Procrastination Research Project Procrastination: A Essay


Evaluating the information received from these sources, especially popular magazines, websites, and even many of the self-help books -- which are written to make the author a profit, it must be acknowledged -- is at least as important as gathering it in the first place. One of the most important considerations in evaluating the information I gather will be determining the purpose and intent of the author/provider of the information. Peer-reviewed sources and websites for certain professional organizations (specifically the APA) are likely to be less biased than the author of a self-help book, for example, because the former are not for-profit endeavors. The purpose and intent of a given piece of information or article speaks a great deal to its validity. If there are motives behind a piece of informative work other than the simple exploration and dissemination of the truth, the validity of that information comes under heavy question.

The reliability and accuracy of the information is another aspect that must be carefully evaluated. Though related to validity, these concepts are definitely different and important features of any information. The intent and purpose of an author and their information might be in the right place, but if information is especially old or is based solely on personal experience, it is not necessarily reliable or accurate even though it may be valid. All claims and essential information should be repeated and verified...


If a claim is made in one source that does not provide references to other sources regarding that information, or if the claim is markedly different from that found in other sources, than the entire source must in all likelihood be dismissed as unreliable. Evaluation of data means verification of data, and when this cannot be accomplished than the data has no use as background information for a research project.
Using the information gathered to form a solution to the problem is, of course, the ultimate goal in undertaking this research project. I will consider both ways of adjusting thinking and perceiving work and success as suggested by psychological information and research as well as practical behavioral changes as suggested by other professionals. The best way to determine an effective solution is first to gather as much reliable, accurate, and valid information as possible, and then to begin trying the suggestions and new modes of thinking tat are most commonly suggested. I am likely to find certain techniques and methods that work for me, and other that don't. This trial-and-error period will be an equally vital part of the research.


Marano, H. (2003). "Procrastination: Ten Things to Know." Psychology Today. Accessed 15 September 2009.

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Marano, H. (2003). "Procrastination: Ten Things to Know." Psychology Today. Accessed 15 September 2009.

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