Public Finance Proposal New York State Financial Essay


Public Finance Proposal New York State Financial Budget

2010/2011 budget New York

While preparing the 2010/2011 New York budget, efficiency and transparency is to be put into consideration. The budget is prepared with recommendations from the executive board, the Director General, who decided on the priorities of the budget, while other field offices, BB and sector bureau also gave their contributions and estimates. Drafting of the budget and presenting it to the 181st session of the board undergoes revision, later presented to 182nd session, which the general conference approves during the 35th session.

The enactment of the budget was in regards of section 401 and 423, and according to Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2010; sec 9001 appropriated funds for the department of defense. Sec 9003 executed and supported operations in overseas as long as there was supervision. Education sector had an accountability system that provided by the Education Act thus ensuring proper use of funds. State education agency and sec 1003 and 1502 considered to ensure appropriation of funds, by cutting off money set for education purposes by 5% and increased taxes and fees to $1 billion, with also reduced spending in higher education with approximately $142. 7 million cut from colleges and universities in the New York state (Paterson. 2010).

Estimated cut in health services summed up to be approximately about $131.9 million from health care systems, hospitals and nursing homes, although $455.3 million was the actual proposal. With all Medicaid expenses shifted from all the counties to the state administration, it was to ensure efficiency and eligibility...


Insurers of health set to seek insurance department before any action of increasing its health rates is to be taken. Unions that provided home-based care to children were approximately allocated for $4.98 million increase for their funds to support children, with the executive proposal of acceptance. Proposed increase on the development of residents and initiatives by approximately $101.9 million.
There was significant alteration of tax to balance the state budget and economic growth purposes. Business, individual, and sales persons were the categories of this taxation. High income earners were to be taxed highly than the previous financial year of the state, with the imposition of tax to non-residents access to business or receive any services within the New York state. New businesses were to perform its activities under a specified respective industry with taxation of 2%. Filming production and post production in New York State was to be taxed, while post production was also to be taxed under a specified industry.

Cut In house projects was $6.6 million, with restoration of approximately $3 million to NNP and RRP housing programs. NYCHA Tenant Pilot Program received approximately $300,000 for the general support of this program. Approximately $30 million was allocatedto transport sector, mainly for education purposes and effectiveness of school programs (Silver, S., pg1-30).

Long-term financial alternatives in New York

Planning is a blueprint to be followed in the success of a financial operation. Effective planning ensures proper management of finance in the present and future. New York State has introduced long time financial alternatives that…

Sources Used in Documents:


Cannon, J.S. Spotlight on New York. A decade in progress, in alternative, transport fuels. 2012: 05/10/2012.

Cu, M.A. Governor Cuomo Delivers Budget Message in Staten Island. 03/03/2011: 05/10/2012.

Mumpower, J. And Ilchman, W.F. (1988) New York State in the Year 2000. New York. Sunny Press Publishers.

Paterson. 2010-2011 budget proposal-overview/New York daily. 05/10/2012.
Silver, S. Assembly Majority Unveils 2010-2011 Budget Proposals. 03/24/2010. 05/10/2012.
Silver, S. Summary of SFY 2010-2011 assembly one0house proposal. 03/24/2010. 05/10/2012.

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"Public Finance Proposal New York State Financial" (2012, May 13) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Public Finance Proposal New York State Financial" 13 May 2012. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Public Finance Proposal New York State Financial", 13 May 2012, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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