Nursing Research Evidence-Based Vs. Research Term Paper

The deployment of evidence-based practice that makes use of cutting-edge research is perhaps most obviously manifest in the greater knowledge research has given about demographic shifts as to who may or may not be vulnerable to particular diseases or conditions. Many years ago, Type II Diabetes was known as adult-onset diabetes, as insulin resistance was associated with obesity, sedentary behavior and other factors assumed to be prevalent amongst adults, not children. Now a child exhibiting the common symptoms of excessive thirst, weakness, dizziness will likely be tested for this condition, because obesity has become more prevalent amongst the young.

A research utilization model might provide, however, additional counseling to the nurse practitioner as to what course of treatment to prescribe. A child with more ample family and social support to lose weight, for example, and exercise, might, according to clinical data, be able to reverse the progress of the disease and forego the need for more intensive drug and insulin therapy. Research utilization might also provide guidance in examples of how diabetes treatment has been most effective in a holistic treatment of the entire family, to eliminate some of the mutable causes that contributed to the child's condition in the first place. These causes will vary depending on the family's lifestyle, location, and demographics, and thus the prescription of foods to eat and avoid, support...


Ultimately, the idea of 'research utilization' may be, because of its flexibility, more useful for nurses when engaged in clinical practice.
Works Cited

Gabbay, John & Andree le May. (30 Oct 2004). "Evidence-based guidelines or collectively constructed 'mindlines?' Ethnographic study of knowledge management in primary care."

BMJ. 329:1013.

McManus, J., J. Mant, C.FM. Meulendijks, R.A. Salter, H.M. Pattison, a.K. Roalfe, & F.D.R Hobbs (23 Feb 2002). "Comparison of estimates and calculations of risk of coronary heart disease by doctors and nurses using different calculation tools in general practice: cross sectional study." BMJ. 324:459-464. Retrieved 20 Jan 2008 at

Sackett, D.L., William MC Rosenberg, J.A. Muir Gray, R. Brian Haynes, & W. Scott

Richardson. (13 Jan 1996). "Evidence-based medicine: What it is and what it isn't." BMJ. 312: 71-72. Retrieved 20 Jan 2008 at

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Works Cited

Gabbay, John & Andree le May. (30 Oct 2004). "Evidence-based guidelines or collectively constructed 'mindlines?' Ethnographic study of knowledge management in primary care."

BMJ. 329:1013.

McManus, J., J. Mant, C.FM. Meulendijks, R.A. Salter, H.M. Pattison, a.K. Roalfe, & F.D.R Hobbs (23 Feb 2002). "Comparison of estimates and calculations of risk of coronary heart disease by doctors and nurses using different calculation tools in general practice: cross sectional study." BMJ. 324:459-464. Retrieved 20 Jan 2008 at

Sackett, D.L., William MC Rosenberg, J.A. Muir Gray, R. Brian Haynes, & W. Scott
Richardson. (13 Jan 1996). "Evidence-based medicine: What it is and what it isn't." BMJ. 312: 71-72. Retrieved 20 Jan 2008 at

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