Time Management At Rescare Inc. The Time Essay


Time Management At ResCare Inc. The time consumed between the auditing processes and conducting training is substantial. This time could be used more efficiently and there are opportunities to reduce the time frame between those two processes. There are methods that can be used to manage and reduce this time which fall under the realm of time managing process. Time management is processes of planning, creating awareness, and harnessing control over the amount of time spent on specific activities to increase the overall level of efficiency and effectiveness. Some of the more popular types of time management concepts are: The ABC analysis, Pareto analysis, The Eisenhower Method, and POSEC method.

The ABC analysis approach is a technique that organizes activities based on their priority and importance. The "A" category of tasks are those that are perceived as being the most urgent and important while the "B" tasks are important but not as urgent and the "C" category consists of items that are neither urgent or important (Babakhanlou, Behzadiohar, Kurnik, Rousta, & Zand, 2009). Simply categorizing different tasks based on these criteria can be very useful to ResCare Inc. because it allows them to focus on the most important and urgent tasks first. The Pareto analysis also prioritizes tasks by their importance but views this problem from a slightly different perspective. This rule states that eighty percent of the tasks can be performed by twenty percent of the disposable time available.

The Eisenhower Method is also a framework that also organizes tasks based on their importance and urgency and allows organizations to rate these tasks on a matrix. The POSEC model is an acronym that stands for prioritize by organizing, streamlining, economizing and contributing. As a consequence of all these models, organizations have many options to focus on the most important organizational functions first and find alternate ways to expedite the less important...


There are many models that can be used to meet these objectives and also many metrics that can be formed to monitor quality. There are also several tools that can be consistently engaged to minimize the chances of such a problem occurring in the future. In many cases simple tools such as scatterplots, control charts, flow charts, histograms and many others can help organizations find the root of the quality problem quickly.
Figure 1 -- Example of a Histogram (IMF, n.d.)

Not only can statistical tools be used to help troubleshoot problems related to organizational issues, but they can also be used as part of a more comprehensive Total Quality Management (TQM) approach. The goal of this approach is to foster improvements on a continual basis. Another tool is to construct dashboards that give quick insights to the efficiency and effectiveness of various important processes. These dashboards can represent a wide selection of different metrics or specific information and must be constructed to fit the organization. Once the dashboard is constructed it for organizational tasks they can offer reliable insights to the current state of the organization (Malik, 2007).

Training Effectiveness

Another factor that should be considered is training effectiveness. All training programs are definitely not created equally and the organization can optimize their training effectiveness. There are surpluses of various training techniques available and many offer mixed results in terms of their effectiveness. Some of the different training formats include three day workshops, online courses, on-the-job training, traditional education methods, and many others as well. It is necessary for the organization to stay informed as the advances made…

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Babakhanlou, H., Behzadiohar, N., Kurnik, F., Rousta, H., & Zand, H. (2009, December). Time Management. Retrieved from Universtiy of California: http://zetilyan.com/hagint/Final%20E-Book/Assignments/Research%20Assignment%203/Time_Management.pdf

Benta, D. (2011). On Best Practices for Risk Management in Complex Projects. Informatica Economica, 142-152.

Buggey, T. (2007). Storyboard for Ivan's morning routine. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 151.

Hollmann, J. (2009). Recommended Practices for Risk Analysis and Cost Contingency Estimating. AACE International Transactions, 1-14.
IMF. (n.d.). TQM Tools. Retrieved from Institute for Manufacturing: http://www.ifm.eng.cam.ac.uk/dstools/represent/tqm.html
Malik, S. (2007, May 2). Creating Departmental Dashboards. Retrieved from Dashboard Insight: http://www.dashboardinsight.com/articles/digital-dashboards/building-dashboards/departmental-dashboards.aspx
Min, Z. (2010, June 28). Main theories in Training Transfer (2) -- E.F. Holton & R. Bates's Learning Transfer System Inventory. Retrieved October 15, 2011, from http://sinau.me/zhumin/2010/06/28/main-theories-in-training-transfer-2-e-f-holton-r-batess-learning-transfer-system-inventory-2/

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