Management Control The Objectives In The Organization Essay

¶ … Management Control The objectives in the organization are the following: customer/supplier satisfaction, market share, customer satisfaction, supplier satisfaction, employees well being. All of these factors are involved in optimum management control and all orbit around communication which is 95% of key for success particularly since we promise delievery of our services in a timely and prompt manner. The organization, in question, prizes communication, therefore optimum communication is important and can be achieved in the following manner

Geographically close project teams - That information will be passed as rapidly as possible between the different sectors e.g. that there will be good colleague-to-colleague relation and good relaxation with customers/suppliers. Communicaiton is prized in our company

Using the right tool for the job -- technical competence for one's respective field is important. This aids communication

Accurately managed resources - possessing accurate or current information about resources and what other team members are working on

4. Not wasting time looking for tools related to the project - Time is an asset in a fast-paced environment, aside from disorderliness impacting the environment of the workplace, potentially negatively impacting colleagues, and work-related performance. All of which hinders communication

5. Miscommunication in meetings -- necessary time may be wasted in peripheral matters in meetings when this time can be fruitfully allocated to more important matter. Our key aim is to understand others, to interpret correct, and then to transfer the demands to suppliers and others correctly. This is particularly important since we are an international company.

How I would weave leadership into performance management

Whether leadership is innate or not, according to Pearce and Robinson (2011), the ideal kind of leader for an organization and necessary of effective performance management is the one who possesses the following characteristics: Empowerment (the personality and stamina to motivate and encourage his employees to succeed); Risk-taking (the courage to take prudent risks and encourage his employees to do likewise); Participation (the humility to participate with his employees in their job); Development (the optimism and forward perspective to roll with the blows and constantly look and move forwards).

The leader who has these characteristics in place and is able to win the respect of his employees is someone who can effectuate optimum performance management. These leadership skills are characteristics that are woven into all areas of the performance management paradigm since these traits (reinforced by active listening, empathy, and respect for all employees) are inherent in every single task and circumstance that the manager and workforce do together and, in essence, in their total relationship. In essence, the leader has to model and practice the crucial characteristics that make for valuable communication (Pearce & Robinson, 2011). This is particularly important given the cultural diversity of our workplace. The leader too has to practice tolerance and openness to all. These leadership skills integrate all levels of the company from working with suppliers to employees to customer satisfaction and this is where performance management comes in since it is essentially the craft of having all departments working together in a uniform and effective manner.

The relationship between performance management and other organizational systems

Our company is comprised of various departments that include sales of machines and consumables, technological support (consulting / product development), technical support (service), installation, spare parts, and training. All of these divisions have to be integrated and indicate seamless functioning for our goal to be achieved; namely that we maintain our track record of showing that we have helped customers get their machines up and running time and again due to our speedy service and efficient logistics support team. Performance management, hence, is a discipline that runs through all systems since it is in essence techniques that effectuate facilitated and optimal running of a team in any and every situation. It involves planning work and setting expectations; continually monitoring performance; developing the capacity to perform; rewarding good performance; and rating the performance (Brandl, & Guttl, 2007). In this way, performance of the members of the group is sharpened to its ultimate pith and this, in turn, has positive repercussions on all divisions of our organization. In a more immediate way, the overall goal of performance management is to ensure that all subsystems of the organization are optimally cooperating together to achieve effective results.

Creating a Performance Learning system that considers cultural differences:

Cultural differences is a major dynamic in our firm particularly since we are comprised of such a diversity of cultures each of which integrates tasks and commands according to their own value system. Implementing and accomplishing tasks...


Understanding these differences and cultural reasons for these differences, enables greater tolerance and appreciation of differences in a mixed-group setting. When reviewing organizational goals, therefore, in terms of units of performance, the leader should realize that different people may have different interpretations of outcome and 'performance' as well as there being culturally-related matters that may creep into their work involvement and relationships with others. Being open about these matters and discussing them with the involved individuals can help the leader prevent and resolve potential conflict as well as enhance performance management and create a more integrated team.
The learning journey

Our motif is speed. Our key aim it sot be our customer's first choice supplier of high-tech equipment and consumable items, reinforced by efficient after-sales and technical support. To do this, we guarantee European-style service and efficacy with local available goods and profound understanding of local conditions and culture. The learning journey of the company therefore has to orbit around recognition of the importance of speed, excellent communication, and tolerance of others. Quality too is a must.

The above can be achieved by the leader's example and possibly also by a reward program that would be put into place to provide incentives (such as a bonus) for enhanced performance. Manager's supervision can act as observation of performance. Excellent vertical communication (and superb cross-functional collaboration as well as collaborative teamwork) would be achieved by introducing polices such as weekly one-hour group meetings that include discussion, lectures by specialists and practical exercises, intermittent workshops on workplace performance, and a series of training programs and seminars so that employees will learn new ways of understanding customer's culture and relating to it whilst understanding of colleagues culture and better communications skills would also be expressed. Imparting history of the firm (i.e. its historical and family traditional roots as meat processing and technology) may also help. The whole will be rated by the different departmental manager's observations of improvement in the various divisions.

Connectivity to other organizational systems

Our company is comprised of various departments that include sales of machines and consumables; technological support (consulting / product development); technical support (service); installation; spare parts; and training. All of these different divisions (see above) have to be integrated and indicate seamless functioning for company's total superior performance to be achieved -- since, obviously, all work towards an ultimate end.

Connectivity to each of the various organizational departments can be achieved via documenting a performance plan that includes desired results, measures and standards and is applicable through the organization to all departments. Each department, however, may have to have its particular goals, standards, and measures as well as rating criteria. This is best achieved in conjunction with the members of that particular division.

Flexibility in changing times

External and internal challenges, as for instance with implementation of new federal legislation, may cause unwanted change to occur to our industry. This is particularly likely since food is involved (particularly meat processing) and regulations come out all the time. Political problems in the Middle East can also cause complications between the Middle East and Europe to occur. Change may be difficult for our organization. The leader can 'sugar-coat' change by phrasing it in terms such as 'challenge' or 'growth' and modeling his ability to surmount it in a courageous way can encourage his organization to do likewise. Change can be seen as a learning situation and if this is the attitude that the leader himself adopts towards the change, the organization is more likely to simulate and follow suit, particularly if employees see themselves as being in 'charge' of the 'fight', controlling it, and that victory depends on them.

Connectivity to strategic initiatives in Finance to HR

We have a lot of plans afoot aside from carrying the responsibility of continuing our tradition and reputation. As complex and large company, we work hard to merit our customer's loyalty and prove our dedication to speed and results. Areas that need to be constantly maintained are our tendency and ability to link with to-notch suppliers, partnerships, and agencies in the field that are in…

Sources Used in Documents:


Brandl, J., & Guttl, W.H. " Organizational antecedents of pay-for-performance systems in nonprofit organizations." International Society for Third-Sector Research 1, (2007): 176-199.

Chaudron, D. Assessing and Improving your Organization, Organized Change Consultancy, Retrieved on 1/12/2011 from:

Nisbett, R. (2003) The geography of thought: how culture colors the way the mind works. Ann Arbor, Mich.

Pearce, J.A., & Robinson, R.B., (2011). Strategic Management. Formulation, Implementation, and Control (12th ed.). New York: McGraw - Hill Companies
West, CK. Project insight: five common project management challenges

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