Peter Kreeft-Three Philosophies Of Life Term Paper

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Peter Kreeft-Three Philosophies of Life

Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven -- a Life of Vanity, Suffering, and Love

Therapist (to the audience): For some patients, going through a divorce is like going through Peter Kreeft's three stages, or philosophies, of life. Stage 1 -- Hell.

Ma (lying on therapist's couch): Why did she leave me doc? it's so unfair! I've been the breadwinner all of these years! I put food on the table for her, I work hard all day! Is it so much to ask that when I come home, dinner's waiting on the table? Then, on Monday, she has the nerve to throw the spaghetti in my face, walk out on me and serve me with papers the next morning! With no warning, after all these years!

Therapist: Didn't she say that she wanted to get a job now that the kids were grown and that you'd been spending too much time with your friends, Mr. Soprano?

Man: Jeez, don't be so hard on me! What am I paying you for, huh? You're as bad as she is! Yap, yap, yap!

Therapist (to the audience) Stage 2 -- Purgatory.

Man: I can't take it any more, doc! I've been eating Domino's ever night -- let me tell you, they can't make sauce like my ex! And doing my laundry, jeez, everything I have has turned a different color! I had it good all of these years.

Therapist: Have you seen your ex-wife?

Man: I saw her at the supermarket, all dressed up. I heard she got a nice job as a secretary in some lawyer's office. Probably some guy her divorce attorney hooked her up with -- let me tell you, I might not know how to wash socks but I'm being taken to the cleaners by this guy!

Therapist (to the audience) Stage 3 -- Love. I think this girl is going to be different. I'm really trying to treat her nice -- no running around, being really respectful of her. I'm a changed man. I listen to her day, before I tell her about my day. We go out more so she doesn't have to cook every night. Hell, I'm even learning how to cook and sometimes I even wash my clothes. Like you said, doc, it's caring about something other than yourself, it's not me, me, me

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