Dialysis Essays (Examples)

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Physicians, however, prefer hemodialysis because of reimbursement trends (Wellbery).
Dietary Changes - Many patients also prefer peritoneal dialysis to hemodialysis because the latter restricts the diet (NKUDICC 2000). Peritoneal dialysis removes body wastes slowly but it always does. In hemodialysis, on the other hand, wastes can build up for two or three days between treatments. In addition, a patient on hemodialysis must observe a restrictive diet. Some clinics help plan the meals of patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Their dietitians can give advice on how to prepare more satisfying meals (NKUDICC).

Management and Implications - Managing acute renal failure begins with determining the cause (Agrawal and Swartz 2000). It includes a thorough history and physical examination, blood tests, urine studies and a renal ultrasound examination. Renal failure warrants supportive therapy to maintain fluid and electrolyte balances, reduce the production of nitrogenous wastes, and to sustain nutrition. Death is most frequently the result….

Nephrologists are expected to play a role in this determination, but all too often the nephrologist, like other physicians, must be prompted to deal with end-of-life issues. If no one is available to do the prompting, the patient's death may be needlessly prolonged. The amount to which the nephrologist takes on end-of-life care will be reflected in their approach to the patient. At one end of the spectrum, discomfort with dying can lead to passivity, where the nephrologist serves purely passive role, overseeing dialysis and focusing on fluid and electrolyte balance. At the other end, the nephrologist can be seen as taking a leading role in end of life care (Siegler, Del Monte, osati, and von Gunten, 2002).
Chronic diseases are now thought to be the leading causes of death around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that there were approximately 58 million deaths worldwide in 2005,….

The cassette has a built-in one-liter bladder to hold urine. The patient should empty the bladder at least every six hours. An alarm will beep if he forgets to do this, or if the bladder becomes full. The device can be used during the day, at night, or both. Unlike CAPD, it is not necessary to connect to and disconnect from the Tenckhoff catheter four times a day, which should reduce the risk of peritonitis. Peritoneal dialysis patients typically lose about 8 grams of proteins and amino acids per day from the treatment. This device will return most of the patient's proteins and amino acids to the dialysate, rather than discard them. If the patient wishes, the device can be powered by plugging it into a wall socket, rather than using a battery pack.
The device's functionality can include the ability to log a wide variety of data, for later….

Social Media and Dialysis

For-Profit Dialysis Business Plan
Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Organisation Summary

Legal Structure


Management and Staff

Start-up Costs and Operational Expenses

Strategy and Implementation



Marketing and Communication


The increasing burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Kenya presents a major challenge, with young adults aged 20-50 years being the most affected. CKD is primarily caused by hypertension, diabetes, along with glomerular diseases. HIV-associated CKD is an increasing healthcare concern, and frequently offers late "End-Stage-Renal-Disease" (ESRD) requiring dialysis. In Kenya, dialysis remains out for reach for majority of ESRD patients due to financial constraints, lack of personnel, inadequate renal facilities, as well as lack of national and/or regional registries. Presently, only a few dialysis centres provide service in the country, mainly in a few government hospitals, notably Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. Nonetheless, the cost of dialysis is high, thereby limiting dialysis to once in a week schedule, instead of the required three times for….

Survival in Pediatric Dialysis and Transplant Patients
Children that have to undergo kidney transplantation or dialysis at an early age are at much more risk than the healthier ones. The mortality rate risks have been identified to be around thirty times more. End-stage Renal Diseases (ESRD) can cause either or more of the following consequences in children: cognition and response, lack of muscular coordination, cardiovascular issues, tantamount to quality of life. As a result, science has evolved to assure techniques and methodologies in Kidney transplantation and dialysis for children in the last few decades. The records show improved short-term mortality in patients following the technological advances, in children that have undergone transplantation and dialysis. The allograft outcomes have been positive, too. There is an absence of such affirmation, however in longer-term care as the treated children are required to move out from pediatric care to adult care centers in later years….

Diabetes and Pediatric and Dialysis
The objective of this study is to analyze the incidence of diabetes among pediatric patients, with dialysis, by way of analysis of outcomes one year following diagnosis.

Initiatives concerned with investigating pediatric diabetes have previously been associated with varying outcomes. What factors are linked with diabetes, pediatric patients, and dialysis with regards to Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) determinants? This forms the groundwork of the paper.

Protection of Human Participants iii. Data collection

Data management and Study Design

Control of blood glucose, as shown by levels of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), serves as one of the clearest forecasters of lasting complications in adults as well as children suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). This includes diabetic nephropathy, proliferative retinopathy, age-adjusted mortality, and cardiovascular disease rates.

Hemoglobin A1c is the form of hemoglobin in the blood (red blood cells) that develops when elevated sugars are present. The sugar binds to the hemoglobin, which normally….

Diabetes and Pediatric and Dialysis
This study's aim was to assess the level of cognition required by nurses to prevent Diabetic Nephropathy (DN). It has been shown that Diabetic affliction leads to build up of DN.

Diabetes Type 1 (T1D) and Type 2 (T2D) complications lead to the micro vascular conditions that progress towards Diabetic Nephropathy; this can become life threatening. The growing incidence of both T1D and T2D especially among children raises concern and fear; prevention is important where possible. Progression of diabetic complications leads to DN. Conditions involved in DN may require dialysis and potentially even kidney transplant(s). Effects include: large costs of treatment, emotional/psychological pain, fatigue, and even loss of life, as well as both patient and family financial and emotional issues. The health care system as a whole needs to focus on this issue through coordinated, patient-centered approaches; the role of the nurse becomes highly significant. Especially in….

The company that I have chosen to evaluate is Fresenius, a health care company specializing in dialysis equipment and clinics. They are based on Bad Homburg, Germany, which is just outside of Frankfurt. Fresenius is one of the global leaders in this business, and has an extensive network of dialysis clinics in the United States. The dialysis business is driven by age and overall health of individuals in a society. There are a variety of payers, depending on the country. Most dialysis patients need multiple visits per week to the clinic. This division within the company is Fresenius Medical Care, and accounts for $15.8 billion in revenue and over $1 billion in profits. The company has smaller businesses as well, including Fresensius Kabi, which is IV drugs, clinical nutrition and medical devices. Fresenius Helios operates hospitals, and Fresenius Vamed runs projects and services for hospitals.

The location to be analyzed in….

Dialysis Comparisons

prenatal education improves the rate at which newborn infants arrive into this world without undue stress and hardship on the family. Additionally, this review seeks to determine what educational actions can be taken before the newborn arrives to assist the family in acclimating themselves to a change in the family structure, especially if the family structure is affected by the newborn who is born with medical problems. Little Johnny or Little Mary were created out of love (or lust as the case may be) but now that the news has been broadcast throughout the immediate family and friends, reality sets in and the worries begin. Questions such as; will it be a boy or a girl, or will it have any maladies are oftentimes the questions that are at the top of the list. ill it be born without any defects, and how will the rest of the family….

Craig, M.E., Hattersley, A., & Donaghue, K.C. 2009). Definition, epidemiology and classification of diabetes in children and adolescents. Pediatric Diabetes, 10s12), 3-12.
This article is a chapter in the ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2009 Compendium. The complete set of guidelines can be found at www.ispad.org. The evidence grading system used in the ISPAD Guidelines is the same as that used by the American Diabetes Association. See page 2 the Introduction in Pediatric Diabetes 2009; 10 Suppl. 12): 1 -- 2).

Delamater, A.M., Patino-Fernandez, A.M., Smith, K.E., & Bubb, J. 2013). Measurement of diabetes stress in older children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Pediatric Diabetes, 141), 50-56.

Abstract: Objective: Studies indicate general psychological stress plays a role in the glycemic control of individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus T1DM). Disease-specific rather than general measures may be more closely related to measures of health outcomes. Therefore, measurement of diabetes-related stress is needed….

ecause this is true, it is critically clear that the nursing leadership manager's role is one of a vital nature and that support for nurses in their role is the primary component that must necessarily be integral to leadership in nursing in dialysis units if the turnover of nurses is reduced to the lowest possible level. The nursing leadership manager's role is one that must proactively deal with burnout of these dialysis unit nurses instead of attempting to address these as they occur. Prevention is 'key' toward this end. As the demands grow for quality and competent nursing staff so does the need grow for competency in leadership nursing manager roles. ecause the dialysis unit nurse is very closely involved in their patient's care and because these patients are required to report for treatment several days a week for several hours a day the nurse's mental, physical and emotional….

Nxstage Strategic Plan

Company Background

Environmental Scan

Five Forces & Value Chain

Strategic Alternatives

Strategic Plan


esource Allocation

NxStage is a medical equipment manufacturer specializing in hemodialysis products for use in the home. Their main flagship, NxStage SystemOne, constitute two-thirds of the company's revenues. The product has been on the market for several years, but NxStage has never been able to turn a profit, nor has it been able to develop a viable second major product. This has created a strategic dilemma for the company as to how best to enhance shareholder value going forward.

The external environment is generally challenging, especially in light of regulatory changes that aim to drive down the cost of medical care, not necessarily good for a company like NxStage that has a differentiated product. There is some demand for the product, but also substitution from dialysis clinics, which can be offered at a lower total cost, making them attractive for payers. In light of….

Project Acceptability

Establishing acceptability regarding this project requires analysis as to whether the project will provide a number of items including; profitability, a viable concern, a needed service and an expanded footprint in the community. Stakeholders include the public which the project will service -- and specifically those in need of dialysis, shareholders in the company who are interested in generating a return on their investment, and employees who will be provided compensation and additional opportunities for a long-term career. As one expert states regarding acceptability of certain projects "Generally there will be more potential projects available than can be undertaken at any time" (Hann, 2011). If what Hann states is true, then analyzing the acceptability of this project from a stakeholder's viewpoint would help to determine whether or not the project should be undertaken.
A recent study demonstrated that health related quality of life "was highest in the healthy general population, lowest….

In an acute care setting, such Veterans Affairs, this objective is executed by educating patients about how to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle after the leave the facility, while in a long-term care setting-such as Cobble Hill-this objective is executed on a daily basis by providing nutritious meals for elderly residents. And finally, in an ambulatory, out-patient care setting-such as Atlantic -- the clinical nutritionist works to support patients in maintaining a diet that addresses their personal healthcare needs, while still living independently within a larger community. Perhaps the most significant similarity between facilities is the notion of nutrition as merely one component of a comprehensive care program; hence the necessity of a clinical nutritional to work in conjunction with a full medical, administrative, and social support staff. The apparent goal of such an approach is to promote multiple aspects of health and well-being among patients, regardless setting….

(Gartenberg, 2005)
Like all other aspects of business today, security systems often prove to be highly complex and hard (even for the participants) to identify.

The culture of an organization is like the culture of a family, a community, or a nation: Because it surrounds the people in it they often have a great deal of difficulty in recognizing to what extent policies and procedures arise from the constraints of culture and what therefore can be relatively easily changed. Matz (2010) summarizes the ways in which organizational culture both supports an organization and can blind the individuals in it to ways in which their actions may no longer be as effective as they once were:

… the essence of organisational cultures consists of a set of 'unspoken rules' that exist without conscious knowledge of the members of the organisation. Over time the invisibility of the attributes at the deepest level of the….

1. Monitor protein intake: Individuals undergoing dialysis require an increased amount of protein to help repair and maintain their muscles. It is important to ensure they are receiving adequate amounts of high-quality protein sources such as lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and plant-based sources like beans and legumes.

2. Limit phosphorus intake: High levels of phosphorus in the blood can lead to complications such as bone disease and heart problems in individuals undergoing dialysis. It is important to limit consumption of phosphorus-rich foods such as dairy products, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, and to take phosphate binders as prescribed....

Dietary Strategies for Optimizing Nutrition in Dialysis Patients

Dialysis treatment, a life-sustaining therapy for individuals with advanced kidney disease, necessitates significant dietary modifications to manage fluid and electrolyte imbalances, prevent malnutrition, and support overall well-being. Here are comprehensive dietary strategies to help optimize the nutrition of individuals undergoing dialysis treatment:

1. Calorie Management:

Dialysis patients often experience decreased appetite, nausea, and vomiting, leading to reduced calorie intake. Aim for a daily calorie intake of 30-35 kcal/kg of body weight to maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI). Consult with a registered dietitian to determine individualized calorie needs.

2. Protein Management:

Protein intake is crucial for....

5 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Dialysis Renal Failure When the Kidneys

Words: 1490
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Physicians, however, prefer hemodialysis because of reimbursement trends (Wellbery). Dietary Changes - Many patients also prefer peritoneal dialysis to hemodialysis because the latter restricts the diet (NKUDICC 2000). Peritoneal…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Nursing Dialysis Among the Elderly

Words: 2931
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Nephrologists are expected to play a role in this determination, but all too often the nephrologist, like other physicians, must be prompted to deal with end-of-life issues. If…

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12 Pages
Business Proposal


Angel Medical Portable Dialysis Device

Words: 4318
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Business Proposal

The cassette has a built-in one-liter bladder to hold urine. The patient should empty the bladder at least every six hours. An alarm will beep if he forgets…

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5 Pages
Business Plan


Social Media and Dialysis

Words: 1479
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Business Plan

For-Profit Dialysis Business Plan Mission Statement Vision Statement Organisation Summary Legal Structure Services Management and Staff Start-up Costs and Operational Expenses Strategy and Implementation Funding Partnerships Marketing and Communication Expansion The increasing burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Kenya presents…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Survival of Patients With Transplant and Pediatric Dialysis

Words: 1787
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Survival in Pediatric Dialysis and Transplant Patients Children that have to undergo kidney transplantation or dialysis at an early age are at much more risk than the healthier ones. The…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


What Factors Are Linked With Diabetes Pediatric Patients and Dialysis

Words: 1936
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Diabetes and Pediatric and Dialysis The objective of this study is to analyze the incidence of diabetes among pediatric patients, with dialysis, by way of analysis of outcomes one year…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Diabetes Dialysis and Pediatric Patients

Words: 1233
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Diabetes and Pediatric and Dialysis This study's aim was to assess the level of cognition required by nurses to prevent Diabetic Nephropathy (DN). It has been shown that Diabetic affliction…

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2 Pages


Fresenius Dialysis Company

Words: 752
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Fresenius The company that I have chosen to evaluate is Fresenius, a health care company specializing in dialysis equipment and clinics. They are based on Bad Homburg, Germany, which is…

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5 Pages


Dialysis Comparisons

Words: 1630
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

prenatal education improves the rate at which newborn infants arrive into this world without undue stress and hardship on the family. Additionally, this review seeks to determine what…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Diabetes and Pediatric and Dialysis

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Craig, M.E., Hattersley, A., & Donaghue, K.C. 2009). Definition, epidemiology and classification of diabetes in children and adolescents. Pediatric Diabetes, 10s12), 3-12. This article is a chapter in the ISPAD…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Nurse Manger in the Clinical

Words: 2333
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ecause this is true, it is critically clear that the nursing leadership manager's role is one of a vital nature and that support for nurses in their role…

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15 Pages


Nxstage Strategic Plan

Words: 5241
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

NxStage Company Background Environmental Scan Five Forces & Value Chain Strategic Alternatives Strategic Plan Acquisitions esource Allocation NxStage is a medical equipment manufacturer specializing in hemodialysis products for use in the home. Their main flagship, NxStage SystemOne,…

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2 Pages


Project Acceptability

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Establishing acceptability regarding this project requires analysis as to whether the project will provide a number of items including; profitability, a viable concern, a needed service and an expanded…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Roles of a Clinical Dietician

Words: 1533
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In an acute care setting, such Veterans Affairs, this objective is executed by educating patients about how to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle after the leave the…

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13 Pages
Research Paper


Security Overview Businesses Today Are

Words: 3366
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

(Gartenberg, 2005) Like all other aspects of business today, security systems often prove to be highly complex and hard (even for the participants) to identify. The culture of an organization…

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