Objects, People, Subjects, Or Concepts Are You Essay


¶ … objects, people, subjects, or concepts are you going to compare and contrast? I am going to compare and contrast organizational management skills with organizational leadership skills.

What are the similarities between the two objects, people, subjects, or concepts? List as many similarities that you can think of.

Both are involved with the work and the work environment and both use their different skills to promoting success of the project / work environment / business.

Both also see the business coming first.

To be effective, both have to consider their employee's needs.

What are the differences between the two objects, people, subjects, or concepts? List as many differences that you can think of.

Leadership and management is not the same thing. Management is focused on controlling the structure and the resources of the company and on maintaining its system. The leader, on the other hand, is...


The skilled manager has to understand cultural issues. He has to have knowledge of the global environment and the consequences of a global outcome as impacting his business as, for instance, whether he should or not outsource. The leader need only have the skills of being able to relate well to his employees, or people in the workforce and persuade / motivate them to actuate a certain vision. The manager is related to the work / environment and/or to the project (i.e. To the object); the leader associates in an active way with people.
Are you going to focus on similarities, differences, or both? Explain your rationale..

I am going to focus on both. In this way, you will best see the difference and understand the distinction between one and the other.

What do you want your readers to learn…

Sources Used in Documents:


Senge, P. (1990). The fifth discipline, NY: Doubleday.

Solomon, M. (2010) Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization, Solomon, Amacom Books (New York),

Quinn, JB (1992) Intelligent Enterprise. NY, The Free Press.

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"Objects People Subjects Or Concepts Are You", 02 January 2012, Accessed.2 May. 2024,

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