Management Of Change Case Study Case Study

Same as all companies are built on a vision of their founders, so should the new organization that will result after the change management process, be built on a vision. Although the manager will create the vision of the new organization, he should make sure that all the stakeholders in included in the process. The vision should not only be directed at how the museum will look like from an artistic point-of-view, but it should also be directed towards its employees and how they will participate in the change management process and in the new organization, and towards the new image that the Louvre will present in comparison with similar institutions.

During this step, the team's emotional and creative attributes are more important than the rational ones. This is because the vision must be a simple, general image of how the manager and the museum's stakeholders want the new museum to be like.

The rational attribute of the team will come to action when the strategy will be established. The strategy should be a simple one, easy to put into action, and able of reaching high levels of effectiveness. This way, the stakeholders will see that the change management process is a feasible one and that it can really improve their organization.

If such a strategy will be developed, the stakeholders will not raise so many challenges to the manager's vision, and will efficiently participate in the change management process.

Improve communication

Communication is very important in any change management process. The Louvre's manager must pay specific attention to developing the communication strategy. The most important fact that must be taken into consideration when developing the communication strategy consists in involving as many people as possible in the process.

This is because communication must reach all the stakeholders affected by the change intended to be implemented at the Louvre. However, communication in this case should be kept at a simple level, in order to avoid any communication deficiencies.

It is necessary to identify stakeholders' needs, so that communication addresses directly those needs. Technology is very important where communication is concerned, since the proper use of technology can help reduce time, costs, and increase efficiency.

It is also recommended to communicate the essential aspects, rather than charge the communication channels with various types of information that is not really necessary and that might lead to certain errors in the communication process.

Empower action

The following step in Kotter's change management model is represented by empowering action. This step basically consists in removing the obstacles that are likely to emerge during the implementation of the change process.

In the Louvre's case, these obstacles are represented by stakeholders' resistance to change. The manager must determine the stakeholders to overcome their resistance to change. This is connected to the previous step, regarding efficient communication.

In this case, the manager should hold public meetings on the Louvre's rebranding. This way, change could be communicated to a greater number of people. Debating the subject on pubic TV channels and radio stations, and inviting several specialists in the field and other stakeholders to these debates might help people understand the necessity of implementing change at the Louvre.

During this step it is also important that the change management team enables constructive feedback. The change at Louvre is done with the stakeholders, for the stakeholders. And this must clearly communicated to them. Their feedback is important to the management team. Based on the feedback received from stakeholders involved in the change process, progress can be made at implementing the change.

However, leaders of the team should not be neglected. Even if they understand the necessity of change better than other stakeholders of the Louvre, they also require significant support from the top management. They must make sure that their decisions are supported by the superior management of the museum.

The motivational system of the organization should prove its efficiency during this step. In other words, any progress made by the change implementation team and by the stakeholders involved in the change management...


Punishments should also be included in this strategy.
Create short-term wins

This step is destined to establishing simple objectives that can be easily achieved by the team. If the team establishes objectives that are difficult to reach, not achieving them will demoralize the team members and will make the change process implementation more difficult.

But if simple goals are established, they will be easier achieved by the team members, with less effort than necessary for more important objectives. This will encourage team members, and will motivate them into fulfilling their established tasks.

Do not let up

Kotter further advises to encourage the persistence of tem members in order to reach the objectives established by the museum's managers.

Make change stick

Once the change management process has been successfully implemented, the change management must ensure that the organizational environmental will remain favorable for the implemented change.

The issue of introducing such change at the Louvre is a very sensitive one. The museum's image in the mind of visitors, employees, and other stakeholders is quite strong and is difficult to be changed. Therefore, it is recommended that the manager makes small changes, of less significance, because they are easier accepted by the organization's stakeholders.

Reference list:

1. Change Management for Shared Services and BPO (2010). SourcingMag. Retrieved August 22, 2010 from

2. Kotter, J. (1995). John P. Kotter's eight steps to successful change. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

3. Cellars, T. (2007). Change Management Models. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

4. ADKAR -- A model for change management (2007). Change Management Learning Center. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

5. Baekdal, T. (2006). Change Management Handbook. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

6. Lewin's Change Management Model (2010). MindTools. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

7. Cameron, E. & Green, M. (2004). Making sense of change management. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

8. Hiatt, J. & Creasey, T. (2003). Change Management: the people side of change. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

9. Paton, R. & McCalman, J. (2000). Change Management: a guide to effective implementation. Second Edition. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

10. Luecke, R. (2003). Managing Change and Transition. Harvard Business Essentials. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

Sources Used in Documents:

Reference list:

1. Change Management for Shared Services and BPO (2010). SourcingMag. Retrieved August 22, 2010 from

2. Kotter, J. (1995). John P. Kotter's eight steps to successful change. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

3. Cellars, T. (2007). Change Management Models. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

4. ADKAR -- A model for change management (2007). Change Management Learning Center. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from
5. Baekdal, T. (2006). Change Management Handbook. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from
6. Lewin's Change Management Model (2010). MindTools. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from
7. Cameron, E. & Green, M. (2004). Making sense of change management. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from
8. Hiatt, J. & Creasey, T. (2003). Change Management: the people side of change. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from
9. Paton, R. & McCalman, J. (2000). Change Management: a guide to effective implementation. Second Edition. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from
10. Luecke, R. (2003). Managing Change and Transition. Harvard Business Essentials. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from

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