Nursing Critique Qualitative Research In Thesis


Lastly an extensive literature review was conducted prior to the start of the research (Landreneau and Ward-Smith, 2007). Philosophical and Theoretical Connectedness

The researchers stated that in reviewing the literature, there was only one study found that addressed patients' perceptions concerning their choices, and this choice was only related to renal transplant. This three pronged study explored discussions between patients and nephrologists regarding transplantation as a treatment option for kidney failure. This ground-breaking study concluded that treatment options, and the order of the presentation of the options, influenced renal transplantation as a choice. It is unclear if there was any mention of knowledge obtained from sources other than the nephrologists (Landreneau and Ward-Smith, 2007).

It is noted that the findings in this study support Waitkin's (1985) research on the impact of medical treatment and its effect on choice. It is seen that namely, risks and benefits are taken into account when making treatment choice. Data from the present study established that the other treatments carry risks that the participants often thought were too great and influenced their treatment choice (Landreneau and Ward-Smith, 2007).

Heuristic Relevance

The researchers believed that future research surrounding this topic should focus on the areas of choice, education, and other dynamics that have been seen to impact a person's choice. Data obtained in this study provide a very important first step in the investigation of perceptions concerning choice of renal replacement therapy in patients on Hemodialysis. More research is needed to understand each type of renal replacement therapy, not just Hemodialysis. Choices and knowledge about them are essential features of the decision making process for patients on Hemodialysis and necessitate the inquiry that is treatment specific and include all treatments available to the patient (Landreneau and Ward-Smith, 2007).


It looked at what factors influenced a person's decision when deciding on treatment. When a person is faced with kidney failure they have three options as to treatment. These include Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and transplant. All of these procedures have their disadvantages and should be weighed heavily when making a decision.
This study found that the amount of information along with the order is which the patient was told about each choice greatly influenced what choice they made. This finding reflected the finding of another study that was done in regards to medical treatment choices that were not about kidney failure. The researchers have suggested that further research needs to be done in this area in order to completely understand the findings that were discovered here. The more that is learned the more information that can be not only passed on to patients but also to health care professionals so that they can better treat those who suffer from kidney failure. The area of treatment choice is so very important to a patient's quality of life that furtherer research is not only warranted but necessary in order to help patient's make the best decisions that they can.


Concerns about kidney failure. (2009). Retrieved August 8, 2009, from Web site:

Landreneau, Kandace J. And Ward-Smith, Peggy. (2007). Perceptions of Adult

Patients on Hemodialysis Concerning Choice Among Renal Replacement Therapies Nephrology

Nursing Journal. 34( 5), 513-525.

Kidney Failure: Choosing a Treatment that's Right for You. (n.d.) Retrieved August 8, 2009,

from Fresenius Medical Care Web site: https://www.ultracare-

Sources Used in Documents:


Concerns about kidney failure. (2009). Retrieved August 8, 2009, from Web site:

Landreneau, Kandace J. And Ward-Smith, Peggy. (2007). Perceptions of Adult

Patients on Hemodialysis Concerning Choice Among Renal Replacement Therapies Nephrology
from Fresenius Medical Care Web site: https://www.ultracare-

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"Nursing Critique Qualitative Research In" (2009, August 08) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Nursing Critique Qualitative Research In", 08 August 2009, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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