Organizational Culture Describe Understanding Company's Values Organizational Essay

Organizational Culture Describe understanding company's values

Organizational culture: XX Fitness

XX Fitness is committed to bringing fitness to serious fitness enthusiasts in a no-gimmick format. XX Fitness is a 'high end' training facility, because of its relatively high price point at $60 per/session, and its commitment to personalized service. It seeks out people willing to make a commitment to fitness, although it does train persons at all levels. Trainers who work for the company have extensive backgrounds in fitness and sport, and all are certified. Many, like myself, have degrees in exercise sciences.

Personal training, by definition, is a very individualistic profession, and one of the great strengths of the company is that the trainers, as well as being highly experienced, are very competitive and determined to succeed. This individualized nature is reflected in XX Fitness' attempt to...


The downside to this individualism is a lack of cohesion amongst employees. Trainers may move from one fitness company to another with great fluidity, or also take personal clients outside of the fitness facility. Counteracting this influence to some degree is the fact that all trainers genuinely love what they do, and feel they are doing what they love for a living. Because it is so difficult to maintain one's certification, there is a built-in commitment amongst the trainers: personal training is not a profession that one can enter into casually and succeed.
The fitness industry is somewhat unique, in terms of how trainers function within a business model, given that trainers may work for several facilities. Trainers at the same facility may not necessarily have much in common, unlike members of other professions. Some may train as a full-time job, others…

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"Organizational Culture Describe Understanding Company's Values Organizational" (2012, February 23) Retrieved April 27, 2024, from

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"Organizational Culture Describe Understanding Company's Values Organizational", 23 February 2012, Accessed.27 April. 2024,

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