Managing Diversity In The Workplace Term Paper

An agency acquires this information by evaluating the views of the employees on diversity issues. Analysis of the trends and projections of the workforce in determination of the skills gaps and necessitates and devising successive planning strategies are crucial moves for agency strategic and business planning. Such efforts facilitate the managers with the required facts so as to be aware of the assignment of resources and the making the necessary planning for the future work of the organization and the points of concentration of their energy to produce a high performance organization. (Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce) The successful managers understand the necessary skills for producing a successful diverse workforce. Firstly they should be aware of the discrimination and its results. Secondly, the managers must acknowledge their own cultural ethos and chauvinisms. The diversity does not mean only the differentiation between the groups but rather about the differences among individuals. Each of the individual is considered to be a specific entity and therefore, does not stand for a common group. At last, the managers are required to be desirous of varying the system of organization if necessary. (Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools) When an agency is placed for success and proceeds to plan and execute its diversity program to incorporate the specific elements that caters to construct and maintain its diverse, high quality workforce. Particularly, the several evaluation methodologies of the workforce profile, the work environment of the agency and the future workforce necessities are required to have identified strengths, weaknesses and targets of opportunities. These are considered to be significant elements in the sphere of specific efforts that comprise of the diversity programs. (Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce)

There exist several confrontations to management of the diverse workforce. Management of the diversity is considered to be more than somewhat becoming aware of the differentiations prevailing in people. It additionally incorporates acknowledgement of value of differences, culmination of differences, and promotion of inclusiveness. The managers may also confront the problem of loss in personnel and work productivity as a result of the prejudice and discrimination and complaints and legal actions against the organization. The negative attitudes and activities can still be obstacles to organizational diversity since they can hinder the working relationships and affect the morality and work productivity. The negative attitudes and behaviors in the workplace incorporate prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination that are never applied by the management while employing, retaining and terminating practices. Management of the diversity is therefore involves somewhat more than simply guaranteeing the equal employment opportunities and positive action. The managers should think of the reformation as a slow process simultaneously promoting change. (Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools)

On the basis of the results of evaluation of the contemporary environment and devising of the planning for the workforce the agency has the appropriate identification of the type and number of positions to be fulfilled along with the targeted needs. The agency then is prepared for devising the required approach to find out and employ the diverse and skilled workforce so as to accomplish the mission of the agency. In order to create a diverse workforce, agencies are required to incorporate tailored strategies to employ and hire these individuals into their overall strategies. (Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce) Encouragement of workforce diversity is therefore a process that infuses in many stages and at many levels. It is required that the HR professionals must at first employ competent and qualified staff and then have room for the individual necessities amidst the prevailing structure of work team and the organization. (Recruiting and Managing a Diverse Workforce)

The basic necessity of the successful recruitment is to attract strong candidates those are prepared both to meet the strategic goals and priorities and to work in the environment of the agency. After searching out the skilled candidates the agency is required to hire them. Accomplishing a diverse and highly competent workforce by successful attraction and hiring of the desired employee mix is only considered to be the initiation. The heavy investment on recruitment and hiring of high competent employee involves the danger of the wasting of these efforts in absence of a powerful retention approach. The next goal of the agency is to make certain the retention of the skilled employees within the agency. The goal is to concentrate on the secondary set of elements to be incorporated in the planning and implementation of the diversity program of the agency. (Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce)

An assisting work environment...


The Federal Government is offering many government-wide programs to assist the employees; and the rest of the assistance is provided by the individual agencies. The professional development and training opportunities are significant factors so as to ensure retention of the employees with the organization. The system of the organization responsible for providing incentives and engage the employees act as key of maintaining a diverse and high quality workforce. All the people are desirous of seeing their efforts recognized. Moreover the agencies are required to be vigilant about ensuring that merit and result as impetus for differences in rewards. The agencies are required to utilize all facets of pay flexibilities and awards to retain top employees. (Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce)
Another crucial requirement in managing diversity is in promoting a 'safe' place for associates to communicate. The social gatherings and business meetings where every member is required to listen and have the opportunity to ventilate is taken to be better ways of creating dialogues. The managers are required to execute policies like mentoring programs to assist the associates to evaluate the information and opportunities. Further it is essential to always extend the necessary feedback for learning their weaknesses and successes. (Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools) The program is taken to be an effective one that is embedded with the culture and the business processes of an agency and is sustained over time. The agencies are capable of taking various steps to smoothen their continuity.

The agencies are required to devise new systems of measuring to intermittently watch and evaluate the successfulness of their diversity efforts and formulate modifications wherever necessary. The results are required to be collective and formulated in collaboration with senior managers and supervisors. To be successful in developing and sustaining strong diversity efforts the agency heads are required to make their staffs like senior executives, managers and supervisors responsible for accomplishment of the results. The OPM also evaluate the effectiveness of the agency in executing different diversity initiatives. Additionally, making the managers and supervisors responsible for building and maintaining a diverse, high quality workforce, agencies are required to take adequate precautions to acknowledge the success duly. (Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce)


To conclude, a diverse workforce represents a changing world and marketplace. Diverse work groups are taken to be of much significance to the organizations. Regard to the individual differences entails benefits to the workplace with the creation of competitive environment and enhancement of work productivity. The effective management of diversity benefits the associates by creating a fair and safe environment where everyone has a reach to the opportunities and challenges. The instruments of management in a diverse workforce are required to be employed to make understand everyone about the diversity and its concerns along with associated laws and regulations. Since the workplaces are strangled with increasing diverse cultures the organizations are required to learn the ways to become familiarized so as to be successful. Emphasizing diversity is taken to be a persistent effort of every professional development program beginning from the top executives to employees at all the lower levels within the agency.

Sources Used in Documents:


Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce" (25 June 2000) Retrieved at Accessed on 15 January, 2005

Creating a Diverse Workforce" Retrieved from Retrieved at Accessed on 15 January, 2005

Recruiting and Managing a Diverse Workforce" Retrieved at on 15 January, 2005

Green, Kelli A; L. pez, Mayra; Wysocki, Allen; Kepner, Karl. "Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools" University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved at Accessed on 15 January, 2005
Leading a Diverse Workforce" U.S. Department of Transportation. Retrieved at Accessed on 15 January, 2005
Nwabueze, Uche. "Managing Diverse Workforce -- Views of a Bystander: Management, Recruitment, Socialization, Teamwork" Retrieved at on 15 January, 2005

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