Senior Accountant And Future Objectives Essay


Self-Assessment The initial step starts with self-assessment. Various territories of self information are imperative in establishing a framework for a career plan. I initially need to comprehend my particular identity e.g. Am I active or bashful, latent or forceful, mindful or passionate. What's more, I should be clear about my mentalities toward life and work. For instance, an inspirational state of mind about work characterizes who I am and may turn me toward a career that gives the chance to take part in a driving enthusiasm however it would not intrigue somebody for whom work is just a fundamental malevolence to give stability and salary. (Andolsen, 2008).

Using the MBTI personality type analysis, I can determine 4 levels of my personality; namely introversion, sensing Or sensitivity, thinking ability and perception. this can then allow me to determine whether I am logical, practical, adaptable l, observer or a problem-solver, leader or follower, realistic, adventurous, independent and so on.

I, as an accountant and ISTP, Am well on the way to discover fulfilling my goals through utilization of my profundity of focus, dependence on actualities, utilization of rationale and examination, and versatility. ISTPs are found in an assortment of careers, however are frequently found in professions that require intense minded investigative and reasonable methodologies. A hefty portion of these careers are identified with building and creation, while others include giving direct conveyance of arranged administrations. Their peaceful flexibility, practical establishing, and their readiness to basically break down the realities regularly attract them to me where I can adopt a realistic way to deal with critical thinking. I have the tendency to likewise show an extraordinary interest about things, less in a theoretical quest for their importance, however an oddity about how and why they function and about their application (CAP, n.d.).

For me, as an ISTP, the pursuit of employment is a chance to apply my explanatory abilities to the realities of the pursuit of employment. I can even-mindedly assemble data on imminent occupations, and basically take a gander at what I have to make to apply for a showing with regards to or to market them. My capacity to adjust to the requirements existing apart from everything else, go for broke, and contemplate issues is normally conveyed to others amid the pursuit of employment. Potential disadvantages for my personality type, amid the pursuit of employment, incorporate a propensity to concentrate on the prompt present instead of on long haul work arranges, trouble in finishing work undertakings, and putting off settling on occupation choices out of trepidation on the chance that something all the more energizing may come along. Under anxiety, I can feel overpowered as I take part in this procedure, and can profit by checking the certainties and substances of my circumstance. I can likewise profit by considering what is genuinely of worth to me, which gives me the drive to continue on and finish on all parts of the pursuit of employment (CAP, n.d.).

Analyze Opioid pharmaceutical industry

Opioids are naturally occuring sedatives and semi-engineered drugs that are utilized to treat moderate to extreme agony created because of different physical conditions (PMR, 2016).

When analyzing the opioid pharmaceutical industry, we see that the Key players in the worldwide opioids business sector are Pfizer Inc., Purdue Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Actavis Plc., Sanofi, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. furthermore, Egalet. These organizations are searching for more success within the overall industry with the assistance of item dispatch in Abuse Deterrent Formulations (ADF). Additionally, significant players are concentrating on Asia Pacific district particularly in Australia inferable from adaptable regulation for opium development. (PMR, 2016). Be that as it may, perpetual reactions, high costs of opioids in developed nations, over the directed opioid remedy environment in Asia Pacific and constrained accessibility in Asia Pacific, Africa and some parts of Europe are bound to ruin the development of the opioids market (PMR, 2016).

Drug Abuse Epidemic

More individuals passed away due to medication overdoses in 2014 than in any year on record which led to this drugs epidemic. The lion's share of medication overdose passings (more than six out of ten) includes an opioid. Furthermore, since 1999, the rate of overdose passings including opioids (counting solution opioid pain relievers and heroin) almost quadrupled. From 2000 to 2014 almost a large portion of a million individuals died from medication overdoses. (CDC, 2016).

Government role or interest in dealing with the issue

The government has dealt with this issue by involving national bodies. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) proceeds...


There is no doubt that opioids, as other endorsed pharmaceuticals, do show risks to health yet they are additionally capable clinical apparatuses for the treatment of agony or pain (Volkow, 2015).
Future of opioid medicine industry

Misuse impediment innovations are an essential stride in the right heading for the future of the opioid industry. They are a piece of the solution, yet they're not the entire arrangement. The general well-being objective is to provide sheltered, powerful, and reasonable access to opioid pain alleviation. Dynamic associations between scholastics, designers, payers, patients, and doctors are essential for it's success in the future. (PITTS, 2016).

Elite Pharmaceutical

Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a claim to fame pharmaceutical organization building up a pipeline of restrictive pharmacological misuse obstruction opioid items and corner non-specific items. Elite has eight business items right now being sold, a few extra affirmed items pending assembling site exchange and an extra item under audit pending endorsement by the FDA. Elite's lead pipeline items incorporate misuse obstruction opioids using the Company's protected restrictive innovation, and a once-every day opioid (ELTP, n.d.).

Impact of Elite Pharma's abuse deterrent opioid medicine on the industry

Elite pharmaceutical has made it's own impact on the opioid industry. Elite's exclusive misuse obstruction innovation, is a multi-particulate case which contains an opioid agonist notwithstanding naltrexone, an opioid adversary utilized basically as a part of the administration of liquor reliance and opioid reliance. When this item is taken as planned, the naltrexone is intended to go through the body unreleased while the opioid agonist discharges after some time giving restorative pain some form of relief. On the off chance that the multi-particulate globules are smashed or broke down, the opioid foe, naltrexone is intended to discharge. The ingestion of the naltrexone is proposed to hinder the happiness by specially tying to same receptors in the mind as the opioid agonist and along these lines diminishing the impetus for misuse or abuse by recreational medication abusers. Elite' pharmacological way to deal with misuse prevention can be connected to an extensive variety of opioids utilized today as a part of pain administration. (ELTP, n.d.).

Future of Elite Pharma in the opioid medicine industry

The future for Elite pharmaceutical looks very bright. Particularly, the previous year for Elite Pharmaceuticals has been very momentous. While the stock cost has taken financial specialists on somewhat of a crazy ride, the organization's business direction has been outstanding. In the previous year, we have seen various medication trials performed with remarkable results. We have seen the worries already connected with the organization expelled. Inside, the organization has quickly developed. Financials have not been more grounded in numerous years. Actually Elite Pharmaceuticals is ready to make a play for a noteworthy and different offer of the whole $7 billion U.S. opioid market. All inclusive, the pain med business sector is $50 billion. (Stocks, 2015).

5 year plan

Year 1

As a Senior accountant I am at present in an expert's system in registering and business. Hence, as part of my 5-year plan, it is my will to enlist in a one year MBA program in account or quantitative, on the off chance that it is required to accomplish my said objective. The MBA degree's wide educational programs instructs the customer administration and business procedure ideas that will help in occupations that are more equipped towards administration (ABS, n.d.). While it might appear like the field of accounting depends for the most part on my capacity to do the math and complete mathematical statements, it's very essential that I have an astounding handle on an assortment of projects and PC aptitudes all in all. Since so much accounting nowadays depends on particular projects, and the domain of accounting is developing with every day to oblige the rapidly changing scene of advanced business, it's a basic requirement to have strong crucial information of PCs, and also have abilities for working with particular projects, for example, Simply Accounting, or Sage Accpac. PC based accounting has turned into the standard since it's not just more precise and more secure than customary techniques, yet it furnishes working environments with a much more extensive scope of alternatives than conventional, paper-based accounting. There's adequate chance to utilize the information being broke down to produce pie diagrams, charts, year-to-year correlations and a great deal more, with just the snap of…

Sources Used in Documents:


ABS. (n.d.). Accounting Degrees and Certification: What You'll Study in an Accounting Program. Retrieved from All Business Schools:

ALCC. (n.d.). The Importance of Computer Skills in Accounting. Retrieved from Academy of Learning Career College:

Andolsen, A. (2008). Six Steps to your Successful Career Path. Information Management Journal, 56.

CAP. (n.d.). Workplace and Careers. Retrieved from
CDC. (2016, March 14). Understanding the Epidemic. Retrieved from
ELTP. (n.d.). Retrieved from Elite Pharmaceuticals:
Half, R. (2015, August 13). What's Next? Career Development for Senior Accountants. Retrieved from
Hilton, R. (2008). The Strategist: Managerial Accounting: Purpose and Roles. Retrieved from TJMarino:
MS. (n.d.). How to Develop Managerial Skills. Retrieved from
NNCPAS. (n.d.). SENIOR ACCOUNTANT. Retrieved from
PITTS, P. (2016, April 11). New Approaches to Opioids: Conundrum or Opportunity? Retrieved from Morning Consult:
PMR. (2016, January 28). Global Market Study on Opioids: Widespread Usage in Treatment of Cancer to Drive the Growth of Opioids Market During the Forecast Period. Retrieved from Persistence Market Research:
Stocks, M. (2015, January 29). Elite Pharmaceuticals Is Well Positioned To Address $7B Abuse Deterrent Opioid Market. Retrieved from Seeking Alpha:
VA. (n.d.). Accounting Career Paths. Retrieved from Vanguard University:
Volkow, N. D. (2015, May 01). What is the Federal Government Doing to Combat the Opioid Abuse Epidemic? Retrieved from NIDA:

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