Posterity Of Confusius' Thoughts Confucius Term Paper


It is universally accepted that each person should follow the direction that suits her best, that is, everyone should try to develop their abilities and talents in order to succeed. Confucius believed that it is better to concentrate upon the efforts meant to lead to a long and happy life and not upon the immediate satisfaction of short-term pleasures. Even if during history there were philosophers and other various voices praised the immediate pleasures, claiming that it is the best way of going through life, the contemporary philosophical perspectives still include the conception according to which the road to happiness is not the shortest one, nor the one which lacks obstacles and difficulties.

One of the fundamental principles that are to be found in today's society is that of the respect in relation to the others. The respect for the family is an essential principle which can be observed everywhere in the world. This Confucian principle stands even today at the basis of society and its proper functioning. Furthermore, the rites of education that teach one the rites of behavior, support and reinforce an attitude of politeness and propriety.

In addition, the understanding of each person's role in society helps people have a clearer idea about their own status and part in the world. The ritual ceremonies divide people and organize them. This represents in fact a reinforcement of the individual status. The differences between people that are to be observed through the rituals they take part to and use themselves are not only meant to remain external. They also have the capacity of indicating the duties that one has. At the same time, they serve as an indication about what others expect from you and what you should and could expect from them. These expectations include the attitude towards the others, and first and foremost, towards one's own family.



And it si not only the respect for the parents that must embraced, but also towards the members of the family who are no longer alive. This concept can be easily expanded into the conception of respect for the ancestors. Respecting and loving the ancestors is in fact a proof of respecting the past and learning from it. This kind of attitude has been maintained even in today's world, governed by speed and constant change as well as by the orientation towards the future.
It has been proven throughout history that external laws are obeyed, but their efficacy lasts only for short-term periods. The value of truth of Confucius' belief regarding the internalization of the moral beliefs remains strikingly obvious. People must understand the reasons for their actions before acting. Understanding and internalizing the principles makes it easier to act and it contributes to actions supported by passion and determination.

The process of learning is considered more than a mere accumulation of facts by the Confucian perspective. The same belief is to be found in the contemporary world, regardless of its field of application. The development of the human being is supported by the development of its character. And this latter development is supported by the practice of the moral deeds, according to the principles of morality that include the respect, love and care for the family and for the others. Last, but not least, the development of the individual in this direction symbolizes the manifestation of the humaneness that exists in all the people. All in all, the influences of the Confucian philosophy upon the contemporary morality and ethics are deep and prove to be time resistant through their inner force.

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