Schizophrenia Causation How Genetics, Brain Term Paper


Much of advice to parents of schizophrenics tended to be judgmental, before the environmental and genetic factors of the illness were known: Theories blaming schizophrenogenic or emotionally withdrawn mothers are now almost totally discredited. What current research attempts to suggest is that "family and environmental stressors -- encompassing very subtle interactions common to many families -- work only in tandem with biological determinants to produce psychosis [and schizophrenia]" (McFarlane 2007). In giving advice to families how to reduce their offspring's stress and tendency to exhibit the disorder, therapists tread a delicate line between advice and blame. Uncontrollable biological genetic and environmental factors and controllable genetic and nurturing factors all seem to play an unclear role in causing the disease to manifest in an individual.

Works Cited

Cocoran, Cheryl, Kristin Cadenhead, & Sophia Vinogradov. (2004). "Schizophrenia

Prevention - Risk Reduction Approaches." Retrieved 24 Jan 2008.


Retrieved 24 Jan 2008 at
McFarlane, William. (11 Dec 2007). "Biosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia." Excerpt from lecture to APA/American Psychiatric Foundation. Retrieved 24 Jan 2008.

Nasar, Sylvia. (2001). A Beautiful Mind. New York: Touchstone.

Spearing, Melissa K. (2002). "Overview of Schizophrenia." NIH Publication No. 02- 3517. Retrieved 24 Jan 2008.

Sullivan, Patrick. (2005). "The Genetics of Schizophrenia." Public Library of Science.

Tienari, M.D., Lyman C. Wynne, & Anneli Sorri. (2004). "Genotype-environment interaction in schizophrenia-spectrum disorder." The British Journal of Psychiatry.184: 216-222.

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Works Cited

Cocoran, Cheryl, Kristin Cadenhead, & Sophia Vinogradov. (2004). "Schizophrenia

Prevention - Risk Reduction Approaches." Retrieved 24 Jan 2008.

Information for Parents: How to Lower Your Child's Risk for Schizophrenia." (2004). Retrieved 24 Jan 2008 at
McFarlane, William. (11 Dec 2007). "Biosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia." Excerpt from lecture to APA/American Psychiatric Foundation. Retrieved 24 Jan 2008.
Spearing, Melissa K. (2002). "Overview of Schizophrenia." NIH Publication No. 02- 3517. Retrieved 24 Jan 2008.
Sullivan, Patrick. (2005). "The Genetics of Schizophrenia." Public Library of Science.

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