Phaedo, Socrates Asserts That The Physical Senses Essay


¶ … Phaedo, Socrates asserts that the physical senses are a distraction to acquired pure knowledge. What reasons does Socrates give to justify this assertion? Did you find Socrates' argument on this point convincing? Why or why not? Was there anything that you read in the Phaedo that you found especially interesting, or that you did not completely understand? The best way that we can understand Socrates' reason for seeing the physical senses as distraction is by understanding his underlying philosophy of Forms. To Socrates, every physical and conceptual element was a Form that was merely a mirage of eth Ideal within. The Ideal was contained within the Form, but beyond it, and the physical packaging of the Form occluded it. True happiness and Love can never consist of physical manifestation; it is always alluding to something beyond it - to the true eudemonia which is genuine, authentic bliss which is contained in the spirituality and intense pleasure of Pure Knowledge.

In the Phaedo, Socrates gives three reasons for the body, or materialism being a hindrance to pursuit of wisdom:

1. The senses are unreliable and deceptive. They trick the soul...


They occlude the light of the soul (as Socrates showed in another place with people chained in a cave watching the dancing fire). They prevent her from gaining true knowledge and prevent the philosopher form reflecting. The soul can only gain freedom when she "dismissed the body" and is "as much alone with herself as possible" (65c).
2. One has to spend so much time satisfying one's natural physical desires such as eating and drinking to satisfy hunger and thirst. What a waste of time! (66c). In this way, too, our attention is distracted from seeing the Forms inherent in aspects such as the Just, the Beautiful, the Good, and "in a word, the reality of all other things, that which each of them essentially is" (65d). These Forms can be approached only by pure thought alone but sense perception obstructs us from seeing them / contemplating them.

3. Passion, desires, emotions, and fears introduced by the body lead it off course, swamp the human into irrational and indiscrete behavior leading to individual, national and global misery and conflict that frequently culminate in war and death:…

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