Rachel Carson -- Under The Research Proposal


But true to her style of providing readers with sidebar stories, the eel passes a clay cliff where "the first eels had come in from the sea eons ago" (p. 228). But Carson doesn't just stop there; there are "teeth, bones, and shells" and the "vertebrae of whales" visible on that clay cliff where a warm sea had "overlain all the coastal plain" millions of years ago. Bringing in geology and paleontology to make her story of birds and marine creatures is classic Carson, and it is what makes her among the most respected naturalist writers in American history. Works Cited

Bratton, Susan Power. (2004). Thinking Like a Mackerel: Rachael Carson's...


Ethics & the Environment,
9(1), 1-22.

Carson, Rachel. Under the Sea-Wind: A Naturalist's Picture of Ocean Life. New York:

Oxford University Press, 1952.

New York Times. (1941). A Dramatic Picture of Ocean Life. Retrieved November 15,

2009, from ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

Ouetchenbach, Bernard. (2007). Rachel Louise Carson, American Biologist, In Twentieth

Century American Nature Writers: Prose, Ed, Roger Thompson and J. Scott Bryson,

Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 274.

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Bratton, Susan Power. (2004). Thinking Like a Mackerel: Rachael Carson's Under the Sea-Wind as a Source for a Trans-Ecotonal Sea Ethic. Ethics & the Environment,

9(1), 1-22.

Carson, Rachel. Under the Sea-Wind: A Naturalist's Picture of Ocean Life. New York:

Oxford University Press, 1952.

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