Managed Care Is Used In Article Review


, income is quite often decreased and patient care sometimes adversely impacted due to time constraints, the need to hire a dedicated insurance person for the office, and the innumerable and sometimes counter-productive, forms and questions the HMOs ask of their medical professionals (See: Zimet, 1989, 2002). The survey instruments were both quantitative and qualitative in nature, and included four to six sections: basic demographics; general information about the practice (theoretical orientation, hours worked, staffing, etc.); basic locus of stress and attitudes towards practice; financial aspects of the practice; and a burnout inventory (designed to identify factors contributing to job or field burnout). Sample sets were then cross-tabulated and the results presented in tabular form, along with a robust discussion.

One of the aspects of the research was to infer the evolution of the practice in relation to managed care parameters....


As expected, the study found that managed care often contributed to occasional reductions in direct services and caseloads because of managed care issues. Ironically, because of managed care reimbursements and caps on services, lowering the caseload because of bureaucratic details further exacerbated the situation, since less money was flowing in from fewer patients, but requiring more detailed fiscal and office management in order to make those reimbursements occur. (Rupert & Baird, 3).
The survey data, combined with a literature review, highlight two prominent areas of concerns. First, because of overall overt (and covert) managed care issues with reimbursement, traditional psychological testing received less emphasis, down to about 40%, than would traditionally be expected. This is due, in part to the amount of paperwork and justification required by managed care for even a partial reimbursement of testing, often seen as superfluous at

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