JVA HR How Permanent Or Temporary Is Essay

JVA HR How permanent or temporary is the change?

Since the HR strategy was driven by a downturn in the economy, it is reasonable to suspect that once the economy is back on its feet the strategy will change as well. Thus the change is only as permanent as the macro-economic environment as well as the company's individual performance.

How much will employees lose by the change?

Employees will suffer some losses. They would lose access to any pay increases as well as a loss in certain amenities. However, if the bigger picture is considered then it might actually be perceived as a benefit. If the employees are willing to accept some sacrifices then there will be less layoffs and less detrimental long-term effects that will arise and prevent the company from becoming successful in the...


This will definitely help to offset some of the losses that the company has been experiencing.
4. How will it affect the employees?

Employees will likely have mixed reactions to the proposed deal. It is reasonable to suspect that most employees will understand the motive behind the changes as well as the fact that they are most likely temporary and fully accept them. Other employees might be less accepting and less understanding. However, on the whole, the changes will probably be able to implemented without too much resistance.

5. How will it affect JVA Corp?


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"JVA HR How Permanent Or Temporary Is" (2012, March 31) Retrieved May 4, 2024, from

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This brings us to the costs that both employees and JVA Corp. will face if this strategy is implemented. The employees will lose because, after the economic crisis, they will find themselves at the same professional levels as before the crisis. As no performance management has been undertaken, there have been no training programs etc. And the employees will simply find themselves not adapted to the challenges of the environment.