Social Issues And The Myth Of Luck Term Paper


Social Issues and the Myth of Luck in "Rocking- Horse Winner" by DH Lawrence Rocking- Horse Winner" is a short story by DH Lawrence that illustrates the importance of social status and the myth of luck in Paul's family, as well as in the society that their family live in. The short story deals with these two important themes, and each theme is dependent on each other, since it is evident, upon reading the text of the short story, that Paul's family heavily depended on luck to maintain the high social status their family enjoys even though they can barely support themselves financially. The story will focus on Paul's struggles as he strive to become a "lucky" individual, driven by the fact that he has to become lucky so that he will be able to generate enough money to give his mother, and to stop the "whispering" of the voices in their home, wherein it seems that there's always the need for money, and this bothers not only Paul, but the other people of the house hold as well. This paper will discuss the various points...


Paul, striving to stop the "unlucky" fate of his family, thought of a way to stop their unfortunate life, and he eventually found solace and "luck" whenever he is on his riding-horse, which, at the course of the story, was the one who brought him luck. Even at the end of his life, as he was dying of brain fever, Paul still sought his mother's approval and confirmation that he indeed, is lucky, despite the unluckiness of his family and the disturbing existence of the "whispering voices" in their house.
The importance of social status is also effectively illustrated in the story thru the character of Paul's mother. In the latter part of the story, it becomes apparent…

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Lawrence, DH E-text of "Rocking- Horse Winner." 12 July 2002

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