Nvq-Level Characteristics Of Networks Traditionally Speaking The Essay

NVQ-LEVEL Characteristics of networks

Traditionally speaking the guidance services and career information has mostly been considered to be a public service in UK which is given to the people by the government departments and educational institutes. The countries that are competing today in the global economy are seen to be having more and more awareness about career development and career information:

It's the responsibility of an individual- services should be such that people could get help from them in managing and developing their careers. This is called career self-management;

It's acontinuing (lifelong) process of learning - it is the responsibility ofeverybody and not something that should only be paid attention to at the time of crisis;

There is a need for learner and worker flexibility as well as adaptability - the most important requirement that occurs when one faces change in the nature of work or employment is the willingness of an individual to manage different kinds of work as well as learning transitions; and,

There is a requirement for various types of tools as well as services at various points throughout the life.

Benefits of networks

In UK strategies that mainly focus on merging the services under a single department of national government might not compulsory result in providence of seamless and coherent guidance services and career information throughout the life. There is a requirement for various different types of support from different...


Support is required in the areas where the people live, learn and work. Also, this support has to be related to the community that these people live in within United Kingdom.
It has been recognized by Prospects (Prospects.ac.uk) that it is very important to have the guidance delivery strategies and career information focused on the local (community) level. In UK quite a few partnerships and local level corporations can be seen as examples which react to 1 or more of the challenges that have been mentioned above. A lot of information can be gathered by looking at these examples.

Benefits of Specialist Support

In the last two decades lifelong learning process has been promoted by the policy makers in UK as, they believe it to be a sure way of securing societal as well as individual welfare. This is one of the very few issues about which all levels of government, learning institutions, community-based organizations, union and enterprises have united about in UK. With business point-of-view this is an economic issue and not a social one. It is believed that in order to maintain and improve your skills the employees should commit themselves to a process of lifelong learning. Learning opportunities should be provided to the employees by the organizations in order to help them in not only learning new stuff but also retaining the older knowledge as this will prove to be very good for the organization and will ultimately help in improving the economy of UK.

There comes a time when the process…

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The guidance and career information services come under the public services in UK and these are available in the educational institutions, federal, provincial and municipal agencies. There have been many years that outplacement counseling, career and employment has been a part of the private sector in the UK and their services are available to those who can pay for them. But today this landscape has changed to a great extent and now there are many private practitioners who are providing people with these services under the government contracts. According to these contracts the services are being provided to the people for free. Not-for-profit community groups also have a large amount of practitioners working in them. These practitioners have very diverse professional backgrounds and hold multiple skills.

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