Financial Planning Essays (Examples)

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Financial Planning in Health Care Organizations [1: Please note that all sources and facts utilized in this paper are from the customer provided reading material.]
Healthcare is on everybody's mind today. From the insurance debate in Congress to our own personal worries about dental or medical insurance and how we can obtain it at a low price, healthcare is not only widely discussed in our society, but it is necessary to our survival and well-being. With this aspect also comes the non-personal aspect of health care, and that is the fact that financial planning must be taken into account and put into place by health care organization. This must be done due to the environment today, and the changes that are taking place, for which traditional methods are often not the best. This paper will thus discuss how health care organizations can form strategic plans to help them cope with these….

The first advantage is that it is easy. The math associated with the percentage of sales method is very simple to execute. The underlying premise of this method is that most of the items on the income statement and on the balance sheet will vary with sales. In addition to direct variable costs, such as cost of goods sold, indirect costs will also vary roughly in line with sales. These costs include fixed costs such as selling, general and administrative expense, and even fixed assets. As the company grows, the line items will grow in roughly equal proportion.
For example, if in 2008 a firm's cost of good sold is 40% of its revenues, then it would be assumed that the same would hold true in 2009. The revenues themselves would be the one component of the equation that is left to management to determine. They would need to estimate….

Goal setting works well for simple jobs -- clerks, typists, loggers, and technicians -- but not for complete jobs. Goal setting with jobs in which goals are not easily measured (e.g., teaching, nursing, engineering, accounting) has posed some problems.

Goal setting encourages game playing. Setting low goals to look good later is one game played by subordinates who do not want to be caught short. Managers play the game of setting an initial goal that is generally not achievable and then finding out how subordinates react.

Goal setting is used as another check on employees. It is a control device to monitor performance.

Goal accomplishment can become an obsession. In some situations, goal setters have become so obsessed with achieving their goals that they neglect other important areas of their jobs.

The positive effects of goal setting are sometimes only temporary (Ivancevich, 1995).

Goal setting seems easy, and a lot of people assume that they….

Finally, one may sell their home to free assets for retirement finances. If one sells the home and moves to a less-expensive residence, one can invest any after-tax sales profits for future retirement needs. Another home option is the reverse mortgage. With a reverse mortgage, one receives regular, nontaxable payments from the lender instead of paying these payments. The principal and interest are repaid at a later date, either when the house is sold or when the owner dies. everse mortgages are a fairly recent option for retirees, and terms vary widely, so the contract should be carefully reviewed before signing.
etirement Strategies

If one is at retirement age or nearing it and has not accumulated a significant nest egg, one will likely need to work well into the retirement years. One should consider a plan of action if the employer forces one into retirement or even downsizes before one is….

financial planning is something that they do not take seriously until later on life. Evidence of this can be seen with a survey conducted by They found that only 35% of Americans have a will and 21% have a trust established. This is problematic, as the lack of planning can hurt the trustee's ability to reduce taxes and other liabilities for beneficiaries. (Sarji, 2011)
To avoid these challenges, requires establishing a financial plan which is taking into account a number of scenarios. This will be accomplished by looking at: the current / future income needs, debt acquisition / retirement preparation, the purchasing / disposal of personal assets, emergency funds and investment / retirement / estate planning. Together, these different elements will show how to create a financial strategy that is prepared for a host of events. (Sarji, 2011)

Current and future needs

Any kind of planning should take into account current….

The consideration of after tax returns is also important, because different investments offer different tax rates and these differences can be significant. Interestingly, the author here also does not touch upon diversification or indeed any other key tenets of modern portfolio theory. Risk aversion is not mentioned either, even though this is a key element in people's satisfaction with their investment performance. Another interesting and overlooked element is that of fees. All costs must be considered in financial planning, though it is understandable from the financial manager's perspective that discussion of cost be kept to a minimum. The main weakness of the Fort orth article is that it focuses on only a handful of issues. The advice lacks focus, or synthesis.
Overall, both of these articles have strong elements, but are incomplete in scope. In both cases, the theoretical underpinnings of financial planning are not given much if any time.….

In short, corporate financial planning oversight can be greatly restrained and monopolized if the locus of corporate control is not all that large (Brav, 2009).
Macroeconomic Condition Influence

Another unquestionable influence on corporate financial planning and the capital structure of the firms being managed are the wider macroeconomic conditions of the economy, whether it be regional, national or global, that is in play for a given firm. As the 2007-2009 global recession proved, macroeconomic metrics being shoddy can have significant repercussions on what is done and why vis-a-vis capital structures in firms. Many firms have become very conservative and have reduced risk exposure greatly. Many pundits and scholars have lauded this decision as it's been viewed as a cause of the economic fracas in the first place but some others have said that firms are being too conservative and unwilling to invest when they can and should. Even so, cash flows….

Budgeting and Financial Planning
Distinctions between budgeting & financial planning.

The difference between budgeting and financial planning

The difference between budgeting and financial planning

Budgeting and financial planning are often used interchangeably in the speech of laypersons, when they are talking about the economic outlook of organizations. They are, however, very different processes, although the two are interrelated. One analogy is that of someone trying to maneuver the organization like a rowboat over a difficult current: "The energy you use to make the boat move is like the money you have to spend. You can row all day, but if you don't spend any time steering, you'll never arrive at your destination. Budgeting, like rowing, provides the resources...Financial planning, like steering, focuses our effort on our destination. owing without steering, or budgeting without a long-range strategic financial plan, will keep you moving -- but not necessarily in the right direction" (East Longmeadow Public Schools'….

Capital Financing
Financial planning and working capital management are two processes that enable capital financing in business. Financial planning uses projections and calculations to determine investment requirements where working capital management enables flexibility in business cash flow that meets the needs of the business. Marketable securities are good sources to park cash and enable that cash to raise capital to meet future business needs. It is important to consider appropriate diversity mixes in portfolios to reduce risk and raise profitability with investments.

Financial planning involves forecasting expenses, sales, and profits (Petty, 2013). Forecasting is a guessing game, but can be closer to appropriate figures when based on historical figures that show growth trends. It can also be based on market conditions for new businesses. The next step is to calculate the costs of goods sold, interest expense, and taxes on the forecasted figures. This will show a forecasted profit. A break even….

Long-Term Financial Planning and Nike

For any company to be successful it is essential that the company and its' management determine what they are going to do, and how they are going to do it; this is the very core of strategic planning (Lynch, 2011). Part of this is the setting of long-term goals and objectives in a financial planning context. The importance of the long-term goal setting and objective setting can be seen by looking at a successful firm such as Nike.

Nike is a well-known sports brand, it has been highly successful and in the last ten years the revenue of the firm has more than doubled, and the earnings per share have been increased by an average of 15% per annum (Parker, 2013). This is an impressive growth rate, which is much higher than the industry average; sales on sales growth in 2013 was 7.7% compared to 2012, with….

Identify two new pieces of financial information that you learned about this week that will help you make informed financial decisions about your future and eventual retirement.
Personal financial management and financial planning can be daunting. It helps to learn more about the tools people can use to plan their savings and budget for the future. One of the things I learned this week that will help me make informed financial decisions is how to be a responsible borrower. For one, I never considered credit cards as being a form of lending. Essentially, people who forget that credit cards entail borrowing money from a bank can get into a lot of trouble with debt accumulation. Next, taking out loans can be tricky. Student loans tend to have reasonable interest rates, but any amount of interest is still going to add up over time. The less the loan principal, the less the….

ACCOUNTANTS AND FINANCIAL MANAGESAccountants and Financial Managers1. How do accountants and financial managers differ in their use of financial information? Why is cash flow more significant to a financial manager than it is to an accountant?To a large extent, accountants make use of financial information to report financial transactions that have happened in the past. On the other hand, financial managers use financial information to make plans about future undertakings of relevance to the organization. Cash flow happens to be more relevant to a financial manager owing to the fact that as Moyer, McGuigan and ao (2012) indicate, a cash flow statement could come in handy in budgeting efforts as it is instrumental in the prediction of future cash flow. As the authors further indicate, a cash flow statement is avaluable measureof strength, profitability, and the long-term future outlook of a company (Moyer, McGuigan and ao, 2012, p. 216).2. Explain….

Describe the methods that will be used to monitor implementation of your proposed change.

The implementation of proposed change needs a systematic method of prioritizing and planning strategies for the cost management of specific drugs. The best method is yearly financial planning. During budgeting, the strategies for management of specific drugs should be taken into consideration. At the same time, longer-term programming and strategic activities are also essential in the management of drug expenditures (ASHP Expert Panel on Medication Cost Management, 2008).

Drug Budgeting: The ability to forecast the drug expenditure of an institution will improve based on experience and availability of better data. No matter how accurate the budget is in the forecast of drug expenditures of the institution, there should be a well-organized drug budget to assist the department in understanding the patterns of drug use and in the identification of opportunities for cost management of drugs. Steps followed….

Advice (SOA): Financial Planning
Purpose of this document is to prepare a statement of advice (SOA) on the financial planning for David Smith and Brenda Smith to achieve their financial goals. The advice is to communicate important information to clients in order to make informed decision about their financial portfolios. This document is a Statement of Advice or 'SOA' used to explain my advice, and highlights the important points. Please, be sure to read all sections of the SOA.

Summary of my Advice

I recommend that you sell your shares and reinvest the funds in the managed funds, which will assist you to get a return between $17,000 and $29,000 a year. Moreover, I recommend that you invest 60% of your superannuation in the managed funds. I carefully choose the categories of the managed funds that you could invest your money. Based on my recommendation, you are likely to get returns of….

Long-Term Financial Planning
FedEx Corporation

FedEx Corporation was established in 1971 and the company has four distinct business segments that include FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Office and FedEx Freight. Over the years, the company has obtained 6-year of CAG (compounded annual growth of 5%). However, the company is likely to obtain similar CAG of 5.9% over the next 8 years based on current economic environment. (FedEx Corporation .2010.

The WACC (weighted average cost of capital) is the average interest rate that a company should pay in order to secure a project. Moreover, WACC is the average rate of return that a company must earn from its current assets to satisfy investors, shareholders and creditors. Since FedEx Corporation is always trying to create value for shareholders, the paper calculates the WACC of the FedEx to evaluate the company ability to generate returns from its assets.

Estimation of WACC of the Company

The WACC of the….

I. Introduction
- Introduce the topic of summer vacations and the importance of planning ahead
- Provide a brief overview of the key points that will be discussed in the essay

II. Travel plans
- Discuss the destination for the summer vacation, such as a beach resort or a mountain retreat
- Mention any specific activities or attractions that are planned for the trip
- Explain why this destination was chosen and why it is an ideal choice for a vacation

III. Relaxation and downtime
- Outline plans for relaxation and downtime during the summer vacation
- Mention activities such as reading, spending time outdoors, or catching up on....

Principles of Business Essay Topics

Ethics and Social Responsibility

The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation

Leadership and Management

Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....

Planning for the Future: Lessons from the Headlines

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, and environmental challenges, effective planning has become more essential than ever. The news headlines are replete with stories that highlight the importance of foresight and adaptability in navigating an increasingly complex world.

Climate Change Adaptation

The devastating effects of climate change are making it imperative for communities and governments to plan for extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and other climate-related risks. The recent floods in Pakistan, which displaced millions of people and caused widespread damage, serve as a sobering reminder of the urgent need....

1. The role of transparency and accountability in local government financial reporting
2. The impact of fiscal decentralization on local government accounting practices
3. Balancing fiscal responsibility and service delivery in local government budgets
4. The challenges of measuring efficiency and effectiveness in local government expenditures
5. The ethical considerations of financial decision-making in local government
6. The role of technology in improving local government financial management
7. The implications of political influence on local government accounting practices
8. The challenges of integrating sustainability goals into local government budgets
9. The importance of citizen engagement in local government financial decision-making

2 Pages
Case Study


Financial Planning in Health Care Organizations 1

Words: 566
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Financial Planning in Health Care Organizations [1: Please note that all sources and facts utilized in this paper are from the customer provided reading material.] Healthcare is on everybody's mind…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Financial Planning for Corporations Is

Words: 4271
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The first advantage is that it is easy. The math associated with the percentage of sales method is very simple to execute. The underlying premise of this method…

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56 Pages
Term Paper


Financial Planning Charting the Course

Words: 15430
Length: 56 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Goal setting works well for simple jobs -- clerks, typists, loggers, and technicians -- but not for complete jobs. Goal setting with jobs in which goals are not easily…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Financial Planning for Retirement Early

Words: 2285
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Finally, one may sell their home to free assets for retirement finances. If one sells the home and moves to a less-expensive residence, one can invest any after-tax…

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3 Pages


Financial Planning Is Something That They Do

Words: 836
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

financial planning is something that they do not take seriously until later on life. Evidence of this can be seen with a survey conducted by They found…

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2 Pages


Financial Planning as Presented by

Words: 722
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

The consideration of after tax returns is also important, because different investments offer different tax rates and these differences can be significant. Interestingly, the author here also does…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Corporate Financial Planning a Big

Words: 1262
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In short, corporate financial planning oversight can be greatly restrained and monopolized if the locus of corporate control is not all that large (Brav, 2009). Macroeconomic Condition Influence Another unquestionable…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Budgeting and Financial Planning Distinctions Between Budgeting

Words: 1094
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Budgeting and Financial Planning Distinctions between budgeting & financial planning. The difference between budgeting and financial planning The difference between budgeting and financial planning Budgeting and financial planning are often used interchangeably in…

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3 Pages


Capital Financing Financial Planning and Working Capital

Words: 950
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Capital Financing Financial planning and working capital management are two processes that enable capital financing in business. Financial planning uses projections and calculations to determine investment requirements where working capital…

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2 Pages
Capstone Project

Business - Management

Finance Long-Term Financial Planning and Nike for

Words: 889
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Finance Long-Term Financial Planning and Nike For any company to be successful it is essential that the company and its' management determine what they are going to do, and how they…

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2 Pages


financial planning and digital literacy for'students

Words: 703
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Identify two new pieces of financial information that you learned about this week that will help you make informed financial decisions about your future and eventual retirement. Personal financial management…

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2 Pages
Business Plan

Accounting / Finance

Financial Planning and External Financing

Words: 490
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Business Plan

ACCOUNTANTS AND FINANCIAL MANAGESAccountants and Financial Managers1. How do accountants and financial managers differ in their use of financial information? Why is cash flow more significant to a financial…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Financial Planning and Management

Words: 1817
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Change Describe the methods that will be used to monitor implementation of your proposed change. The implementation of proposed change needs a systematic method of prioritizing and planning strategies for…

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11 Pages


Advice Soa Financial Planning Purpose of This

Words: 3385
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Advice (SOA): Financial Planning Purpose of this document is to prepare a statement of advice (SOA) on the financial planning for David Smith and Brenda Smith to achieve their…

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4 Pages
Capstone Project


Long-Term Financial Planning FedEx Corporation FedEx Corporation

Words: 1117
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Long-Term Financial Planning FedEx Corporation FedEx Corporation was established in 1971 and the company has four distinct business segments that include FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Office and FedEx Freight. Over…

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