Narcissism According To The Mayo Thesis

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According to the Mayo Clinic, personality disorders manifest in ways that limit the social functioning of individuals. Such disorders often cause extreme behavior problems, and relationships are difficult for persons suffering in this way. This is also true of the narcissistic personality disorder. The Mayo Clinic defines this disorder as one that causes an unrealistic sense of one's own importance. Persons suffering from the narcissistic personality disorder then also have a need for admiration while caring little for the feelings and needs of others. In addition, and perhaps also ironically, the veneer of extreme confidence hides a very vulnerable self-esteem that could crumble under the smallest criticism.

According to Joanna Ashmun, narcissism is particularly tragic when it manifests in parents. Children are most often not aware that the traits these parents display are a result of the parents' psychological shortcomings. Such children find it impossible to please their parents, and often grow up with a sense of inadequacy and shame.

Sam Vaknin notes that narcissism is a fairly newly category of personality disorders, and has therefore not enjoyed a large amount of research. This is one of the reasons why it can be so damaging in relationships; many without a psychological background are not aware that the traits displayed by sufferers of the disorder are indeed the result of the disorder rather than the personality itself.

According to current estimations, about 0.7-1% of the population suffer from the disorder. The onset of narcissism generally occurs either in infancy, adolescence or early adulthood. Medication is rarely used to treat the disorder, unless it manifests with other conditions as well. Narcissism is generally treated with psychotherapy. Although the prognosis for adult narcissism sufferers is poor, talk therapy does help to integrate them into society and to function better within relationships.


Ashmun, Joanna M. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): How to Recognize a Narcissist. 2000.

Mayo Clinic. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 2009.

Vaknin, Sam. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Definition. 2008, Nov. 2.

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