Results Driven Term Paper

¶ … Driven: Leadership Strategy An organization needs implementation of strategy to happen on every level within the company structure in order to function. Factors such as: flexibility, creativity, openness to use of technology and innovations, communication across the organization and talented employees are a must for competitive advantage.

So why is a plan so difficult to implement? Strategy implementation places a huge burden on the shoulders of management as many are not comfortable with the unknown or understand the range of possibility and opportunity. Mukherji explains, "the fast paced and complex environment of business bears little resemblance to the more artificial, organized and simplified world of the MBA" (Mukherji 2001) or in other words, many managers have not been taught how to develop new ways of applying their skills. Much of strategy begins and end with the type of people one surrounds themselves with during the any stage of a...


It is important to have employee buy in. An organization's mission must be uniform and collaborative on all levels. While the leader has people working for him to maintain a level of due diligence, they must also remain loyal. All activities, even e-commerce are tied to this inherent premise of leading by example. A leader's message must be infectious and inspiring. Still if the strategy and its resources are misused, every segment of the company will suffer. Therefore, it is imperative that the leader provides a clear vision and pursues tactical and operational objectives to have a positive effect on the overall strategic outcome (Mukherji 2001).
It is also that imperative that leadership be present at every level within the organization's structure to ensure adequate communication down the line of command. Communication is vital for an organization to remain healthy as with proper communication, information is not…

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Work Cited

Mukherji, J. "Understanding Strategy: Why Is Strategy So Difficult?" Global

Competitiveness January (2001): 1-9.

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