Personality Essays (Examples)

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Personality, Motivation and Managing Staff
Personality, Motivation Managing Staff

The purpose of this report is to demonstrate the ability to form an accurate understanding of people and to apply theory appropriately. To do this, I have studied English Character is Dylan Harper played by Justin Timberlake, in the movie Friends with Benefits. This report seeks to apply course theory, and develop actions (the actions can be initiated by others, managers, work colleagues, family members and/or by the characters themselves). In effect, this report has used the movie Friends with Benefits as an enriched case study that allows viewers to explore the complexity and subtlety of workplace behavior and, crucially, the critical application of course theory. This report is enthralling to read because it is based on a character whose behavior is richly depicted and open to multiple interpretations. Ultimately, this report analyzes Dylan Harper using course ideas and materials. The analysis will….

Personality and Leadership

Personality and Leadership
Personality most certainly has an impact on a person's leadership style, effectiveness, and overall competence. And clearly the personality traits shown by leaders impact underlings and employees in numerous ways. In this paper personality -- as linked to leadership skills and styles -- will be viewed through scholarly references and research. Also, the issue of nature vs. nurture will be reviewed and critiqued as well.

hat is Personality?

The New York Times-owned explains that personality has certain "fundamental characteristics," including: a) consistency (there is a sense of regularity and order to human behaviors; people tend to act the same way or in "similar ways in a variety of situations"); b) psychological and physiological (personality is psychologically constructed but research reveals that it is "also influenced by biological processes and needs"); c) personality has a profound impact on a person's actions and behaviors (our personalities cause us to act in….

Personality Approaches
Biological Humanistic Approaches


Humanistic and Biological Approaches of Human Personality

Basic Aspects of Humanistic Theory Incompatible with Biological Explanations of Personality

The purpose of writing this essay is to analyze the two approaches of personality; humanistic approach and biological approach. These two approaches are opposite to each other; since humanistic approach allows free will and gives an optimistic view of personality while the biological approach is deterministic. Due to being pessimistic in nature, biological approach is often criticized and considered incompatible with the basic aspects of humanistic theory.

Humanistic Approach

Humanistic approach of personality does not accept the determinism and the Freudian Theory of unconscious forces. It emphasizes on the person's own perception of the world, his basic goodness and his free will to make decisions for his fulfilling his needs. According to this approach, feelings of self acceptance, spirituality and personal responsibility are the key factors that bring differences in the personality.


Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

The origins of the unique personality that gives each of us our constant behaviors and traits is a complex issue. The two prevailing theories on personality are biological and humanistic. Both of these theories have supporters and opponents, each for different reasons. The humanistic approach only considers the present and does not consider the past or what will happen in the future. The humanistic approach places greater emphasis on the feelings of self-value. The biological approach places greater emphasis on the thoughts than the feelings (Ford, 2011). The biological approach relies on genetics rather than experience as the basis of personality. This extreme view is one of the key reasons cited by opponents of the biological approach. Eysenck represents one of the key proponents of the biological theory supporters. His theory is based on the infrequency with which personality traits change (Ford, 2011).

Maslow proposed that….

Personality Analysis of Landon Carter
Personality Analysis: Landon Carter

There are many stages of development, and the goal here is to address them using the fictional character Landon Carter from A Walk to emember (Shankman, 2002). The premise is that characters in fiction, as in real life, can grow and develop through their interactions with others. One of the best ways to determine how much growth a character has accomplished over the course of the novel or movie is to consider where the character started and where he or she ended. Additionally, how that character got from point A to point B. In his or her development and what took place that allowed the character to move forward on his or her journey are also significant. Characters that do not develop throughout the course of a story are generally overlooked by those who are watching or reading that story, and if that….

Personality Psychology
A Personality Profile of Charlie Sheen


Charlie Sheen, born Carlos Irwin Estevez, is an American movie and television actor who has been acting for almost 30 years in some capacity (A & E. Networks, 2012). He is the son of amon Estevez (aka Martin Sheen) and Janet Templeton an artist. His early was typical of a youth growing up in California, but he quickly joined the family business. At the age of nine he had his first acting role with in his father's production of The Execution of Private Slovik (A & E. Networks, 2012). Sheen performed bit roles in many different productions as a child and teen, but his drive to be a star and his antics became apparent early in his life. He was expelled from Santa Monica High School just two weeks before he was supposed to graduate in 1983 because of his bad grades and poor….

Personality Analysis of J. Edgar Hoover

There are numerous sources that confirm the fact that J. Edgar Hoover, founder and the most notorious head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was a closet homosexual. While this fact in and of itself is not the main defining trait of this man, it certainly was one of them and produced a profound influence on other traits of this American leader. The most important fact about Hoover's sexuality is that it was largely hidden from the public. In that sense, then, he led a repressed life and largely had to conceal the fact that he was sexually attracted to men. As a leader of the FBI, Hoover was notoriously ruthless. He spied on numerous individuals, and was considered to have wantonly abused his power and promoted others for his own personal gain (James, 2011). Hoover's manner of dealing with stressful situations was to largely….

Psychological Approaches to Understanding Personality

Personality is one part of psychology where there are many conflicting ideas. It is fair to say that there is not one single approach to personality that is considered as accepted. Instead, there are a range of ways that personality can be considered. This paper will describe three of these ways: the psychodynamic approach, the trait approach, and the behavioral approach. After each approach is described and analyzed, the approaches will be assessed with the most convincing and the least convincing identified.

The Psychodynamic Approach

The psychodynamic perspective is based on the idea that personality is based on a conflict between a person's biological drives and the needs of society. This approach to understanding personality is the one taken by Freud. Freud describes personality by focusing on the internal factors that determine an individual's personality. This is explained via the concepts of the id, the ego, and the….

One of the foremost psychologists in this area is Adolph Adler. Adler was of the opinion that "… personality is shaped by the child's relationship with his/her parents and by our consciously chosen life goals, rather than by instincts" (Ewen, 1998, p. 1). This view suggests the primary importance of societal and family influences in the creation and development of personality. This view led to cognitive and social-cognitive theories, as well as humanistic theories of personality.
A primary focus in the last few decades has been on the way that personality is influenced by a combination of both psychological and socials pressures and forces. Crucial in this regard is the period of adolescence as a formative period of development. Adolescence, especially during the early years "…is a period of important developmental changes and a time of stress and conflict. The physiological changes often precipitate special problems and doubts about self-concept,….

Personality Characteristics of Sexually Abused Children
Child sexual assault is a wide spread problem in today's society that presents a severe risk to the victim's mental health, both during childhood and into adulthood. For many sexually abused children, the effects continue long after the abuse has ended.

Sexually abused children have been proven to develop a variety of personality characteristics, as the result of experiencing fear, hostility, guilt, shame, depression, low self-esteem, poor self-image, physical and sleep complaints, and sexual behavior disturbances, that will impact how their personalities develop (Lynch, 1978: 111-113).

For millions of children, sexual abuse is a painful reality. Sexually abused children often suffer from shame, humiliation, anger and sadness, which undoubtedly affect their personalities.

According to data obtained by the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect, approximately 826,000 children were abused in 1999 (National Clearinghouse, 1999). Of these victims, 58.4% suffered from neglect, 21.3% suffered from physical abuse and….

Harris "believes that parent do not shape their child's personality or character" (Lee, 2003) rather, it is the child's peers who hold more influence on the child. According to Harris, children do not use all the information they have learned from their parents. In general, children behave in the manner which they have learned from people in their social group.
According to Haimowitz, family environment does not contribute much to a child personality and his or her risk for a disorder such as schizophrenia. In a study conducted among adopted-away children whose biological mothers suffered from schizophrenia, results show that "several of the adopted away children of schizophrenic mothers suffered from schizophrenia themselves, while the adoptees whose parents didn't have schizophrenia also did not have schizophrenia themselves" (Haimowitz, 2005). This study espouses the theory that environment does not play a big role in an individual's personality rather biological influences or….

The two approaches employed and explored also provided richer understanding of personality and prejudice as well as comparative analyses between these two approaches. The study was also able to keenly account for certain nuances such as differences in results when certain variables where entered first in multiple regression technique. I also appreciate the fact that the researchers took time to discuss the varying degrees of freedom between person- and variable-centered approaches and were able to justify how they can still be comparable through adjustment of df.
Lastly, the article was not able to state its limitations and recommendation for future research works. It does not elaborate on what may be the limitations of this project which may guide future research works on this domain in order to build upon the knowledge this present study has produced. Failing to note its limitations (particularly in the research design) also makes it difficult….

Further, research on music theory has shown that students who receive higher praise or rewards for improved skills consistently outperform those who do not (Madsen, 2003). Such information suggests that motivation, a component of personality, is based on experiences with the rewards for specific behaviors.
The concept that personality is based on experience suggests theorists such as Freud who suggest individuals are evil by nature, are incorrect. Since our experiences shape who we are, as even Freud pointed out (Nicholi, 2002), one becomes evil or good as a result of his or her life experiences. He or she does not consciously choose this alignment, but rather reacts to the alignment his or her experiences create. Thus, behaviors are not always conscious, but can simply be unconscious reactions to external forces, such as social, economic, or biological aspects. This is not to say one can not choose behavior, but rather, that….

Psychological Perspectives in Psychology: individual and social environment influences

In the field of psychology, the study of personality is essential, allowing the psychologist to understand the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of the individual. Understanding personality is significant to psychological studies because it is through this aspect that one determines the kind of individual the person is, what are the likely actions and behavior that s/he will adapt to when confronted in a particular situation or reality. However, the psychology of personality is not unidimensional: personality can be explained in psychology through various facets or perspectives. These perspectives offer different explanations about the nature and dynamic of personality, yet, each perspective provides insightful and additional information, increasing knowledge of humanity about individual personalities.

These perspectives are divided into four main traditions in psychology: the psychoanalytic, behaviorist, humanistic, and cognitive perspectives to understanding personality. In the psychoanalytic perspective, personality is primarily determined biologically, wherein….

Although interpersonal and group level communications reside at a lower level than organizational communication, they are major forms of communication in organizations and are prominently addressed in the organizational communication literature. Recently, as organizations became more communication-based, greater attention was directed at improving the interpersonal communication skills of all organizational members. Historically, informal communication was primarily seen as a potential block to effective organizational performance. This is no longer the case is modern times, as on-going, dynamic, and informal communication has become more important to ensuring the effective conduct of work
It is also widely accepted that top managers should communicate directly with immediate supervisors and that immediate supervisors should communicate with their direct reports. In regard to issues of importance, top managers should then follow-up by communicating with employees directly. The Communication Accommodation Theory supports this rationale. In terms of supervisor-employee communication, one researcher argues the difficulty of trusting….

When most people think about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economics, they think of it as being purely destructive.  While there can be no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has created economic uncertainty in many sectors, leading to a loss of production and high unemployment rates in many areas, it cannot be ignored that the pandemic has also led to new opportunities for certain businesses.  Understanding those opportunities may be critical to the overall recovery of the global economy, as those industries that have experienced gains determine how to leverage them in a way that....

There are many different subtopics that could be addressed in an essay about genetics and heredity, from evolution to the nature versus nurture debate.  Here are some catchy titles we thought of for some of those essays:

  1. Unlocking Your Genetic Code
  2. Genes to Genomes
  3. Two Sides of the Same Coin: Heredity and Evolution
  4. Genetic Expression: How Heredity Means It Can Be Nature and Nurture
  5. The Role of RNA in Genetic Expression
  6. Recessive Traits: Beyond Mendel’s Pea Experiments
  7. Kissing Cousins: Exploring the Genetic Reasons for Cultural Taboos Against Incest
  8. Humans as Mutants: The Creation of the Homo Sapien
  9. Selective Breeding in Humans: Science Fiction or....

Serial killers are a topic that has fascinated people, beginning before the term was even coined.  They have been romanticized in pop culture, but their crimes seem to be rooted in a personality disorder that keeps them from empathizing with others.  They kill in a variety of ways and, when left unchecked, the number of people that they can kill can get into the 100s. 

Some subtopics to consider when writing about serial killers for your essay topic are:

  1. The role of Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) in serial murders.
  2. Psychopath or sociopath?  Where on the spectrum of personality....

Given the popularity of online dating and dating apps, writing an argumentative essay against online dating is a good choice.  It is always more interesting to write a position paper that may be unusual, because it is unlikely to recycle the same arguments that your professor will see in other papers.  There is actually a myriad of reasons that online dating may not be as successful (or as safe) as traditional in-person dating, and any of these reasons could serve as the basis for an argumentative essay.  They include but are not limited to potential....

11 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Personality Motivation and Managing Staff Personality Motivation

Words: 2963
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Personality, Motivation and Managing Staff Personality, Motivation Managing Staff The purpose of this report is to demonstrate the ability to form an accurate understanding of people and to apply theory appropriately.…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Personality and Leadership

Words: 1573
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Personality and Leadership Personality most certainly has an impact on a person's leadership style, effectiveness, and overall competence. And clearly the personality traits shown by leaders impact underlings and employees…

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4 Pages


Personality Approaches Biological Humanistic Approaches Human Personality

Words: 1268
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Personality Approaches Biological Humanistic Approaches HUMAN PESONALITY Humanistic and Biological Approaches of Human Personality Basic Aspects of Humanistic Theory Incompatible with Biological Explanations of Personality The purpose of writing this essay is to analyze…

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5 Pages


Personality Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

Words: 1686
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Personality Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality The origins of the unique personality that gives each of us our constant behaviors and traits is a complex issue. The two prevailing theories…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Personality Analysis of Landon Carter Personality Analysis

Words: 3585
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personality Analysis of Landon Carter Personality Analysis: Landon Carter There are many stages of development, and the goal here is to address them using the fictional character Landon Carter from A…

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3 Pages


Personality Analysis Through 2 Domains Perspectives of Knowledge Trait Preferably on Charlie Sheen

Words: 1019
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Personality Psychology A Personality Profile of Charlie Sheen History/Biography Charlie Sheen, born Carlos Irwin Estevez, is an American movie and television actor who has been acting for almost 30 years in some…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Personality Analysis of J Edgar Hoover J

Words: 985
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Personality Analysis of J. Edgar Hoover J. There are numerous sources that confirm the fact that J. Edgar Hoover, founder and the most notorious head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Personality Psychological Approaches to Understanding Personality Is

Words: 2620
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personality Psychological Approaches to Understanding Personality Personality is one part of psychology where there are many conflicting ideas. It is fair to say that there is not one single approach to…

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2 Pages


Personality Human Personality Is a

Words: 889
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

One of the foremost psychologists in this area is Adolph Adler. Adler was of the opinion that "… personality is shaped by the child's relationship with his/her parents…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Personality Characteristics of Sexually Abused Children

Words: 2146
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personality Characteristics of Sexually Abused Children Child sexual assault is a wide spread problem in today's society that presents a severe risk to the victim's mental health, both during childhood…

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3 Pages


Personality Theories Personality Is a

Words: 798
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Harris "believes that parent do not shape their child's personality or character" (Lee, 2003) rather, it is the child's peers who hold more influence on the child. According…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Personality & Prejudice Theories of

Words: 1384
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The two approaches employed and explored also provided richer understanding of personality and prejudice as well as comparative analyses between these two approaches. The study was also able…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personality There Are Several Personality

Words: 1065
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Further, research on music theory has shown that students who receive higher praise or rewards for improved skills consistently outperform those who do not (Madsen, 2003). Such information…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Personality Psychological Perspectives in Psychology Individual and

Words: 515
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personality Psychological Perspectives in Psychology: individual and social environment influences In the field of psychology, the study of personality is essential, allowing the psychologist to understand the thoughts, feelings, and behavior…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Personality & Communication Affect on Supervision

Words: 5219
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although interpersonal and group level communications reside at a lower level than organizational communication, they are major forms of communication in organizations and are prominently addressed in the…

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