Oh Love That You Paid Term Paper

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00 as my friends shop there. You can find a similar dress at a very expensive boutique for over $750, and it is the same basic dress, just a different designer has their name on it. This is how manufacturers inflate their prices to make their products even more of a status symbol. The reputation that some people crave from wearing such expensive clothes has more to do with looking rich than being rich. My friends with the most amount of money are wearing worn jeans and t-shirts, and saving their money to buy houses and cars. The poor...


The prices will continue up to keep the products very different from the mainstream ones. People who want to look rich will buy them and not save their money, and the very rich will buy these products too so they will be different. In the end, it is all about image. For the manufacturer the image is being very exclusive, and for the customer, apparent or real…

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"Oh Love That You Paid" (2006, July 24) Retrieved May 19, 2024, from

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