Terrorism Terrorist Organizations Have A Thesis

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Terrorist organizations have a wide range of methods and materials at their disposal. First, terrorist organizations depend on technology for communications and organizational management. Terrorist networks are relatively loose because they operate in clandestine and unofficial ways, but the networks are also impressively well-organized partly because of their ability to use technology not just for violence but for operations and communications. Seemingly nonviolent technologies can also be used as weapons: such h as large-scale cyber-terrorism. Terrorist hackers can take down an entire company or even a market. Second, terrorist organizations do rely heavily on weapons technology. The advancements in weapons technology and the availability of weapons-related information both contribute the growing strength of terrorist networks. The main challenge in using advanced weapons technology is that terrorist networks must operate exclusively on a black market. Third, terrorist groups do have access to a number of low-tech weapons of mass destruction that are shockingly easy to execute. Poisoning a water supply with a biological agent is a sure way to kill large numbers of people relatively easily, and the act can be carried out fairly easily too.

The good guys also have a range of tools at their disposal and have several distinct advantages over their terrorist nemeses. For one, the good guys operate in the clear and in the white market: their weapons acquisitions are generally above board and so are their diplomatic ties. Also, the good guys have stronger and more reliable allies and similarly stronger and more reliable sources of information and finance. Terrorist networks are tenuous because their members are criminal in nature, and the possibility of defection or treachery is high. The good guys also have access to better technological tools than the terrorists. A bigger budget, access to the world's best scientists and engineers, and a solid, organized, cohesive military ensures that the good guys are always at an advantage even if the terrorists win small battles such as 9/11. Stopping the bad guys involves nonviolent technological tools too. Just as the terrorists depend on skillful use of communications technologies, the good guys also need advanced online and secure networks as well as software applications that enhance surveillance, intelligence gathering, and military action.

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