Ironically, One Of The Most Thesis

Just as protocols for email and Internet allow the seamless transmission of data online, so too can the health care industry develop its own digital security and communications protocols. The need for universal standards is crucial. Yet standards would not infringe on the rights of it companies to compete for services. Third, health care education must also change to encourage increased reliance on information technologies. Working with educational institutions in tandem with health care delivery organizations will be difficult and could take years to reap any benefits from a universal it system. Yet unless health care education instructs students in the scope and potential of it, those systems are unlikely to be used properly or to show the necessary returns on investment either in terms of cost savings or improved quality of care.

Finally, I am concerned about...


Ideological resistance is one of the most salient factors preventing it from becoming a major and reliable part of the medical industry. The belief that information technologies might compromise patient privacy is widespread. Doctors, especially those who were not educated with it, might feel that digital systems compromise their authority. A whole new generation of health care workers would need to be trained or even specialize in health care it. Cultural limitations like the ones outlined in the case study include a lack of support for technology integration: "many vast and powerful constituencies, including government, business, the medical professions, and health care consumers, among others, would have to change entrenched outlooks and behaviors in order to take advantage of the benefits it could provide,"…

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"Ironically One Of The Most", 22 March 2009, Accessed.3 May. 2024,

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