filled by legal workers, then there will be less work opportunities for illegal immigrants. If there are less opportunities for work, there is less of incentive to enter the United States illegally. The end result is that illegal immigration will decrease as a result of the $7.25 minimum wage hike. When this argument is coupled with the newly enacted immigration laws that impose significant fines to employers who hire illegal immigrants, there is a further guarantee that employers will hire legal workers over illegal workers when they have a…

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"Immigration On Minimum Wage The" (2007, April 24) Retrieved May 7, 2024, from

"Immigration On Minimum Wage The" 24 April 2007. Web.7 May. 2024. <>

"Immigration On Minimum Wage The", 24 April 2007, Accessed.7 May. 2024,

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